Friday, August 3, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Orange You Glad!!

Hi, all!!

Friday is here - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?? I know I am!!

I've got several things I want to whoop about this week - first of all, I put the borders on my vacation quilt, and it's ready to show off!

I love this quilt so much - lots of oranges from Kate Spain (Fandango, Central Park, Terrain, and Serenade) and some Chrysalis - all blended together using Jamie's wonderful design, Blue Me Away!  I'm calling this one Orange You Glad.  One picture just didn't do it justice - so you'll have to put up with three!!

And here's my second whoop....

This huge stack of men's workshirts (28 of them)...

...needed this patch sewn on.  Fortunately Emmy spent a large part of the day Wednesday looking like this...

Don't you love the soul patch? I was able to get them all finished!!  Whoop whoop!!

And as promised, here's the best thing that happened this week - and you can see it too!  This video shows Emmalyn hearing her mom and dad's voices for the very first time, as she gets her hearing aids!  She was born totally deaf in her right ear, and mostly deaf in her left ear - but look at the expression on her face as she hears for the first time!!

EmmalynHears from Nancy Cornwell on Vimeo.


And now it's your turn!

What's made you give a big whoop this week?

A start, a finish, a clean sewing studio?

A baby's smile or a child's first day at school?

Share with us!!  We want to whoop too!!

The linky will stay open until Sunday night - 
Come join in the fun!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Wow, that quilt top is amazing. Love the diamond shaped centre. Whoop Whoop!
    Best wishes

  2. I LOVE the orange quilt!! It would look great in my craft room! :) And the video is so sweet! Brought tears to my eyes!! :)

  3. Sarah, you're quilt is just gorgeous!!! I love orange and Jamie's design just makes them all pop deliciously :*) Great job!!!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing that wonderful moment with Emmalyn! Wonderful, simply wonderful! What a sweetie!

    Love the orange totally says Vacation!

  5. Priceless video! Her smile is so sweet . For sure a whoop whoop moment for her! Love all the pinwheels on your orange quilt. I want an orange quilt. Someday : )

  6. What a miracle shared in such an amazingly touching video! Thanks for sharing. Happiness!

  7. Love your orange quilt! It is gorgeous! Priceless video!

  8. Whoop, Whoop!! Yes - it looks marvelous with its border. :D

  9. That quilt is beautiful!

    But that video. Oh my, I almost started to cry. It is so sweet! I'm so glad that they were able to help her hear! She's too cute!

  10. Your quilt is gorgeous but Miss Emmalyn steals the show. I was crying happy tears when I watched that video. She's so precious to begin with but those smiles when she heard Mommy and Daddy... priceless!

  11. Love your vacation quilt. About signing, I have a copy of Sesame Street Sign Language Fun from years ago. It is great for teaching sign language to children (and adults). My (new) stepsister was the main sign interpreter at our church when we were growing up. She recommend this book to me years ago, when my kids were little. A great way to teach big sis to sign at the same time.

  12. Great quilt...I love all Kate Spain's fabrics!

    What a beautiful video!

  13. Oh, Sarah! This brought tears to my eyes! How sweet she is and how wonderful that she was born in a time when technology can help her hear!

  14. Wow! I LOVE the Orange You Glad quilt!!! And what a wonderful video!

  15. Your pinwheel quilt turned out beautifully.
    So happy for Emmalyn. Such a sweet video thanks for sharing.

  16. I'm so glad for Emmalyn. What a wonderful blessing to be able to hear.

  17. Congratulations to your granddaughter! That's wonderful!

  18. It's not fair to your gorgeous orange awesomeness to follow up with that video of your sweet grandbaby. Both are whoop whoopable, but that baby girl takes the cake today. I get the biggest, goofiest grin watching her face, and your daughter's face as well. What a precious moment!

  19. Whoop whoop on your holiday quilt and best wishes to your little grandchild Emmalyn. What a blessing modern medicine sometimes is! And thanks for sharing this personal moment with us! The lucky expression on your daughter's face even outdid her baby's astonishment ;o)))

  20. Oh, wow! So glad to have gotten to view that view. So happy for sweet Emmalyn! That certainly has to top off the week!

  21. I meant view that video! I guess I had a hard time seeing through my tears!

  22. Thankyou for sharing the video with us it is so precious and so are her smiles. Modern medicine brings us marvelous things.
    I loved your beautiful orange quilt.
    My grandson told me today he could see something twirling in the floor and it was the reflection of the ceiling fan. It makes us realize that he is seeing some. Blessings Sandra

  23. That video is just precious! It made me smile and choke up at the same time.

    LOVE the vacation quilt! Such a gorgeous color.

  24. What a new and fabulous world, she will be experiencing. The Lord is so wonderful. Not very many other posts could top your Whoop! Whoop! The quilt is beautiful, also.

  25. I am so happy for your family that the adorable Emmalynn will now get to hear everything! She is so cute! Your quilt is great, too. Love the orange.

  26. Hi Sarah,
    Your quilt is gorgeous, but the video of sweet Emmy stole my heart.

    May God bless her with sweet sounds.

  27. Such a precious moment, Sarah. Not much could out whoop that!

  28. I love your orange quilt. Emmalyn is so adorable.

  29. Thank you for allowing us to share Emmalyn's magic moment!

  30. The orange looks great with white!! I'm wishing I made my orange quilt with white instead of khaki...darn it!

  31. Love the video. You can see the joy on her face. I hope everything goes well.

  32. Thank you so much for sharing both the beautiful orange Quilt, which I am totally in love with, and the wonderful video! Whoop Whoop

  33. I linked to your blog from another blog- you know how that goes when you surf around! I'm going to subscribe now!

    I LOVED the video of your precious daughter! I work in Special Education and those are the moments that make it all worthwhile to see the smiles! God Bless your family!

    And the orange quilt is lovely too- my favorite color!

  34. Catching up on my blog reading and I love all of your finishes, like always...but the video? Amazing!!!!!


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