Friday, May 18, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Finally Firing Up Jolene...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on??  I hope so - I can't wait to see what everyone's been working on!

I am very happy to say that I finally got the new long arm quilter up and running!  Oh, and by the way, I think her name is Jolene....  a friend suggested that name and now every time I use her, I can't get that song out of my head!!  It does seem to fit her...

So anyway, Thursday I managed to get two new quilts finished for the quilt ministry - the one above, another postage stamp quilt in batiks, and this one...

...a sweet, bright quilt for a little 7 year old girl who's very sick right now.  I'll share more about the stories of these quilts next Wednesday in the ministry update blogpost.

But it felt really good to finish a couple of quilts AND to have such a great time working with the new quilting machine!

So that's my whoop whoop for the week!

What have you been working on?

Link up and share with us!!
We want to cheer you on!

The linky will stay open until Sunday night...



PS Remember to check out the Bloggers' Quilt Festival, which starts today!!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Congratulations on getting Jolene up and running! That should really make things easier for you!

  2. Yes, congratulations on getting Jolene up and running ... that's a fabulous name by the way!!! ... My whoop whoop would be buying my first size 14 ( dress in YEARS!!! I thought, what the heck, let's try it ... and the zipper came ALL THE WAY UP!!! WOW!!! ... I still have a little more to lose for it to fit nicely (a little snug), but the zip goes all the way up, I can sit down in it comfortably ... and the price was 75% off!!! Woowoo!!!

  3. So-o-o-o happy for you and Jolene! Lovely first quilts with her help!

  4. YAY Larissa!

    Congrats on the new machine & your quilting. Those perfect points on the batik quilt...oh my!

  5. I thought of that song as I heard your long arm quilters name. Looks like she's off to a good start.

  6. Such lovely quilts! And so happy to hear about your new machine....Jolene!

  7. As soon as I read the name Jolene- the song started up in my brain! Enjoy your new machine!

  8. Well now I'm singing it, too, LOL. The two of you do beautiful work!

  9. Yep, I'm singing along with Jolene now too! I like the name. Remember Gene, Gene, the Dancing Machine? Jolene, Jolene the Quilting Machine? okay, maybe not...

    Cheery quilts!

  10. Jolene does beautiful work :) I just got a new friend- Sherman my new brother sewing machine- gonna keep him busy this weekend

  11. I love your batik postage stamp quilt! The colors are just amazing together! Sorry about my double link up! I got an error message, checked that I hadn't linked up yet, and then of course it got added twice. Please feel free to delete! I should stick to quilting and not electronics...

  12. Jolene, huh? I am assuming it is the song by Dolly Parton?

    I finally have a Whoop Whoop!

  13. whoop whoop!

    i have some unfinished quilt tops and backs if you guys are interested? baby quilt size. I was going to give them to project linus if not. And I still have a HUGE box of fabric to send you for your ministry. Next week.


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