Friday, November 11, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Making Progress...

Hi, all!

Wow - it's Friday again!!!  And just a reminder, it's now 6 more Fridays until Christmas.... Eek!!!  Can you believe it?  But for now, it's time to do some whooping - are you ready?  I know I am!  let's get started!

I've been working on Christmas presents this week, and while none are finished, I have made some progress on them...

First up is this pretty quilt top made with Amanda Jean Nyberg's fabric line, Good Neighbors!  

The pattern is called Crazy Weave, and this version was made from a kit from Connecting Threads.  The kit isn't available any more, but you can purchase the pattern here.

I also got started on Emmy's annual quilt - I love these little fishy blocks!  So easy and quick - this is going to be such a fun quilt.  Hopefully I'll get this top finished this weekend.

And I'm really whooping about this - my quilty wishes are being granted right and left!  These are the Batman fabrics that showed up in today's mail, and there are more coming!  Nathanael's quilt is going to be awesome...

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up this week?

I think I had this same outfit in the 70's!

What's got you dancing a little happy dance today?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish - 
just something that's made you happy this week!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -

Hope to see you there!




  1. Only 6 Fridays left? I think my heart just skipped a beat! I've been following the annual quilts progress on IG! Looking good!

  2. Oh my goodness! I need to get on the ball and needles flying to meet Christmas commitments. YIKES! BTW - love your always.

  3. EEEKK....only 6 more Fridays. Thank you for the reminder. I love your quilt tops. The first one looks like a fun pattern to make. The fishies are adorable.

  4. I've got to say...I love these linky parties :-) It is so fun to see blog posts from quilters I might not follow and enjoy their projects.

  5. Yikes. 6 more Fridays? Loving the fishies, and super love the quilt top! I am going to check that pattern out! Thanks for the link!! Also, I always forget to say it when I link up... THANK YOU for the linky party!

  6. Sarah, the question is...Could you dance like that? What a great top, love all the gray with Good Neighbors! Thank you for hosting Whoop Whoop!

  7. If you did have that outfit you must have been 8 yrs. old. Great top

  8. Love your quilt in the sunshine! The fish are fun and I know the batman quilt will be loved!

  9. You always get a Whoop Whoop from me! Looking good on the flimsy and the progress!

  10. Good on you for getting a jump on Christmas presents. I aspire to be that efficient (used to be, but have slowed down!). The two quilts look wonderful, and Nathanael will go crazy over the Batman quilt. I know my boys would have at his age!

  11. Good on you for getting a jump on Christmas presents. I aspire to be that efficient (used to be, but have slowed down!). The two quilts look wonderful, and Nathanael will go crazy over the Batman quilt. I know my boys would have at his age!


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