Thursday, November 25, 2010

One More Thing I'm Thankful For!

Hi, all!

Well, Thanksgiving dinner is over at our house and we're all wallowing around in a turkey-induced stupor laughing at The Big Bang Theory!!  I hope your dinner was as delicious as ours - - - my son-in-law fries a mean turkey, and my daughter made the most wonderful salad, among other things - with homemade dressing, no less!  With all of the rest of us bringing side dishes, we had an enormous feast ended off with chocolate pie and homemade carrot cake with the most awesome cream cheese frosting.......  So you see why I'm wallowing???

I was checking my camera memory today and found some pictures I took this week - so I want to share one more thing I'm thankful for with you.  My husband took some time off work this week, and so he got to spend some one-on-one time with Lilli!

Lilli "cooked" some "food" for herself and Bill, 
and they had a picnic on the living room sofa - 
complete with plastic containers from my stash 
I've been saving to use for fabric!  

Lilli loves her Poppa!

What a great day!!




  1. What adorable pictures--to be forever cherished.

  2. They look like they're having a great time together. Lilli has the sweetest expressions!

  3. Oh my goodness! What a cutie! I love that picnic idea of hers :-)

    ~ Meagan


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