Friday, April 13, 2018

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Hugs and Kisses...

Hi, all!

Wow, it's Friday again!  And not only Friday, but the beginning of a week at the beach for me - definitely whoop-worthy!  I'm sure you've got things to whoop about too, so let's get right down to it!


A few years ago, my friend contacted me about making a quilt for her first granddaughter, and we had a lot of fun creating a special quilt for Sadie.  I was overjoyed when she contacted me recently to make a quilt for her second granddaughter!  She picked out a great kit from Hawthorne Threads, using Maureen Cracknell's Love Story collection.  The pattern is called X's and O's, and is available for free on the Art Gallery Fabric website - although there are mistakes in the pattern, so if you choose to download it, check with me for the corrections!

These fabrics are so sweet - sort of old fashioned, but with a modern twist.  The colors are soft and saturated, and they make me smile!

I used a random meander to quilt this up so it would be soft and cuddly...

...and finished it up with a label as requested by my friend - to commemorate this special gift to her granddaughter, Millie.   

My friend has a grandson now, and another grandbaby on the way - looks like there will be a couple more "nana" quilts in my future!!


And here's another HUGE thing worth whooping over - Take a look at the bottom of this post, right under my name.  See that green button?  You can now print out this post as a PDF file if you want!  NOTE:  If you don't see the green button, go up to the top of the post and click on the title - it will open the post as an individual item instead of one of a list of posts, and the button will be at the bottom of the post.  Woohoo!!!!!


So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you - 

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Sorry somehow I posted it twic. Feel free to delete one.

  2. Very nice finish - and such a sweet label on the back! Great to have the PDF button - thank you Sarah!

  3. Such a sweet quilt. Have fun at the beach!!!

  4. I'm happy dancing because I've finished my second quilt for this year for H2H and am ready to mail them. But I need an address for Little Lambs - email or mailing please!

  5. That quilt is beautiful! I love that it looks "old", but it's new.

  6. I hate when patterns are wrong - it's why I make test blocks and read patterns several time. I never cut out a complete project for this reason, also. BUT, it turned out beautifully and happy dance for you.

  7. How beautiful! Great job all sround.

  8. How about whoops whoops? I had a 'crop failure' of sorts in my first attempt to post a thumbnail above. Sorry about that. Thank you for the pretty spring quilt pics, and the linky party.

  9. The quilt is just beautiful Sarah! I hope you told AG about the mistakes... Have FUN at the beach!

  10. Great quilt. I hope you discovered the errors before you put in too much work. I like the pdf button. How did you do that?

  11. Love the X and O's quilt. Lucky Beach weather, we got snow again or still. 167 days and counting with below freezing at night, new record.

  12. Lovely quilt! Enjoy your beach time :)

  13. Thank you for the pdf button! Wish everybody had one!

  14. Oh, so pretty! I love the old and new combination of this quilt!


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