Monday, June 3, 2013

Make-A-List Monday - Whole Lotta Quiltin' Goin' On...

Hi, all!

It seems like it's been forever since last week's Make-A-list post - and yet it's only been six days! Lots of quilting has gone on here since that post, so let's see how I did on that list...

1.  Bind the QBB quilts.
All done!  Here's a pic of the kids at church with the twelve finished quilts...

2.  Bind two more H2H quilts.
Done!  But they are someone else's quilts to show off.

I also quilted and bound a third H2H quilt this week.

3.  Quilt a man's ministry quilt.
Done.  Unfortunately, this gentleman died before we could give his quilt to him, so it was given to his sister...

4.  Quilt a woman's ministry quilt.
Done and delivered!

And this one was also quilted this week...

Plus two more that I don't have pics of yet!

5.  Deal with three new requests for quilts by deciding what to make and who will make it.
Two of those three requests have been filled (the quilts with no pics) and the third is what I'm working on right now!

6.  Get those new items in the shop!
Alas, still not done...

7.  Decide on this summer's vacation quilt.
Done!  This July at the beach, I'll be working on a Swoon quilt in Connecting Threads' pretty Christmas fabrics from last year! 
A little Christmas in July! 

And now, let's see what I'm going to be working on this week...

1.  Complete the Sunset on Water quilt I'm currently piecing for the ministry.

2.  Quilt one last H2H quilt.

3.  Finish two men's quilts for the ministry.

4.  Finish a woman's quilt for the ministry.

5.  Make a pillow for a graduation gift.

6.  Finish up the Hands2Help Challenge - giveaway on Sunday!

7.  Get those items listed in the shop!

8.  Start cutting out the vacation quilt.

It's not likely that I can get all this done - but at least it's out there hanging over my head now!

And mentioning the Hands2Help Challenge reminds me - if you've signed up to participate, this is the week to link up your quilts!  Everyone who links up will be in the drawing for the giveaway items - and we've got some really great prizes this year!  So remember to join in the linky party!  And if you didn't join in the fun this year, you ought to stop by and see the beautiful creations that these generous ladies are sending off to comfort orphans and people dealing with cancer.  Maybe it will inspire you to join in next year!

So now, the question is.....  what are you working on this week?



PS - here's a fun shot to show you how I spent my afternoon today...


  1. I'd loan you my magic wand but it's in the shop for repairs because I tried to use it too much. Love the idea of a Christmas Swoon quilt - this will be lovely! Oh, replace those two girls with two little boys - just how my munchkins look sharing 'fishies'!

  2. Darling quilts and sweet grandkids... you are blessed! :) Kathi

  3. As always great things happening in your part of the world. Been receiving so many wonderful quilts for Happy Chemo. Thanks for all you do.

  4. The girls look so sweet!

    Beautiful quilts, Sarah. Especially love the colors in that last one.


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