Friday, February 15, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Finally....

Hi, all!

Howtheheck did Friday get here so fast?  Winter is supposed to be the slow time of year - but it just seems to be flying by!  Oh well - I hope you're ready to get your whoop whoop on!  I'm close, but my whoop whoop will have to be for progress, not a finish!

First of all, though, here's why I don't have much to show this week...  Lilli and I did a lot of this..

  ...which resulted in this...

(over and over again!)

And Emmy spent a lot of her time doing this...

  ...and this...

...and crawling EVERYWHERE!  Usually somewhere that she wasn't supposed to be, so I spent a lot of time chasing her down, picking her up, moving her to another part of the room, and being blessed out for taking her from where she wanted to be!

But in between all of that, I did manage to make this computer sleeve for a friend...

... and I FINALLY got most of the way finished with the messenger bag for my niece!!

No pics of the inside because I haven't quite finished it yet!

(That was supposed to be today's project during naptime,
but SOMEONE (very short) didn't think she needed a nap today....)

So that's what I'm whooping about this week!


And now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week?

What's made you dance a happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance with you!!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish...

And the party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Be there or be square!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your girls are so sweet and growing up fast.

  2. I see that Lilli and quilting has a big future. Emmy is at the best stage, at this point they are everywhere in a minute and find anything and everything on the floor. Love the computer sleeve, I have been wanting to make one for my IPAD.

  3. Heee :) Don't you worry - you get a whole lot more finished around your young'ns than I ever did! Love that messenger bag. . .

  4. My kids had those when they were little. They are a great toy. Love the fabrics you choose for the computer cover and messenger bag

  5. All that playing and chasing after and you still have things to show for the week. You are amazing! Love the bag and the sleeve!

  6. I've been babysitting granddaughter as well and can relate to "getting into everything". I get VERY little done on the days she's here. How often do you have the girls?

  7. They're both so beautiful, though I remember those days well. The fact that you found any time to sew is amazing! I love that messenger bag. It looks like a great size. Did you use a pattern?

  8. Love the messenger bag - looking forward to seeing the inside :)

    Whoop, Whoop!

  9. It is impressive you got any sewing done at all! I am sure the girls are having fun spending time with you. Love the projects, nice to take a break from quilts :-)

  10. LOVE the fabric you used for the messenger bag! Love it! And the computer case is really nice too.

    Your short people are very cute! You totally deserve a whoop, whoop!

    xo -E


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