Hi, all!
Welcome to November! It is definitely feeling fall-like around here - the temps have dropped into the upper fifties and lower sixties, and maybe just maybe we'll get a freeze soon that will kill the dad-blasted ragweed! I hope your Halloween was full of fun and candy - we had some of the cutest little trick-or-treaters I've ever seen and gave away scads of candy. I sure feel sorry for their teachers today!
Jake and Jack made a re-appearance on our front porch this year, exhibiting their baking and candy-making skills - because Life Was Good, But Candy Is Better!
It was a good week around here, with lots of sewing going on! Here's how last week's list went...
1. Make the last of the Endless Summer blocks.
2. Assemble the Endless Summer quilt top.
Done! I'm so happy to have this top finished, but now I need to find a backing for it so it can REALLY be done!
3. Quilt the spool quilt.
Done! This was definitely a "squirrel" - but I like it!
When I posted this picture on Instagram, I got lots of requests for a full shot of the back, so here it is!
I don't know the name of the fabric (another question from Instagram) so if anyone does know, chime up in the comments!
4. Quilt a ministry quilt.
Done! This batik top was donated to the ministry - isn't it pretty?
5. Start working on the kaleidoscope quilt WIP.
I didn't get to this, and it's going to have to take a back burner for a week or two. A new project has come up (surprise surprise!)
6. Work on the new scrappy project and post about it on Wednesday.
I made good progress on this, cutting up an enormous number of squares from those men's shirts. This is way more than I will need for what I have in mind, but I'm sure they'll get used up sooner or later!
So all in all, a very productive week! I've managed to finish all my second quarter WIPS-Be-Gone goals, which is good, because as I said, a new project has come up that I need to spend some serious time on. So here's what I'll be working on this week...
1. Work on eight more pillow covers that will be Christmas gifts.
2. Find a back for the Endless Summer quilt top.
3. Cut some white and beige men's shirts into 2.5" strips for the Gratitude project.
4. Pack for a trip!
5. Clean up the house so the house sitter doesn't run away screaming!
Yes, next week will be an exciting week - we are going to New York City for a fun trip, and we're taking Lilli, our almost 14 year old granddaughter, with us! I can't wait to see NYC through her "first-time" eyes! We have plans to go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, the 9/11 Museum, the Met, the Museum of Natural History, the Guggenheim, and the Empire State Building during the days, and a couple of Broadway shows in the evening. Plus, I think Lilli has several bakeries on her list of places she wants to see! It's going to be a jam packed few days, but we will have so much fun, and hopefully I'll remember to take lots of pictures.
That means, though, that I won't be posting next Monday, but I'll be back in two weeks with a report on my progress.
So now I only have one question - - - what are YOU working on this week?