Monday, February 11, 2013

Make-A-List Monday -

Hi, all!

Wow, last week went by quickly!!  Seems like just a short while ago that I made that monstrous list of things to do... but nope, I checked, and it's been seven days!  I know lots of you have had to deal with lots and lots of snow - hopefully you are all well, warm, and safe.  You've been in my thoughts - sometimes just a little jealous, since we seldom get snow here in my neck of the woods - but I'll settle for our 50 degree weather this week!

Well, enough of that - let's see how I did on last week's list...

1.  Quilt the commission quilt.
Done!  This was fun, even the second time!

2.  Finish the pillow cover.
Done!  I love the way this turned out...

3.  Make the messenger bag.
Not finished, but I'm happy to say that the inside and the flap are assembled, and the outside is ready to be sewn up.  
Woohoo for progress!!

4.  Work on setting up an Etsy shop.
Working on it - but it's complicated, plus I've got to get some stock made up before I open up!  Hope to do that this week...

5.  Work on some spec quilts for the shop.
I did finish one...

...but I'm only going to show you a peek at the quilting right now!  I had a lot of fun doing this - a great design I saw somewhere on the web, but can't remember where - if you know, please tell me!

6.  Make a computer sleeve for a friend.
In progress - it's all cut out, just waiting to be sewn together tomorrow morning!  I've got an extra cut out, too, so I can add it to the shop inventory...

7.  Mail the Leap Year Traveling Stash.
Done!  And Karyn says it arrived just before the storm, so she held on to it to paw over while snowed in!

8.  Work on scrappy trips blocks.
Not a one!  That quilt is looking a lot farther in the future...

9.  Take care of any ministry needs that arise.
Done!  I quilted this baby quilt...

...and made this back...

...for this pretty quilt...

...and quilted this cheery child's quilt!

(I'll share more about these quilts on Wednesday.)

10.  Work with a friend on bags for 
a local foster child ministry. 
(I'll share more about this project soon)
Done!  Here's the bag I've come up with...

...and I'm working on a tutorial for 
those of you who offered to help make bags.  
I should have that ready for Wednesday's blog post too!

Whew!  I feel a lot better about last week's progress now that I see it all in writing - I felt like I was spinning my wheels a lot last week, but apparently I really was getting something done!  Here's what's on my list for this week...

1.  Write a tutorial for the foster kids bag.

2.  Finish the messenger bag.

3.  Finish the computer sleeve, and make one for the shop, too!

4.  Finish getting the Etsy shop set up.

5.  Do two quilt book reviews and write a blogpost.

6.  Take care of any quilt ministry needs that come up.

7.  Put together two more storage cubbies for The Sweatshop.

8.  Make some pin cushions for the shop.

OK - that's enough for one week!  Especially since I've decided to clean up the house for the hubs for Valentine's Day...  no one coming over, just for him!  He won't believe it - the last time I did it, he asked me if my evil twin was planning to stay for a while!  I have the world's greatest hubby - he puts up with a whole lot to let me do my thing quilting and working with the quilt ministry.  I'm a lucky girl!

So now, the question is - - - what are you working on this week?




  1. I scored a big zero on last weeks to do list, so I am carrying the same list over. 1. Finish piecing my quilt top (only have one strip left) and 2. Piece the back. That is going to require me to go to my LQS as I decided to not do a solid back. Wish me luck!

  2. I'm working on more scrappy trip along blocks and I want to make the last 4 great granny square blocks. We have a quilting bee at a friend's house Wed. I would love to learn how to do that quilting on the spec quilt, I think it would look awesome on my scrappy trip along quilt, unless you think that would be too busy?

  3. I finished my February UFO for the 13 UFOs in 2013 at 52quilts in 52 weeks and it was a quickie so I made another project too (this month I made bags!). I'm still finishing off last weeks blocks for the Something New Sampler as one was a cathedral window and I decided to hand stitch it. Now I know how it works I'll be machine stitching for sure! Last two blocks this week!

  4. I love the quilting on the spec quilt. The bubble look is fun with the polka dots.

  5. I'm sure your Hubby thinks he is the lucky one.

  6. I love the cheery girls quilt. Looks like you are going to have a busy week. I am working on the last 28 disappearing 4-patch blocks I need to make and stitching down the binding on a prayer quilt. I hope you have a good rest of the week.

  7. Sarah, you amaze me at your ability to get so much accomplished. I need some of your energy. LOVE that EAT PLAY SLEEP REPEAT quilt. I gotta keep that one on my to-do list.

  8. I have a rail fence quilt that all the blocks are done, and I'm working on putting the row together. I also am starting a T-shirt quilt for my niece. My goal for 2013 is at least one quilt top completed every month. I was on track in January, now just have to push for February. :)


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