Friday, November 28, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

Hi, all!

Sorry for the late start - I didn't have a chance to put my "whoop whoop" together on Thanksgiving, so it had to wait for this morning!  But it's Friday, so you know what that means - it's time for

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop Friday!!!

This week, I finally managed to finish Nathanael's stocking, so I wanted to share all of the family stockings I have made over the years.

These two were the first ones I made - for my wonderful hubby and myself.  The patterns came from Cross-Stitch and Country Crafts magazine, and they took forever!  It was some of the first cross-stitch I ever did on linen.  But I love the detail on these two.  

Next is my daughter Nancy's stocking.  She originally had a much simpler stocking with a teddy bear on the top, but when she got older, she wanted a more "sophisticated" stocking.  This beautiful angel is what she chose.  My first experience working with gold metallic thread and beadwork - still not a favorite thing to do, but I love the way it looks.  This stocking was a kit.

When my son-in-law Chris joined the family, I made this text-filled stocking.  He loves music and I liked the idea of all the song phrases in this pattern.  This design came from a book, but I don't remember which one and can't locate it anywhere!

And then came Lilli!  The whole time that my daughter was pregnant, my husband called the baby "Princess Lovey" even though we didn't know the sex yet - so that's stitched on the top of her stocking above her name.  I like the little star embellishments on this stocking!  This one was a kit, too.

Emmalyn's stocking has a funny story.  I started a stocking for her, then put it away "someplace safe" and couldn't find it again!  So I had to order another kit, a different one because I couldn't find the same one, and start all over.  I'll be interested to see her reaction to her stocking this year, now that she is aware of all the festivities!  It has some of her favorite animals on it, and bells - or "shake shakes", as she calls them!

And here's Nathanael's stocking - which happens to be the stocking that I started for Emmy so long ago, and found when I was cleaning up my studio one day this year!  Notice anything odd about this stocking?  Yep - for some reason, it points in the opposite direction from all the other stockings!  Oh well - for this year, it will do to hang up.  For next year, I'll scan the pattern into my computer and reverse the image to remake it so it goes the right direction!

I love hanging the stockings on our stairwell bannisters - our fireplace gets way too hot when we fire it up, so this is a much safer place.  It also makes the entryway to our house so festive!  

This year, I've added a special touch.  Those of you who are familiar with adoption may have heard of the invisible red thread.  Here's the saying…

"An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances.  The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break." - Ancient Chinese Proverb

So this year, as we wait for Nathanael, I've added a felt heart to each stocking, and a red thread connecting those hearts to represent our connection to him!  We are hoping to get the approval from China any day - believe me, that will be something to whoop about!!

So as we begin the Christmas season, this is what I'm whooping about - a great representation of family, celebration, and joy!!


And now it's your turn! 

What have you been whooping about this week? 

What's got you dancing the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish -
just something you're happy to have accomplished!

The party will stay open until Sunday night -

Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Show This Post To Your Husband!

Hi, all!

For those of you with husbands who are unsure of what to get you for Christmas, here's your chance - Craftsy is having a great sale this weekend, and your man is sure to find something you'll love there!  So pass the computer to him right now and let him do some shopping…

Shop Craftsy's Pre-Black Friday Sale!
(sponsored post)

This week, Craftsy is hosting an amazing sale! Here are the details:

On Wednesday and Thursday, Craftsy is having a Pre-Black Friday Sale!  You can uncover the Pre-Black Friday Sale:  Enjoy Big Savings on Yarn, Fabric & Kits!  There are tons of great fabrics, precuts, kits, and other goodies to stuff your stocking!

Shop now because you won't want to miss this incredible sale!



Monday, November 24, 2014

Make-A-List Monday - 31 Days and Counting!

Hi, all!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  at least around here!  The radio is starting to play Christmas carols. I worked in my studio to the accompaniment of Elf and How The Grinch Stole Christmas today.  And I'm finishing up Christmas presents for other so I can start on my own!  I guess that means it's time for

Here's how last week's list went...

1.  Finish the cutter quilt stockings.
Done!  You can see them at the top of this post. And if they look familiar, here are there companions from last year!

2.  Custom quilt a top for a friend.
Done!  But I can't show pictures because it's a Christmas present...

3.  Work on the girls' quilts for Christmas.
In progress!  Here's a stack of pinwheels I worked on today.

4.  Finish Nathanael's stocking.
I didn't get to this, unfortunately.  I came down with a case of the crud yesterday instead, and it's slowing me down!

5.  Start straightening up the house for the holiday season!
I did do a little bit of this - and plan to do more this week!

6.  If time permits (I don't think it will this week) quilt two jelly roll quilts for The Bridge Mission homeless kids.
Lack of time and the crud meant this one didn't get done.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that arise.
We gave away a few more quilts this week…

This quilt went to a lady starting radiation therapy for brain cancer...

This comfort quilt went to a lady dealing with her father's unexpected death...

And this one went to a woman with cirrhosis of the liver.

These six jelly-roll quilts went to homeless children through The Bridge Mission in Nashville, TN.

For those of you following along, we gave away our 300th quilt for the year and our 972nd all time quilt.  Getting close!!

And now it's time to figure out what to work on this week.  So here's the list of what I hope to get to…

1.  Work on the girls' quilts for Christmas.

2.  Finish Nathanael's stocking.

3.  Hang a new light fixture in the kitchen.

4.  Clean up the house before doing the Christmas decorating!

5.  Quilt a couple of jelly-roll quilts for The Bridge Mission.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that arise.

It seems like kind of a skinny list this week, but with Thanksgiving and all the attendant cooking and eating, I think I'll end up losing some time this week! 

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



PS - Need a great Christmas present for a special someone?  Check out this post to see if you can find just the right gift - and help #bringNathanaelhome, too!  Last day to order for Christmas delivery is December 8th, 2014.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Christmas Gifts That Give Twice!

Hi, all!

With Thanksgiving upon us this week, it's no longer possible to deny the fact that Christmas is just around the corner!  As I've mentioned before, this year I'm trying to give gifts that benefit more than just the recipient when I can.  So I thought I'd share some with you that benefit a cause near and dear to my heart - the adoption of our grandson, Nathanael!  

Someone asked me the other day if my daughter was still making necklaces to raise money for the adoption, and it occurred to me that I hadn't mentioned it recently on the blog.  In the home stretch of their fundraising, she is definitely making these beautiful necklaces, along with some printable posters available as an instant download.

These are just a few examples of the designs she has available.

These are really nice necklaces - I have four of them and wear one almost every day.

Have a favorite Bible verse?  Talk to Nancy about a custom design!

I love this globe design - it's on a longer chain, too!

And isn't this cute?  Customizable with your own picture! 
(I would like one of these for Christmas myself - hint hint!)

This is one of the printables she has available.

You can see more of her designs at

Let me know in your comment if you'd like her direct email so you can talk to her about a custom order!

She'll be taking Christmas orders until Monday, December 8th.


And just because it's pretty, take a look at the sunset today as seen from Capitol Hill in downtown Nashville!  It was even prettier a few minutes before this, but if I had stood in the middle of the street to take the picture then, I'd have been run over!



Friday, November 21, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Cosmic Delight!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - and you know what that means!  It's time for.

I hope you've had a good week, staying warm and working on lots of projects!  From what I've seen while blog-hopping, it looks like almost everyone is experiencing cold weather, which is the perfect time for quilting.  So it's time to show it off!

I finally finished the commission quilt - and I just love it!  I wasn't sure how it would look in all solids, but I think it's perfect.  And just FYI, the pattern designer, KarrieLyne of Freckled Whimsy, made a quilt in this pattern from all solids to help celebrate Kona's 30th Anniversary - you ought to check it out!

So here's Cosmic Delight in Kona solids - 
a mix of solids from the 2013 additions to the line, 
plus Kona Shadow for the lattice 
and Kona White for the background.

The back is more Kona Shadow, with small squares of the front colors 

Lots of small random meandering in the white background...

 with ditch and straight line quilting 
to enhance the colored areas!

Look at all that gorgeous texture! And even with the dense quilting, this quilt is pretty soft. 
It measures about 62" square after washing.

Can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping?

What's making you dance the happy dance this week?

Share - we want to dance along with you!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Make-A-List Monday - Back on Track!

Hi, all!

The cold weather has settled in here, it seems, and you know what that means - quilting weather!  When it's too cold to go outside, surely that's a sign that you should sit at your sewing machine for a while, working on something warm and wonderful!  Now, I know that what is cold to me may not seem cold to some of you, but since it seems like it's cold across most of the country right now, let's just call it quilting time for all!

So with all the extra quilting time, I made good progress on last week's list.  Here's the rundown...

1.  Finish the quilting on the commission quilt.
Done!  And not only quilted, but bound and ready to go!  This picture isn't very good - it was not only cold and wet today, but we had 15-20 mph winds, so terrible weather for taking pictures. I'll have more later!

2. Finish off the final touches on the ornaments I've got in the works.
Done and handed over to Nancy for her fundraiser!  Here's pics of a few of them...

3. Finish my friend's Christmas stockings.
Done!  I hope she loves them!

4.  Do a minor repair on a friend's quilt.
Done!  Forgot to take a pic, though...

5.  Make the cutter quilt stockings.
Partially done - this stack represents all the pieces for five more stockings!  Now all I have to do is sew them together...

6.  Work on the girls' quilts for Christmas.
Accomplished!  Those two stacks represent all the HSTs that go into the two quilts - one stack is ready for piecing into pinwheel blocks, the other stack still needs to be squared up.

7.  Keep up with quilt ministry needs as they arise.
Done!  We gave away a few more this week…

This quilt went to a woman who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  She's pregnant, so we sent a quilt for her baby, too, but I didn't take a pic of that one.

And these four jelly-roll quilts went to The Bridge Mission to be given to homeless kids.  Hopefully they'll help keep some kids warm on these cold nights!

For those of you who are interested, our current quilt count is 291 for the year, and 963 all time.  Only 37 more to go to hit 1000!!

I'm a happy camper - I managed to get to everything on the list, even if I didn't finish some of them!  As far as I'm concerned, that's a win for the week…

And here's what's on my radar for this week…

1.  Finish the cutter quilt stockings.

2.  Custom quilt a top for a friend.

3.  Work on the girls' quilts for Christmas.

4.  Finish Nathanael's stocking.

5.  Start straightening up the house for the holiday season!

6.  If time permits (I don't think it will this week) quilt two jelly roll quilts for The Bridge Mission homeless kids.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that arise.

This is a busy week - all the normal stuff, plus a doctor's appointment, extra babysitting, a morning of sewing at church, and  a special date this weekend - so I may not get as much done as I hope to.  But at least I'm feeling a lot less stressed!  Once the stockings are done and the custom quilting finished, I'll be free to work on my own stuff for a while.  Good thing - Christmas is rushing up like a freight train!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, November 14, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop?

Hi, all!

It's been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon, my home town…  oh wait, that's not right!  But it's been cold - that polar air mass has dropped us into the 40's for daytime highs, about twenty degrees below our usual temps for this time of year.  So it feels like I'm living in a small town in Minnesota! 

It seems like it's been quiet week here - not too much to show for it, but lots in progress.  So I guess it's time for….

First of all, I'd like to thank you all, once again, for bearing with me as we try to raise the funds to bring Nathanael home!  

The auction last week was a great success, bringing in another $975 for the adoption fund!!  Whoop whoop!!!  We're that much closer to getting Nathanael into his forever home!

And Thursday I spent many hours doing a whole lot of ditch stitching on this pretty quilt.

…which I will hopefully finish tomorrow morning!  I'm really excited about how this quilt is turning out.

I also managed to get in a bit of progress on my granddaughters' quilts for Christmas - Lilli is very concerned about them, asking me every time I see her if I've been working on them!  So at least now, I can tell her yes!

And here's a couple of quilt ministry whoop whoops…  
Leah's first quilt, Wonky Charms…

and look at Sara rocking it on the quilt frame!!

Her first time, and she says she loves it!

Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What are you whooping about this week?

What's got you dancing the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



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