Monday, February 25, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - Having Fun, Making Progress!

Hi, all!

Are you ready for spring?  I see all the reports of massive snow storms across the country and spend a few moments thinking how nice it would be to be snowed in - and then I come to my senses and realize that it's much better for me not to be!  But knowing that you can't go out and can have the freedom to take a sewing day must be fun.  Kind of a stolen pleasure!

Well, back to reality.  I did work on my list this week, so let's see how it went...

1.  Mail the messenger bag to my niece!
Mailed and received!  She was very happy - although I think the chocolate might have had something to do with that, too!

2.  Finish the binding on two ministry quilts.

3.  Piece together a black and white ministry quilt.
Done!  I'm really happy with how this one has turned out...

Here's a sneak peek - I'll show more on Wednesday!

4.  Sew together the quilt top that's on the design wall.
Done!  But I don't have a photo of the finished top yet...

5.  Quilt the three tops for the shop.
I didn't get to this one - too many ministry needs this week!

6.  Put together some pin cushion kits for quick pick-up work.
I didn't make any kits, but I did order some paper piecing templates and made up a few more pin cushions...

7.  Work on altering a hand-pieced quilt top for a friend.
I didn't get to this one either...

8.  Deal with any other ministry needs that arise.
Done!   But I've still got a couple more to do...

9.  Finish getting the Etsy shop set up.
Nope!  I've still got some quilting to do before I can open shop...

Okay, it appears that I was delusional when I wrote last week's list!  Let's see if I can do better with this week's list...

1.  Quilt a man's quilt for the ministry.

2.  Quilt a baby quilt for the ministry.

3.  Quilt the three quilts for the shop.

4.  Design and make some iPhone sleeves for the shop.

5.  Make some ebook sleeves for the shop.

6.  Keep up with the ministry needs for the week.

7.  Photograph the shop items and write listings for them.

8.  Try to get the shop open!

I'm going to stop there - and try really hard to get to all of that!  My week will be kind of crazy here, because I have the little girls for two full days, as usual, and also a 24-hour (more or less) overnight visit that will take up parts of two other days.  But my husband is going out of town for a few days so I'll have evenings and all day Saturday with no other obligations, so I might be able to get all this done! Now all I need to do is pray for sunshine so I can get good pictures.  It's definitely going to take prayer, though - they are predicting rain until Saturday!

By the way, thanks so much for putting up with my ramblings about what I've done and what I need to do each week - it really does help me finish projects to know that I have to "fess up" when I don't do what I say I will do.  I used to be a chronic starter, but I seldom finished anything.  I'd say that's changed now!

So now the question is - - - - what are you working on this week?




  1. Starting this Thursday through Sunday, is Sew Expo at the Western Washington fairgrounds in Puyallup, WA (dare you to pronounce THAT!). It's the biggest sewing expo west of somewhere (Mississippi? Missouri? Egypt?) One of the big deals there every year is that they collect home made pillow cases for Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma, WA.

    When children check in to the hospital for cancer care, burn care, or any other reason, they get their own pillow case filled with goodies: books, toys, something to make their stay a little less horrible. I think the most # of pillow cases they collected at Sew Expo one year was over 4,000. I made 40 one year but I'm not sure if I'll break that record or not this year.

  2. This week I am working on cleaning and fixing old sewing machines, babysitting one day, and starting the pinwheel quilt top!

  3. All things being well, I'm hoping to put together my blocks from the Something New Sampler. I've planned it all, now to find some time to cut and piece it all together! (I got a bit confused reading the first comment up there, thought the WA meant Western Australia, as a lot of town names there end in 'up', not sure why!)

  4. This week, I've got a UFO to baste/quilt/bind - got it basted today - and the binding to put on a finished quilt. Also I'm letting my mind wander to ways I can approach the tea towel challenge quilt. And of course, work decided to get crazy busy, so that's going to cause some interference.

    I can't believe you used to be a chronic starter, not so much finisher. You certainly have turned that around. Keep doing what you're doing!

  5. I love seeing your lists - I do not feel so alone when I have a long one and I do not get everything done either..... but you really do get A LOT done in a week's time so I hope you do not get too bummed out!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love your lists, too. And she is wishing for snow - I am wishing for Spring! I am actually working on some March projects - how odd is that.

  7. Hi Sarah, I really enjoy your lists :D And also the fact that you do not finish them because that is true for any of us that have such long lists. It makes me feel better about not finishing mine. Mine though at the moment is very short: Quilt the Hawaiian (by hand). It is going to take me at least 10 more weeks and to make things slower I have cut my thumb so bad I wont be able to hold a needle for about a week. the only thing I can do at the moment is knit, sigh!thanks for your blog and the Lord bless you

  8. Sarah you have quite a list of quilts to make! You must be fast! All are so chock full of color and made well. Lots of fortunate people will be receiving your lovelies! I was on staff with a Pregnancy Center ministry for many years. We used to receive wonderful quilts to give to our clients. There is nothing better than a handmade quilt - such treasures!

  9. Make sure you relax,but that can be what quilting is for right lol!! Geesh,anyway enjoy those girls of yours:)

  10. I'm a list maker too. I have 5 customer projects this week. One for each day. So far so good -two down in two days. Good luck with your list!

  11. Can't wait to see all these things you are making for the shop! This week the #1 task is to get a prom dress for my daughter. We have shopped the past two weekends and nothing yet so wish us luck!


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