Friday, November 4, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Survival, Winners, and Some Progress...

Hi, all!

Wow!  Friday?!?!? This has been one heck of a week - I've been up all hours answering hundreds of emails, sending out lots of PDFs of the tutorials for the Artisan projects, watching baseball (GO CUBBYS!!!) and working on some upcoming projects.  Whew!  It's nice to have this one in the books, and to know I've made it through... survival rocks!

I hope you are all as excited to find out the winners of the Artisan giveaways as I am - it was fun to read all your responses and find out more about each of you!  You made my birthday weekend a whole lot of fun - thanks for celebrating with me!!  So here are the winners:

Day 1:

Fat quarter bundle:  Lynne Tilley
Jelly roll:  Nancy Ridder

Day 2:

Jelly roll:  Laura Minnich
Maker mat:  Loris Mills

Day 3:

Jelly roll:  Gene Black
Bag:  Sharon Vrooman

Congratulations!! I'll be contacting each of you by email to get your snail mail address so I can send your goodies to you!  Thanks to everyone for participating - I wish I could send you all something!

And just a reminder - there's still one more stop on the Artisan blog tour - today you'll find new creations at Sarah Fielke's blog!  Be sure to head over there and see what she's come up with - I can't wait to see!

I did quickly prepare something Thursday related to the Artisan patterns - one commenter, Tirzah, was kind enough to tell me she thought there was a mistake in the quilt pattern - and she was right! So I have posted the entire tutorial, with corrections, so you can either make corrections to the copy I sent or request a new copy.  Oops - so sorry!!  Click here to see the corrected tutorial post.

And I actually got to do some sewing this week - I finished putting together my oldest granddaughter's annual quilt top! 

I'll be posting a tutorial for this quilt next Wednesday (11/9) so stay tuned.  And not only did I get the top done, I actually have the back made, too!  Woohoo!  One down, two to go!

So that's my week in review - busy busy busy!  
Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What are you whooping about this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I think you did a lovely job. Congratulations to all the winners - I was lucky because Gene won on my day - I am thrilled!

  2. My hubby was into the World Series too, me, I went to bed. I couldn't take his armchair coaching anymore. You certainly got a lot done this week. Your granddaughter is going to love her quilt. You called it her annual quilt top, does she get a new one every year? Blessings, Gretchen And because I am so often told I am a no-reply blogger -

  3. Yaay for all the winners - and a big THANK YOU from this winner. I love the shot cottons so I know I will put them to good use.

  4. Such fun news! Thank you, Sarah! These fabrics and finishes are wonderful. Great tour of Kaffe!

  5. You were crazy busy!! you might need a nap!

  6. annual quilt for granddaughter? hmm that could be fun. How many grandchildren and do they all get a quilt annually?

  7. Congrats to the winners! I really like the quilt! I can't wait for the tutorial. Thank you!

  8. It was fun reading your blog this week. I didn't win any of the prizes but you did send me the PDF for the quilt pattern. Thanks so much. Maxine

  9. Enjoyed this blog tour-thank you. Congrats to the winners!

  10. Annual quilt top? Does she get one every year? What about your other grandchildren--do they also get an annual quilt?

  11. You've been a busy girl. Congrats to all the winners....GO CUBS!
    Am I dreaming or did they really win the World Series?!

  12. Great job.Congratulations to al the winners and thank for the fun.It has been a great party!


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