Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hands2Help - Show Off Your Quilts!!

Hi, all!

Wow - it's finally here!  The last week of the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge!!  First of all, let me tell you all that I am so appreciative of your response to the Challenge this year - we had 57 people sign up, and I've already received thirteen quilts for the NOLA Project, and I believe Emily has already received close to a dozen for Happy Chemo!  And that's before the challenge has officially ended.....  You ladies are amazing!!!!

And a reminder - the linky for the end of challenge link-up will remain open until next Saturday night (June 2nd) at midnight, so if you meant to participate, but never got around to it, there's still time if you work fast!  Maybe you've got a quilt nearly finished, sitting in that UFO stack that makes you feel guilty.......  ;-)   You can read the details of the challenge here, or you can e-mail me directly at for more info.

Next Sunday I'll announce the winners of the giveaways, drawn from the people who link up to this week's linky party.  You get one entry for each quilt you send in for the challenge, so be sure to show them all!  You only have to do one blog post, though - I'll check your post to see how many entries you get if you don't want to link up each quilt separately.  (You can link up several times if you choose to do so!)  If you have trouble linking up, or if you don't have a blog, send me a picture of your quilt or a link to your blog and I'll link up for you.  We don't want anyone missing out on the party!


And now, even though I don't get to participate in the giveaways, I want to show you the quilt I created for the Challenge.  This quilt will be going to Emily for her Happy Chemo collection...

Bright colors and a simple design hopefully will make someone feel much more cheerful about their chemo experience...

Here's a full picture of the front of the quilt...

...and one of the back - don't you just love those flamingos?

So Emily, be watching for a package coming your way, this one along with Laurel's quilt and Sandra's quilt!


And now it's your turn!!  Please show us the quilt or quilts you created for the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge, and be sure to tell where it's going - Happy Chemo or the NOLA Project!!  Remember, you have until next Saturday, June 2nd, 
at midnight to link up!!

And again, thank you all for participating and being such kind and generous quilters!!  And sponsors, thanks again to you for providing a wonderful way to way thank you!

I can't wait to see all your quilts!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your quilt is beautiful. So colorful!

  2. Thanks for hosting this, Sarah! I love your quilt, those bright colors will definitely make someone smile.

  3. Due to computer problems - no link up for me. But 2 quilts sent for Happy Chemo and 2 quilts sent for NOLA - all 4 quilts have been received.

  4. Hi Sarah
    I just linked to my blog post that has both quilts on it. Is that ok or do I need to do a seperate post for each quilt?
    Thanks, Ann

  5. Beautiful as always! Thanks again for hosting this wonderful event. Perfect! Hugs.

  6. I linked to a former post. My quilt as I neglected to post, is for Happy Chemo. Thanks for sponsoring this event!

  7. It is so wonderful to look at all the quilts these very generous people have made. Thank you for doing this. I think I will start earlier for next year since I am so inspired.

  8. LOVELY quilts ! I can't seem to link up ; the linky do appears to be hosed up ! :( will try later ....

  9. Oops. I couldn't get my image to come out so I tried it again. Now I have to link-ups with no photo :(

  10. I'm about halfway finished with the quilting on mine, so I'll link up after I get it finished. Looking good so far! :)

  11. WooHoo! Finally finished the quilt and sent it out in the mail today! I am proud of it!

  12. What beautiful quilts! I can wait to visit each blog & see them all!

    You've done an awesome job organizing this awesome outpouring of love & quilts!

  13. Hi Sarah. My quilt (#55 in the link-up) will be for NOLA. Can you e-mail your address to me so that I can get it in the mail to you on Monday? Thanks!

  14. Sorry I didn't get my post written and up before now ... have been stressing about uni all month, and this weekend (when I planned to do it), I've been sick in bed with a sore throat and headache/migraine (depends on if the pain medication decides to work!!). Even if I'm not included in the 'finished' quilts lot, since I didn't link up in time, I wanted the ladies to be able to see that I DID full fill my obligations to this challenge ... I did make a quilt ... and for them to hear about the charity I'm giving it to (Aussie Hero Quilts) ... Aussie here!

    My quilt post link can be found here :

    Congratulations to all the other women who've successfully made all these gorgeous quilts!! I just KNOW the recipients will cherish them for life!!! <3

  15. Hi Sarah, my quilt, #62, is for Happy Chemo. Thanks so much for hosting this! :)


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