Friday, July 8, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Nothing Wrong with the Economy Here!

Hi, all!

Yes - - - it's Friday again!  And that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on once more.  Are you ready?  I know I am!  So let's get started...

So much to whoop about this week - where to start?  Well, let's start with the easy one...  the beach!  I'm getting to spend some great time with this crazy guy this week...

...and we were visited by this strange character on the beach the other day!

I think this is a new yoga move, but he wasn't talking...

I also put together some pretty economy blocks that became a pretty quilt...

I love seeing the ocean in the background of these pictures!

And I even managed to get a back for the quilt from the leftover fabric scraps - a win/win!!  

This one will go on the frame when I get home, as it's for a new baby that's due any day now!  

And another whoop whoop for the week?  I managed to get registered for QuiltCon East!  Are you going?  I'd love to meet up with you if you are!

I feel a little guilty about getting registered when so many had problems, but I am looking forward to meeting lots of people I only know through blogs and Instagram!

So - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



PS Don't miss the start of the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop, this coming Thursday right here!  Even if you're not ready to start thinking about Christmas, I can guarantee you'll be inspired!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Love that quilt, soft and gentle, and a lovely pattern too, and the setting , picture perfect.

  2. Great quilt! Orange isn't my color....but I really love it his one.

  3. It's beautiful! Those aren't my colors at all; but I absolutely love it. Hope you're enjoying the beach!

  4. That quilt turned out great! I love the colors. Glad you are having fun!

  5. I really like the yellow fabrics, they looks so bright and cheerful. Blessings, Gretchen

  6. Your beach vacation sounds wonderful. And what a cute picture of Heron. He might be drying his wings. We have a heron that visits our neighborhood often. I love seeing him.
    The quilt you stitched up is gorgeous. Beautiful colors ��
    I'm still knee deep in dog training here but we're making pretty good progress. The cats now have house privileges again and Sammy is showing respect. The barking at feeding time is another challenge but we're working on it. Visiting friends will be trying to sleep tomorrow at the 6 am feeding so I hope I have it quiet by then! �� I might even get to stitch again soon ������

  7. The colours of your quilt remind me of a summer sunset - always best by the beach! Is that a crane? I think he's fab!! (Reminds me of the cormorants we get here in Cornwall in the UK)

  8. The colors are so calming in your quilt. Beautiful.

  9. I love the soft tones in your baby quilt. I'm headed to Quilt Con too. Hope to see you there!

  10. Your quilt is just beautiful. It makes me think of summer and fresh melons - cantaloupe, honeydew.... What size are the blocks? At first I thought they were small but looking at the photo on the chair I think maybe not so small.

    Thanks for hosting the link-up. I appreciate it.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  11. Yes! I'll be in Savannah, maybe we can finally meet, that would be so much fun. I was at QuiltCon in Pasadena I February and loved it. I went by myself, and had a blast. I used to live in Atlanta, so this time, I'll have quite a few friends going - which will be fun! But very different from doing it all alone! I took a bunch of classes in Pasadena, I'm only taking two in Savannah - need more time to visit with friends and just hang out.

  12. The baby quilt will is so sunny and sweet! I really like the little animal print - can you tell me what line it is??? Thanks for the beach pics...was refreshing.

  13. Woohoo on a smooth registration for QuiltCon! I got all the classes I wanted too so I feel a little guilty as well!


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