Friday, March 6, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Bit of Traditional...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again!  And you know what that means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  I know I am!

I'm really excited about finishing this quilt, mainly because it marks the end of a journey.  When I set out to host the Sweet Sixteen Quilt Along, I don't think it really occurred to me that I would need to make eight quilts in eight weeks!  But with this quilt finished, I have met that goal - and that's a whoop whoop in itself!!

So let's start at the beginning (well sort of) and show off the quilt all set up on Jolene for quilting...

And here it is, finished in all its glory!

A closer shot of the fabrics - a wide variety of reds and neutrals...

And here's a shot of the quilting on the back.  This one was fun!

This Sunday I'll share a tutorial for this quilt as the final installment of the Sweet Sixteen Quilt Along - 
I hope you'll stop by!

And just because it's pretty, here's one final shot!  

All these pics were taken pre-washing because I had to take advantage of the light I had - we got another dose of winter weather the next day!  But I have to say, it's even prettier after washing and drying....

If you're interested in purchasing any of the quilts from the Sweet Sixteen Quilt Along (except for the black and white quilt), they are all part of my daughter's on-line silent auction on Facebook.  Feel free to check it out by clicking here and bidding if you want, and help us #bringNathanaelhome!  The auction closes Sunday night, 3/8 at 8 pm CST.

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's made you do a little whooping this week?

What's got you dancing a jig?

Share - we want to dance right along with you!

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday at midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Red and white (and neutrals!) is such a lovely, classic combination. I really like the fun quilting design!

  2. Reds and neutrals in a traditional setting is so classy. Well done on your quest - they all turned out so lovely - each a treasure.

  3. Gorgeous gorgeous reds and neutrals. I have just started a mini project in similar colours - red is so invigorating to work with.

  4. You absolutely amaze me, week after week, with your fabulous and unselfish accomplishments!

  5. Love your quilting on the red/beige quilt. Beautiful work - as usual.

  6. the quilt is great, I'm amazed that you can do one a week

  7. I just the love the quilting on this one, it is amazing!

  8. Love your red quilt and the texture of your quilting. How fun! Thanks for your linky party, too.

  9. Your quilt turned out wonderful!

  10. Love this quilt Sarah - the machine quilting is great :)

  11. Whoop! Whoop! Sarah. Love your red quilt.
    I didn't make much this week, but I found my hidden bobbins! That's my Whoop Whoop.

  12. Love the colors and pattern of this 16 patch quilt.....great job! Whoop, Whoop!

  13. I can't believe that you've done 8 quilts in 8 weeks. I'm just happy that I finished one, and I'm not even quilting it. Hope the auction goes well.

  14. Love the red quilt! And your quilting is fabulous. Do you do it freehand or did you use a pantograph?

  15. It is beautiful! The reds and neutrals just shine.

  16. What a gorgeous quilt!! I'm heading over to check out your daughter's auction, lovely idea!! X!

  17. Your quilt is so beautiful. Love the muted neutrals and all shades of red. Waiting for the sweet 16 tutorial!!!

  18. I really like this one. All of your quilts for the auction turned out great and I'm sure it will raise a lot of funds for the trip.

  19. Sarah,
    You've made another beauty! You're FMQ is so suited to the quilt. It reminds me of swirls in a box of candy.

    Julie @PinkDoxies


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