Hi, all!
Do you remember the original Blues Brothers' movie, where they had to perform in a country and western bar? That's kind of what I feel like - rollin', rollin', rollin... keep those doggies rollin'... It's been a week of keeping things rolling - and it feels good! So let's see how last week's list went...
1. Make a quilt back for the Have Faith quilt.
2. Quilt the Have Faith quilt.
Done! And I love love love this quilt! Such a simple pattern, but it turns out looking much more difficult. This one will be going to Emily for Happy Chemo.
Done! And I love love love this quilt! Such a simple pattern, but it turns out looking much more difficult. This one will be going to Emily for Happy Chemo.
3. Quilt the first (of many) teacher quilts.
Done - unfortunately, the only pic I have is while it was on the frame - but it's a pretty little quilt!
Done - unfortunately, the only pic I have is while it was on the frame - but it's a pretty little quilt!
4. Start the prototype for the 12 Days of Christmas in July (12DCIJ) quilt-along quilt.
Done! Not only is it cut out, but the top is finished! Here's a peek at all the pieces, just to tease you...
Done! Not only is it cut out, but the top is finished! Here's a peek at all the pieces, just to tease you...
5. Keep working on the reclamation and reconstruction of my friend's turtle quilt.
In progress! I've turned all the sets of four turtles into four separate turtles, because all of the 4-patch blocks were different sizes and also seldom actually rectangular. Next I'll work on determining a size for each turtle block, and repairing the ones that are damaged.

6. Keep working on setting up this year's 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop! (If you are interested in participating, send me an email at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com.)
Done! Info has been sent out to the bloggers who have indicated they want to participate this year, and we'll be working schedules soon! It's gonna be AWESOME!! (Note: if you told me you want to be part and DIDN'T get an email from me this week, let me know - I may have lost track of you and don't want to leave you out!)
7. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done. This quilt went to a couple who lost their newborn son...
...and this quilt, unfortunately, went to a couple who lost their grown son. It's been tough week.
This quilt went to a gentleman who lost a kidney to cancer.
So that was last week. It felt good to work on some different things, and I'm excited about new projects! Here's what's on the horizon for this week...
1. Start rebuilding the turtle quilt.
2. Write the pattern for the 12DCIJ quilt.
3. Using that pattern, cut out another in a different color way.
4. Finish up the pillowcase dresses for the Haiti mission trip.
5. Quilt two high school quilts for the ministry.
6. Quilt a top for a friend.
7. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Definitely enough to keep me out of trouble - especially since I am going with my grandkids to the zoo tomorrow (they are out of school for Election Day) and then to visitation in the afternoon. Plenty of time for sewing later in the week, but the grandkids are only little once! It's hard to believe the youngest is already six - where does the time go?
So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?