Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And The Winner Is.....

Hi, all!

I'm sure you're all anxious to know who won the giveaway for the Swiss Chocolate fabrics - so sorry I can't show you a pic of little Miss Random here, but I still haven't figured out how to do that!  But trust me - she chose commenter number 15, who said,

Mom2RyandSis said...

Congrats on reaching 400 followers :) Wonderful fabrics thanks for the chance to win!!

Congratulations!  I've sent you an e-mail to let you know!  


And now, I have an important question for you - with the price of quilt batts rising rather dramatically, I'm contemplating changing from the Warm & Natural batts we use now for the quilt ministry to something else - but I'm wondering if anything out there is comparable in quality, but cheaper.  Has anyone used W&N and something else that they liked as well?  Please share!! I'm getting desperate!



Monday, June 27, 2011

Make-A-List Monday #53!

Hi, all!

Well, I'm pleased to say that I managed to get everything done on my list last week!!  I just buckled down and worked hard - here's how it went....

1.  Bind the three quilts that were quilted last week.
Done!  Here's the first...

...the second...

...and the third!

I had pledged to do one of these bindings for my One Thing,One Week Challenge and I'm happy to say I got all three done!!

2.  Cut out the blue ministry quilt.
Done! I've made six of the sixteen blocks for this quilt, too!

3.  Finish the back for my Christmas quilt.
Done!  And I'll have more to show 
on Friday about this quilt...

I also quilted this beautiful flimsy donated by Megan Griffin of Crooked Seams.  

She wanted to cross it off her UFO list, so she sent it to me.  Well, now she can legitimately cross it off - it's been quilted and delivered to its new owner - a woman with cancer who's going through a really hard time right now.  As soon as I opened the package, I knew that this would be her quilt - and her daughter said that it was perfect for her!  
Thanks again, Megan!!

So!  I'm happy!  And what's on tap for this week?  Well, I've got kind of a full week, but here's what I'd like to get done on the quilting front....

1.  Finish the blocks for the blue ministry quilt.

2.  Make a back for my Jacob's Ladder quilt.

3.  Make a "Great Jelly Roll Race" quilt.

4.  Work on the twister quilt.

I think I'm going to stop there -that may be more than I can get done, but it's worth a shot!

So what are you working on this week?



Oh, and one last thing - if you didn't see last Wednesday's post, you ought to pop over and check it out - I'm having a giveaway  for hitting 400 followers!!  It's open until Wednesday, June 29th, so go sign up now!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

We Interrupt Our Regular Programming to Bring You H2H Update v. 3.0.....0...

Hi, all!

It's that time again - time to check in and let everyone know how you're doing with the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge!  Since this is June, it will be our last update opportunity before the end of the challenge.... Here's the schedule for the end of the challenge....

You have until July 31st, 2011 to complete your quilt.  
On Sunday, July 31st, there will be a linky party hosted on this blog 
for you to link up to a post about your quilt.

Completed quilts are to be sent to Judi at Green Fairy Quilts 
no later than August 5th, 2011.  
E-mail me when you are ready and I will send you the address.

On August 15th, we will draw winners for some of the prizes 
donated by our great sponsors.  You should check out the list of sponsors 
in the right sidebar!  You get one entry for each quilt you send, 
plus you will get an extra entry if Judi has received your quilt by August 14th!

There will be a special drawing for people who send in more than one quilt.  
Each extra quilt will serve as an entry into a drawing 
for a package of five of Judi's quilt patterns!

So here's my update, just in case you haven't seen it on my blog already...

Sunshine on Water (front)

Sunshine on Water (back)

Saltwater Taffy (front)

Saltwater Taffy (back)

I haven't mailed them yet because there are several people in my area participating in H2H, and we're hoping to send them all together in one big box!  But they're done and ready to go.....

So that's my update!  Please either link up to a pic or blogpost about your quilt, or leave a comment to let me know how it's going - as we said at the beginning, we know that sometimes life can get in the way of our best intentions, so if something's come up that you can't complete your quilt, be sure to let me know, ok?  

I truly appreciate each and every one of you and am so honored that you chose to participate in Hands2Help!!  You are making a difference in the world - doesn't it feel good?



Oh, and one last thing - if you didn't see my Wednesday post, you ought to pop over and check it out - I'm having agiveaway  for hitting 400 followers!!  It's open until Wednesday, June 29th, so go sign up now!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Finally.......

Hi, all!

Well, it's finally Friday again - time to get your Whoop Whoop on!!  Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish to link up - just show us what you're working on this week!!

Here's what I've been working on this week - and I promise it's the last time I'll show you these quilts!  I finished the binding on these three quilts that I quilted last week......

This one was made with blocks donated
to the quilt ministry by the lovely Megan...

 was this one....

Here's some detail on the quilting - see the word "Hope" in the center?

...and this one was pieced by my friend Cassie!

Aren't they pretty, all finished up?  The top two will be given to our church pastor to be given out at the monthly special prayer service - he occasionally feels led to have someone to leave the service "wrapped" in love and prayer, and has asked us to provide quilts for that purpose.  Cassie's quilt will find a home soon, but doesn't have a recipient yet.  

And take a look at this quilt - I only did the quilting on it - my friend Pam took a fabric donation from Diane and made this beauty!!

Here's the front....

...and here's her beautiful pieced back!

Pam is the queen of the pieced back - she has a real knack for making beautiful backs, and she makes it look so easy!!

So that's what I've been working on this week!  I'm glad to have them finished so I can start on some new projects.  What have you been working on?  Link up and let us all see!!

Oh, and one last thing - if you didn't see my Wednesday post, you ought to pop over and check it out - I'm having a giveaway  for hitting 400 followers!!  It's open until next Wednesday, so go sign up now!!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Time to Celebrate with A GiveAway!!!

Hi, all!!

Imagine my excitement this morning when I signed into my blog and noticed that the follower count had hit 400!!!  I hollered "woohoo" so loud that my husband came running to see what was wrong!!  I thank each and every one of you who takes the time to read my little blog - I appreciate you all, even the "blurkers" who never leave a comment!!  I've enjoyed getting to know you all, and am constantly amazed that you stick around to see what's going on!

And I've decided that you all should be just as excited as I am - so we're having a giveaway!!!

Take a look at these beautiful fabrics I picked up in Paducah earlier this year - three yummy Swiss Chocolate prints, and Kona cottons in four coordinating colors (sorry, I can't remember the names of the colors!)  There's at least a half yard of each piece, and a couple are right around a yard.  Plenty to make a pretty quilt!!

So how can you throw your name in the hat?  Easy-peasy - just leave a comment on this post!  Make me laugh - or tell me something you'd like to see me post about - or just say hi!  One entry per person, no need to follow me to join in - although feel free to follow if you want to!  I respond to all comments, so if you don't hear back from me, that means you're a no-reply blogger, so come back and leave me your e-mail address!  I'll choose a winner next Wednesday, June 29th, post it here and notify the winner by e-mail.  Be sure you check in - if I don't hear from the winner by Monday, July 4th, I'll pick another winner!



Monday, June 20, 2011

Make-A-List Monday #52! Summer's In Full Swing.....

Hi, all!

I hope your summer is going well!  Do you find that you don't get as much crafting done in the summer - or do you manage to find time for more?  Does your crafting focus change?  Enquiring minds want to know!

I find that I don't usually get as much done as I think I will - and this week's list is a good example of that.  Let's see how I did...

1.  Quilt those eight flimsies!
Well, I didn't get to all eight - but I did quilt four of them! Here are pics of three (I delivered one to a friend to have the binding put on and forgot to take a pic first....)

2.  Cut out a new ministry quilt in blues.
As my son-in-law would say, Epic Fail!  
I didn't get to this at all...

3.  Work on the Marine quilt.
But I did knock this one out of the ball park!!

This was my husband's Father's Day gift from me - not as exciting as some but better than a pair of socks!

4.  Find a blogger to feature next Sunday (because I forgot Surfin' Sunday this week!! Ooops...)
I'm so happy to be able to say I remembered this week!  If you didn't see the post about Hollie over at The Undercover Crafter, you can check it out here!

And I did get one more thing done - my bee blocks for TraceyPNW!  Take a look...

So what's on the list for this week?

1.  Bind the three quilts that were quilted last week.

2.  Cut out the blue ministry quilt.

3.  Finish the back for my Christmas quilt.

I'm going to stop there - maybe I'll get more done, but at least this way I'm fairly sure the list is do-able!!

What are you working on this week?



PS - Linda over at Stray Stitches is having a great giveaway - go check it out!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Surfin' Sunday - Featuring The Undercover Crafter!

Hi, all!

Well, after a regrettable "senior moment" last week when I completely forgot about Surfin' Sunday (oops!) I'm here to introduce you to another great blog and blogger - meet Hollie of The Undercover Crafter!

Hollie crafts in Venice, California and has been sewing since the age of 6!  She recently discovered quilting, and I'm so glad she did - take a look at some of her awesome blocks....

...and her beautiful table runners....

....look at this wonderful pillow she made by embellishing an Echino print....

... and check out these quilts!!

She's not afraid to share her process, even if it involves an "oops" or two - I really appreciate that, because it helps me know that I'm not the only one who can't get it right all the time!  I hope you'll check out her blog - there's so much more there that I don't have room to show you, and she's always working on something neat!!  Tons of inspiration and eye candy!!

Have a great week!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Partway Done.....

Hi, all!

I hope you've had a good week - it's been kind of strange here, with very little adult conversation (the hubs is out of town) - I've started talking to the dogs and they're beginning to look at me a little strangely.......

(Disclaimer: These aren't my dogs - MY dogs won't sit still for pics!)

But amidst all that, I did manage to get a few tops quilted...

Like this one, made with blocks donated by the lovely Megan...

And here's another made with blocks from Megan...

And this pretty top, pieced by my friend Cassie!

And I made these two bee blocks for TraceyPNW....

Sorry about the colors - indoor shots - but the solids are Kona Ash on the top block and Kona Coal on the bottom block.  She asked for HST blocks, our choice - fun!!

So that's what I've been working on this week - now it's your turn!  What have you been doing?  Remember, it doesn't have to be a finish (obviously, or I'd have nothing to show!) so share your progress!!!  Remember you've got until midnight Saturday to link up - and be sure to give out some whoop whoops to your fellow linkers - bring a smile to someone's face today!!



PS - be sure to check out the giveaway going on over at Green Fairy Quilts!!

And there's another great giveaway going on over at 1 Choice 4 Quilting - Strawberry Fields forever!!  Check it out!!