Friday, May 11, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? No Sewing For Me This Week...

Hi, all!

Well, another Friday is here - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  It's been a very busy week for me - moving all the quilt ministry supplies from my house to the church and organizing our new space there - but I've been showing you pictures all week of that and I'm sure you're bored with it!  I'm hoping to get to some sewing this weekend, though....

And I have a sewing machine just like this one!

So what have you been working on this week?  Time to show it off!  Link up with the party, check out some of the other links and share some love!!!  The linky party will stay open until Sunday night.....

Be there or be square!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Hi Sarah -- I hope you are enjoying your new long arm!! Have you named her yet? I still don't have a name for mine -- but sometimes we need to get to know them first before the name comes along.

  2. Must go back & check out your new digs! Congrats on having a new space!

    Your linky is really taking off! 9am & I am #22~whoop whoop!

  3. New space? Didn't know you were moving out of the old one!

    That is a darling pic btw;)

  4. I have a machine like the one in the picture too! I was my husbands grandmothers.

  5. Hi Sarah, is it OK to link up to my post about my jewelry shop closing? If not, ok to delete my link.


  6. Love that picture. The little girl looks so intense. I wish my girls had an even a little interest.

  7. No sewing for me! But it's supposed to rain tomorrow so that's a good reason to stay in and sew. My machine looks like the one in the photo but it's got a knee lever. Have a Happy Mothers Day!

  8. Wow, the new place looks awesome and really you need to name your new baby. Mine is named April. All my girls (the real girls) start with A, and they don't think it's very funny that April and Amanda have names that start with A :) Ya just gotta love kids.

  9. well, I'm hiding, red-faced, under a table. So far, I have not gotten Ida going to get that last week's top done. But, your Friday's "Whoop-Whoop"...has me motivated to make BIG-HUGE efforts today to make IT happen.

    thanks for doing this...Sarah. =)



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