Friday, December 30, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Time to Show Your Best...

Hi, all!

Well it's been a very quiet week here - no sewing going on for me!  But I thought, with it being the last Whoop Whoop Friday of the year, that we might do something a little different.  If, like me, you haven't been crafting much this week, why not show us your favorite accomplishment from the last year?  A little recap, so to speak...

And so, here's what I'll share...

The Charlie Brown quilt, front and back.  The front is made with some fabrics I won from Form and Fabric earlier in the year, combined with Kona Coal; the back is leftover patches from the front and a great word print from IKEA.  I'm very happy to say that my daughter absolutely fell in love with this quilt - something very unusual for her, as our tastes are very different - and so now it lives at her house!  I think she was surprised to find it under the Christmas tree with her name on it, but I think it was meant to be!  

So now, it's your turn - share something new that you created this week, or your favorite project from 2011!!  We all want to see.....



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  1. You picked a good one! I especially love that Ikea word print:) Happy New Year, Sarah!

  2. Oh, I love your zig zag quilt, it inspired me to make one of my own! Thanks for letting me show off on your blog!

  3. Yes that is one of my favorites of yours. Front and back, just beautiful! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  4. You get a Whoop! Whoop! just for going through your HUGE pile of quilt pics from this year, let alone picking ONE! Goodness! Of course you picked a lovely one. They're all lovely! Happy New Year, Sarah! You're in my prayers!

  5. Yellow, grey and pink oh most definitely !!!

  6. LOVE that quilt! The word print is gorgeous and I also love that flower on gray print!

  7. I love the Charlie Brown quilt. I hope to make one in the coming year.

  8. You gave it away?! were supposed to keep that one! Oh, I know, it's hard to resist daughters when they "hint" how much they like something. :) Great idea to feature a favorite accomplishment today! I love that Charlie Brown quilt too. You'll just have to make another when you're able, right?

  9. Oh how Charlie Brown brings back memories! I can see why this one is a favorite -- it is sure one of mine.

  10. I'm with P. I thought this one was for you, but doesn't it feel good when someone likes a quilt you have made and you know that you really made it for them. There is always more fabric and time to make another one. Hope things are going well and you didn't over do it during the holidays. Wishing you a great new year.

  11. An awesome quilt Sarah!

    Hope you're find yourself feeling stronger everyday. A Happy New Year's to you and yours!

  12. Sorry! Double clicked for my entry...forgive me?

    Love that quilt!

    Happy New Year to you and yours!! I love your blog and have you in my thoughts and prayers!!!


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