Friday, April 4, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? 2! And Giveaway Winners! And A Quilt Top!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again!  Are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I know I am - lots and lots to whoop about this week!  And I'm going to indulge myself a little bit and share my biggest whoop first, before announcing the giveaway winners

Remember this little face?

Day 1...

Day 30...

Her last day of being a baby...

Now a big girl - two years old!

She and her big sister love each other so much!  It's been a day with lots of giggles, donuts for breakfast, birthday cake for supper (an enormous meal in between at Lamberts, the home of "throwed rolls", so no one was hungry enough for dinner - but there's always room for birthday cake!)  Who knew that balloons on the floor could be so much fun?

Happy Birthday, Emmy!!


And now that I've indulged myself, let's see who the winners of the LED sewing machine lights are!! 

Little Miss Random has spoken, and she chose…..


Quilting Tangent said...
Following on bloglovin'.


pizzaeater said...
I am a fallow your blog.


Andrea said...
Since I live in the foothills of the Sierra's I'll say the beach!!! Ocean, lake or river.


Quiltingranny said...
Beach any day of the year even if it is snowing!
I am a follower!

Congratulations, folks!  I'll be contacting you by email sometime today - but if you don't hear from me by Friday noon, you may have been a no-reply blogger.  (There were a bunch of no-reply bloggers that entered this giveaway!)  If so, contact me directly at salliesue (at) clearwire (dot) net.  

If I can't reach any of the winners, and don't hear back from them, I'll put Little Miss Random to work again to choose some new ones.  So chime in if you won!!


And here's my other whoop whoop!

This is what I've been working on all week!  And I finally finished the top this afternoon, just in time to take a picture before the sun went down.

This quilt will be named "Nathanael's Ladder" and will be used as a fund raiser for our future grandson's adoption.  For those of you who are just hearing about this, my daughter and SIL are trying to adopt a Chinese toddler who is profoundly deaf (as is our youngest granddaughter).  We are thinking of raffling off several quilts to help raise the nearly $30,000 needed to bring Nathanael home.  Stay tuned for further details!

And now, something really really special.

The other day I was at my daughter's house, and she said, 

"Hey, take a look at this cute fabric I've had forever…"

and she brought out

two full, uncut yards of….

wait for it….

almost there…

Goldfish in Bags, from Heather Ross's
Lightning Bugs and Other Mysteries
(Long out of print!)

Oh. My. Gosh.

After I picked myself up off the floor..

And petted it for a while

I asked her if she had any idea what it was worth.

Not. A. Clue.

So I told her.

She now thinks she might be able to live without it.

Anyone interested?  She's trying to figure out the best way to sell it - fat quarters, half yards, full yards or 
one gorgeous, glorious, two yard abundance 
of Goldfish in Bags.
Or maybe a raffle - $5 for a chance to have it for yourself?

What do you think?  Interested?

I bet this could help bring Nathanael home!!

Whoop whoop!!


And now it's your turn!

What are you whooping about this week?

What's got you dancing the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance along with you!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish - 
just something that makes you happy!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Maybe I'm too new to quilting but how much is the goldfish fabric worth (and why?)? Love the quilt top you finished!

  2. I wouldn't cut that fabric - sure you can get someone who will take the whole piece. Wow, that two years went by fast! And your auction quilty is just lovely.

  3. Happy Birthday to your beautiful little Grandaughter Sarah! She is gorgeous. I love the fun raiser quilt ...just fabulous. How beautiful to adopt a little soul! Happy to contribute in anyway I can eg raffle, donation etc. Please let me know how? Thank you so much for hosting the linky party. Have a great weekend. Marie (

  4. That is such a lovely quilt top. I'm sure it will be a huge help in bringing your grandson home.

  5. Oh, that fabric.......please update if and when it is up for sale. I have wanted to get my hands on some of this for a while!

  6. Great photos of the little ones - and
    I'd defintiely raffle off the fabric in one piece as I think it would make most that way. I'm sure there are lots and lots of people that would be interested in it.

  7. it sounds like you will be busy with raffles - good luck on all of them. I'm not sure which would raffle better the fabric as a whole piece or cut up

  8. Beautiful girls! I wouldn't cut that fabric, it screams for fussy cutting, unless it was just cut into a yard each.

  9. WOW !!! just ; simply ; WOW !!! Congrats on the big 2 !!! the quilt is gorgeous ; please let us know when tickets will be sold . Don't know anything about the fabric except that it is cute ! :)) NOW , are you at the beach or is this where you live now ???? BLESSINGS to you Sarah and your family !

  10. Ha ha, my finish this week is a Heather Ross MIx (sampler). If you look on ebay, you will find just how much it's going for now. IT"S CRAZY! You can see how you will get the most for your money. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I prefer by the yard or whole! Thank you for the giveaway on the lights, so happy I won!

  12. You know you're a die-hard quilter when you're working at the beach!! Your little granddaughters are just darling.

  13. I always like yardage best, since I buy fabric, THEN figure out what pattern I want to use it with.

  14. Happy Birthday to your little one. So cute!
    Congrats to the winners of the giveaway!
    Beautiful job on the finished quilt.
    Thanks for hosting the party. It's always so fun to see what everyone is doing. :)

  15. My they grow up fast. Both of them are adorable. Love your quilt!

  16. L-O-V-E the quilt!!! As for the fabric, remind your daughter that Mother's Day is coming! :-)

  17. Happy Birthday Emmy!
    Sweet quilt!

  18. good luck with your fabric to decide about.. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter ... Awesome quilt... hope your ears were burning I was talking good stuff about you the other night to a fellow quilter... I am in awe of all you accomplish and have time to share it... and do a Linky! thanks for hosting it and doing all you do! Kathi

  19. I hope all goes well, and quickly, with the adoption. Your quilt is beautiful. The 1 year old I babysit is deaf, but had cochlear implant surgery. It's amazing now to see him learning to process sounds, and even to start imitating us.

  20. Cute girls, lovely quilt, and fabulous beach! Gulf Shores?

  21. Okay, I'll "bite" . . . why are they called 'throwed rolls'?

  22. That fabric is sooo cute. Happy birthday to your granddaughter

  23. Time does fly fast with little ones and the raffle quilt is just fabulous. You KNOW that I'm cheering them on every step of the way until that little one is finally home.

  24. Gorgeous quilt! And the backdrop ... oooooh, marvelous!

    I have to admit ... I've never heard of Goldfish in Bags fabric ... so I haven't a clue why it should be so expensive. ???

  25. oh my gosh! The girls are so adorable - it's wonderful when they're best of friends. And the quilt top is super attractive. I'd sure buy raffle tickets for it. ;D

    If you sell the Heather Ross on ebay or Etsy, you could sell it in 1/2 yd increments, but let people opt for multiples if they want and then cut that amount off.

  26. Such sweeties Grandma! Love that quilt.

  27. I hope you had a great time at the beach. I love the raffle quilt. I will buy a ticket.

  28. I can't believe little Emmy is a "big girl" already. Time flies! Beautiful quilt, Sarah. I love those colors!

  29. Out of curiosity, how much IS goldfish in bags worth? I love how each of the bags has a little name.

  30. That baby, whoops, little toddler is cute beyond measure. Her big sister is right up there with her. The quilt is amazing--I love the pattern and how you put it together. I think a raffle would be great for the fabric and all in one piece.

  31. You are so blessed to have the 2 beautiful princesses in your life. I'm ready for a raffle ticket as soon as you say go.

  32. I just want to thank you so much for the LED's. Right now my machine is at the machine docs getting fixed so when and IF I get her back I will send you photos. It is not good for a charity quilters machine to be ill!


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