Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hands2Help - Time to Show Off Your Quilts!!

"What does love look like?
It has the hands to help others.
It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy.
It has eyes to see misery and want.
It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men.
That is what love looks like."
St. Augustine             .

Hi, all!

The time has finally arrived for the final linky party for the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge 2017!  I am overwhelmed with gratitude for each one of you, who have become the hands, feet, eyes and ears of love once again through the quilts you have made for others!  Your quilts will bless many, and hopefully you have found blessing in the making of them.  Thanks to each and every one of you for joining in the Challenge this year!

So let's get down to business.  Between now and next Saturday, May 27th at 6:00 pm CST, please link up your H2H quilts below, either to a new blog post or an old one that shows your quilt.  If you don't have a blog, you can link up a picture from Flickr or Instagram. If you are technologically challenged, feel free to email your picture to me at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com and I will post it on Flickr  and link it up for you!

The best reason to link up your quilt is so that we can all see, admire, and be inspired by each one. But there's another reason, too - thanks to a lot of wonderful donors, we have great giveaway items!!  To participate in the giveaway, just link up your H2H quilt or quilts.  Everything will be given away by random drawing from those who link up a finished quilt!
Winners should be announced next Sunday, May 28th. But please bear with me, it may be late in the day - it's a big undertaking!
And here's a reminder of all the goodies we have as giveaways for the participants....

Free Spirit Fabrics has joined us as a new sponsor this year, and look at all the beautiful precuts they have provided!  There will be many happy H2Hers when this is divided up!!

The fabulous Kate Spain (and her husband Pete!) have sent oodles and oodles of mini-charm bundles of both her newest line, Early Bird, and her beautiful Grand Canal line.  I love these sweet little precuts - a fun way to see and play with all the fabrics in a line!

This year, InspiredLED has is back again, and is donating TEN of their awesome sewing machine lighting kits!!  I have these on both my domestic machine and my long arm machine and they are mah-ve-lous, darling!!!  They also have other great LED lighting and the best prices I've seen around - you should check out their site!  

Amy Smart, who blogs at Diary of a Quilter, has sent a huge bundle of giveaway items.  Amy's blog is always a delight to me - she makes such pretty quilts (and photographs them well, too!)

The folks over at Fat Quarter Shop are back again this year, offering two $25 gift certificates!  Have you been to Fat Quarter Shop?  They have a great selection of fabrics, and they feature wonderful tutorials for easy quilts using pre-cuts.  Lots of fun things going on there!

Christina Cameli, from A Few Scraps, is donating her own book, Step-By-Step Free Motion Quilting, and a copy of The Quilting Manual.  

Christa Watson, who blogs over at Christa Quilts, is donating two of her PDF quilt patterns.  Yes, before she was an author, she designed patterns (some of which I had the honor and pleasure of testing for her!) and they are fabulous!

Annie Toy, well known for Annie's Ruby Slipperz, is donating some quilt-y goodies and books!  She's a long-time champion of the Challenge and I'm so grateful for her support!!

Fabricworm has come through with some of their beautiful Birch organic fabrics - four fat quarter bundles!  I've seen these fabrics personally - they are so soft and gorgeous - and I'm already jealous of the people who will take these home!!

Stash Builder Box provides a monthly quilting box full of fabric, patterns and fun, and for every box they sell, they take a portion of their own stash and turn it into charity quilts to give to children in need through various organizations.  A great cause, and a great way to build up your own stash for a very reasonable cost!  They are celebrating their first anniversary this month, too!  You can also find her on Instagram as @stashbuilderbox - show her some love, H2Hers!!!  Amanda has signed up to provide three of her monthly boxes as prizes - awesome!!!

You may be most familiar with Classic Metal Company as the creators of those fabulous metal barn quilts - but Mark has been branching out, and this year he is donating four sets of these beautiful coasters as prizes for Hands2Help!  Be sure to check out his website to see all the beautiful things he creates just for quilters!!

You know I've talked about how much I love my Hera marker - and Clover is donating Hera markers and some of their other fabulous notions for some of our participants!

If you're anything like me, you're already familiar with The Warm Company, creator of Warm & Natural batting.  The Warm Company has sent us a quilt batt to be given away to one lucky H2Her!

And many of you not only give it forward with your quilts, but you also help encourage the people who participate in the Challenge by donating giveaway items!  (Quilters are THE BEST!!!)  So here's what your fellow participants have donated!

Sharon Vrooman, who blogs at Vroomans Quilts, is donating these two beautiful fat quarter bundles of Good Neighbors fabric!  Sharon is an amazing scrap quilter - if you've never visited her blog before, you really should - you WILL be inspired!!

Lara Bucella, who blogs at BuzzinBumble, a copy of her  book, Crafted Appliqué - New Possibilities!  I have read her book and LOVE the technique she uses for appliqué - definitely new and a perfect solution for a lot of the problems people have with appliqué!

Terri Johnson, who blogs at QuiltNCards, is donating a bundle of five fat quarters in bright, lovely colors!!  Terri does the most amazing paper piecing - you should see some of her creations!

Joanne Hubbard, who blogs at Everyone Deserves a Quilt, noticed how many precuts we've received as prizes, so she thought that a book about using precuts would be useful - so she's donating a copy of "I Love Precut Quilts" for one lucky winner!

Kathleen Gansert, a/k/a KatieQ, who blogs at Katie's Salt Marsh Path, will be bringing us some goodies, too!  How about eight fat quarters of Arizona by April Rhodes?  Awesome!!  Such gorgeous fabrics - I love that southwest vibe...

Selina Kidney, who blogs at Selina Quilts, has found a great prize to donate - an OttLite!  These things are awesome - just great for adding a little extra light just where you need it...

Susan McAdams is donating a $20 gift certificate to Intrepid Thread... ooh I sense a shopping spree coming on!

Norece E. is donating these four V & Co. books, each one paired with a matching spool of thread and fat quarter!  These books are so much fun - I have all of them and they are chock full of great ideas and lessons about color.  

She's also got a Let's Twist book with large and small twister templates for a lucky winner, and a Primitive Gatherings wool pin-keep kit for another!

Myra at Busy Hands Quilts is donating two of her PDF patterns...

Karen Goad at Quilts...Etc. is providing a fun flannel fat quarter bundle for one lucky winner...

We've also got some great prizes - fabric, books, notions, and other quilt-y goodness - from some donors who wish to remain anonymous.  We'll call them the Quilt Fairies, I think!  Here's just a few of those fabulous prizes...

A set of Connecting Threads Essentials...

A fat quarter bundle of From Bump to Baby by Gina Martin...

Four winners will receive a Kona Printed Color Chart fabric panel, all 303 colors on a 24x44 panel by Robert Kaufman...

Frivol Tin #4, Moda Windermere by Brenda Riddle...

An Owl Pillow Kit - Who, What and Where by Sewing Sue in Yosemite Park Flannels...

Four 12-fat quarter bundles of fabrics (The Owl and The Pussycat) from some favorite designers!


I'm so excited to see the wonderful quilts you have made - and I hope you're all just as excited to see the quilts the other participants have made! Please take the time to visit some of the link-ups and give each other a big high-five - you've done amazing work!!!  

Ready - - - set - - - GO!!!



PS Please bear with me and be patient if I can't answer your comment or email right away - this is a busy week with all the H2H stuff - and I really want to see all your quilts and leave comments there too!  I'm thinking sleep may be highly overrated this week....

FYI - Sometimes people have trouble linking up, which results in multiple entries.  Don't sweat it - just let me know if this happens to you and I'll delete the multiple entries.  And if you just can't get it to link up, email me at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll link up for you.  Smile!!

This linky list is now closed.



  1. such wonderful generous people to donate all these wonderful prizes

  2. I've linked up my 3 quilts. I'm blown away by all the giveaway items - so, so generous! Now I'm off to look at all the other H2H quilts linked up...

  3. Sarah thanks again for a great cause. I linked up my 2 quilts in one post. You have so many great gifts to giveaway. Next year I will be sure to send you something as well. Thanks for all you do.

  4. Thanks again for this opportunity and to all who offered such wonderful prizes. I think I linked up correctly.

  5. Wow, so many pretty quilts. I just linked-up with my quilt. Yes, some really nice prizes donated as well. This cause is so worthy and needed. Thank you, Sarah, for all that you do.

  6. Gorgeous quilts! What a great offering this year from so many quilters. This has been a wonderful inspiration! Thank you, Sarah! and thank you to all the supportive sponsors!

  7. Thanks for organizing this awesome project. You continue to amaze me with your talent, organization, and wonderful heart! Hugs to you, the participants, sponsor and prize donators, and the charity organizers. There is a special place in heaven for all of you. :-)

  8. Hey Sarah...if we have 5 to donate do we just link once or do we link up 5 times. Thanks!

    1. You can link up just once to a post with all five quilts in it. No need to put pics of each one out of post up, creating different links to the same post! Maybe put (5) in your title for the link (in Linkytools) but not necessary!

  9. I noticed this also. And would like an answer too. I'll be posting Mon or Tuesday.

    1. You can link up just once to a post with all five quilts in it. No need to put pics of each one out of post up, creating different links to the same post! Maybe put (5) in your title for the link (in Linkytools) but not necessary!

  10. Congrats on another successful H2H year!!! So many great prizes....thank you Sarah for organizing this wonderful event.


  12. Thanks for hosting another fun year for a great cause. LOVE all the inspiration from other contributors and participants. Big thanks to all of the sponsors.

  13. Hi Sarah, I am having a bit of trouble finding the link up. Wanting to look at all the posts and quilts donated. I will be doing mine this week as well~ :0) Thanks for hosting a wonderful event this year!

  14. Thanks for all you do, Sarah. It's been another great H2H Challenge this year!

  15. What an array of lovely quilts. Just awesome! Thanks for all the work you do, Sarah, to make this possible.

  16. Sarah what a great display of quilts. I just went through each of them and am inspired by the time and efforts that went into these quilts. You should be so happy, although I know that your work is just beginning to close out 2017 H2H.

  17. Unfortunately, I was only able to complete one quilt. Thanks for hosting. And thanks to all the generous sponsors.

  18. It makes me so happy to see so many beautiful quilts that will go to someone who needs a bit of extra love! I sadly was unable to participate. That knee injury got me down! Wonderful!

  19. I searched my archives for the making of the 2 quilts donated and then realized - I made 3. Linked up and thank you for all your hard work and dedication to this project.

  20. This is just a shout out to all the have all made such beautiful quilts! There are so many who are going to be tremendously blessed with your thoughtfulness and hard work. I sat here and scrolled through the pictures and all I could think was "Wow!"
    Sarah, you are the brain behind all this . Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Thanks for your help today! So many quilts--oh my!! What a great year for HANDS2Help

  23. beautiful quilts, and some great prizes. Thank you so much for all your work ... and don't reply! No need. Just know how much your work is appreciated.

  24. OH NO, Sarah!!! I thought I had until tonight to post my quilts. I have been working on them and trying to plan my oldest daughters wedding. MAN!! I have all three quilts finished and they are being washed now. Go check out my post of the quilts. Darn!! Oh well, three people fighting cancer will get some happy quilts from me. Thank you for hosting this again. I know it is a lot of work for you. I will be happy to join again next year.


I love comments, but unfortunately spammers love my blog, so I have turned them off for anonymous commenters. Feel free to email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com if you have a question though!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.