Friday, November 30, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's The Little Things....

Hi, all!

How in the world can it be Friday already?  This month is flying by - and I've got so many things in progress, but I haven't been able to finish anything this week!  So this week I'm going to celebrate the little things... the two quilt backs that I made.  Those quilts will be straight-line quilted on my tabletop machine, so they're waiting to be sandwiched....

...and the Christmas trees that Lilli and I decorated this week!  It's so much fun doing things like this with little ones - I had forgotten!

...and the quilt top I cut out this afternoon during naps...

Mine is much prettier, with
rainbow colored drawers!

...and the new UFO sorter I got at Joann's for a steal last week and finally assembled this afternoon!

So those are just a few of the little things I'm whooping about this week - in between working on Christmas gifts and cleaning house for a pair of Christmas parties at my house on Saturday!  (Oh, how I hate house cleaning - it just gets dirty again, and no quilt to show for it!)

So what are you whooping about today, just three and a half weeks until Christmas?  (EEEEEK!!!)  Share - we all want to know we're not alone on the good ship Freak Out!!  The party will remain open until Sunday night, so share what you can!!



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  1. That might be the most Christmassy Christmas tree EVER! Gorgeous!
    And I can't wait to see the backs and the pieces of the new front!

  2. Hey, that's a great sorter for UFOs. :) And "yeah!" for straight-line quilting. :D

  3. I feel the same way about house work that you do. Have fun at your parties. Your tree looks so festive. I'm sure it was great fun with Lilli's help

  4. Lots to whoop about Sarah! Your tree looks so festive and bright :) After too many years of being on the Freak Out train at Christmas, I am finally learning to take a low(er) key approach. Relax and enjoy, all is well!!

  5. I have one of those rainbow drawer systems. Just a warning that they tend to go wonky on you. The frame will twist and the drawers won't stay in their tracks. If you have a handy man in the house, maybe they can add a cross bar to help it stay straight. At least that is how mine goes.

  6. Today is my day to begin the holiday cleaning so we can get the decorations out. Uggh - I once loved decorating and now it's such a chore. Lovely tree!!

  7. I spent two days cleaning so my friend could come over and sew with me on Wed., I feel like nothing got accomplished those two days, but, hey - my house is clean! LOL

  8. Ooh, look at all those pretty lights!! Love seeing everyone's trees all sparkly :)

  9. I have one of those carts they are fabulous I too though of buying another when I saw it at Joann's however I went for the batting :)

  10. Always a pleasure to see what you're up to! whoop whoop!


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