Friday, April 18, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Finally Done!

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again! Are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I've got a couple of things I'm really doing the happy dance over this week - so I am ready for my whoop whoops!

First of all, I want to start off with the finished pictures of the quilt I made for a friend just diagnosed with breast cancer

I love the texture the quilting gives this quilt!

And now, the quilt I despaired of ever finishing

My Swoon quilt!!!

This started out as a vacation quilt last summer, but I really didn't enjoy making the blocks so it got shelved as a UFO.  Once I decided to give it away as a wedding present, the deadline made me get to work on it.  Tuesday morning I had two and a half blocks to go, so I buckled down and got them finished - and then put the sashing and borders on too! 

And truthfully, as much as I hated making these blocks, I love the finished top!  I think it may have just been the colors - they really aren't my favorites - so someday I may make another Swoon quilt using colors I love.

So that's my whoop whoop for the week!!   


And now it's your turn!

What's made you dance the happy dance this week?

Share!  We want to dance along with you!

The party will remain open until Sunday night,

So there's plenty of time to join in!

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Good morning Sarah, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to post my link on your blog! I like your quilts, I became a follower of your blog (the last one). Greetings from Greece. Christine

  2. Happy Easter !!from Sweden and Bambi

  3. Happy Easter Sarah to you and the family. So sorry to hear your friend has breast cancer. She will absolutely love your quilt. It is so bright and happy. I love the swoon quilt too! As always, many thanks for hosting the linky. Marie xxx(

  4. Happy Easter Sarah. Sorry to hear about your friend, but I'm sure the quilt will brighten her day. I've loved watching the swoon blocks come together and am so excited to see the finished top. It's absolutely amazing!

  5. Love both of these quilts, but that top one is just so soft and soothing. I know your friend will be comforted by it. I'll keep her in my prayers.

  6. You dance that happy dance Sarah, your two quilts are gorgeous. Still sending best wishes to your friend

  7. I have a half finished Swoon as well

  8. I love both quilts, but!

  9. Good on you for finishing up that UFO. It looks great, and the recipient is bound to love it! The first quilt turned out beautiful, too...looks so soft and comforting...perfect.

  10. Your swoon quilt turned out beautifully! They will love it.

  11. Your Swoon looks lovely. Congrats on finishing it! I too have wondered if mine will ever get done. Oddly, the top is complete, backing ready. I just need to baste and quilt the darn thing!

  12. Both quilts are beautiful. I love the swoon quilt. Those are my colors. It is a wonderful gift.

  13. I love all the quilts and especially the colors you choose for the Swoon Quilt. Nice job!

  14. The quilts are beautiful! I am sure the recipients will be thrilled.

  15. Happy Easter to everybody!

    I love this place as here are so many different friendly quilters to meet. As a beginner I have so much to learn. Thank you, Sarah!

  16. Happy Easter to everyone!
    I love this place where I can meet so many different quilters. Thank you, Sarah!

  17. I love the colors of your Swoon quilt but I so understand how you lose steam if it isn't something you like. I'm planning a Swoon quilt too.

  18. Great Swoon quilt. Do try it again in your colors.

  19. Sarah your Swoon is certainly Swoon worthy! It turned out so well. Bravo on seeing it though to the finish line!

  20. Your swoon quilt is beautiful Sarah I love the way the blocks are the same but depending on the colours they look so different. I hope mine will turn out as lovely.
    Blessings Sandra


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