Friday, July 29, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Lots of Catching Up Going on!

Hi, all!

Wow, it feels like forever since we've had a regular Whoop Whoop Friday!  Or at least, since I've been able to share something - the quilt-along took precedence over everything else for the last two weeks. But I'm going to make up for it today and share some of the things I've been working on during those two weeks - and I hope you're ready to share what you've been working on too!   So let's get whooping....

When I came back from the beach (no whooping about that - I'm SO ready to go back!) I got busy quilting, and finished up the economy block quilt in time to get it sent off to my niece for her baby shower!

Then I quilted the snowflake quilt for the quilt-along.

Next up, eleven children's quilts for Stash Builder Box's Heartbuilder's program.  I had the honor of quilting these beautiful tops which were created by other Heartbuilders.  These will be going to the My Stuff Bags program, which provides a bag with personal items and a blanket to kids in foster care.

Then came this commission job, a table runner...

And this t-shirt quilt, another commission job.  I love paying work!

And I've got two other projects in progress, but I'll save them for next week!

Whew!  It's been a busy two weeks!  Can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn! 

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance with you -
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I love the idea of "my stuff bags". Giving foster children something bright, beautiful and theirs is really special, I think those quilts will be loved and treasured forever.

  2. My Whoop Whoop for the last two weeks hasn't been much on actual quilting but rather cleaning out and painting. Hubby has agreed that I can get a long arm so I have been cleaning and painting my room downstairs in order to get it ready for my new toy!!! Whoop Whoop. I hope to have it ready in the next few weeks. It stills need another coat of paint and doors put on the shelves that are in there. Once that is complete I can start putting things away in their new home and get my machine. Happy Stitching! Anna

  3. I've been on vacation for the last 2 weeks, so got no sewing done. Need to get back at it. I have one for SBB from before I left that I need to get mailed out.

    In my quest for a new machine, may I ask what is your go to machine?

  4. Looks like the beach was rejuvenating for you. My, you've been a busy girl, good job!

  5. Wow! You've been busy! How do you do it all?

  6. I love how the quilt turned out with your NYC fabric haul, gorgeous and very feminine :D

  7. Oh wow, you have been busy! I just love the heart builder aspect of the Stash Builder Box; thank you so much for quilting 11 quilts. That is amazing!

  8. You have been a busy lady. Sorry you can't go back to the beach.

  9. You always amaze me! I love everything you create and agree that commission work is always a good thing. :-)

  10. Love those 11 quilts on the clothes line. Such a pretty picture. And, going to a wonderful purpose. And, yep, I agree about having some paying gigs, so to speak.

  11. Wow! You have certainly accomplished a lot! I bet it feels GREAT! I love your quilting!

  12. You have been busy. I, on the other hand, have NOT been. Oh's not the like the fabric will go bad. ha ha ha ha

  13. You have been very productive. It's lovely to see the quilts from the Heartbuilders program. I love that about Stash Builder Box. Your niece's quilt is even more fabulous now that it's quilted.

  14. Wow. Wish I'd have been half as productive as you've been.

  15. Wow, you have been busy! You have had some great finishes. I should get off the computer and sew...

  16. The "My Stuff" bags sound really wonderful! How did they find an organization that would actually give the quilts to the children?
    Whoop Whoop for you Sarah, getting so much accomplished!


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