Friday, December 9, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Mission Accomplished!!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again!  And we all know what that means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you've got some things you can share this close to Christmas - I know it's always hard to show things that may be secret - but share what you can so we can cheer you on!!  Let's get started!

I am lucky that, at least for this year, my grandkids don't read my blog, so I can share their annual quilts before they open them Christmas morning.  This week I finished Nathanael's quilt!  

This quilt was made possible thanks to an Instagram "event" called #getyourquiltywishesgranted2.  I had been struggling to find enough Batman fabrics for Nathanael's quilt, but when I made my quilty wish, lots of folks came through and now his quilt is AWESOME!!!

Just take a look at these wonderful fabrics!

The giant hexagons really showcase each print, too.

I used large pieces of several of the prints for the back.

Each quilt gets a special label that tells a little bit about each child -  this is Nathanael's for this year.  I can just imagine their own children reading the labels years from now and learning something they didn't know about their mom or dad!

Here's Emmy's label...

...and Lilli's - well, Lilliana's, since she's decided to use her whole name this year!

All three quilts together!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you -
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until midnight Sunday.

Hope to see you there!




  1. Lots of whoops, and those labels, so special. it is wonderful when others contribute, and they will be thrilled to see they were included as well.

  2. I teared up reading the labels. Such a great idea.

  3. Awesome. Your labels are a wonderful touch to the quilts.

  4. Sarah, what a great idea on the labels. They will be cherished for years to come.

  5. Your quilt turned out so fantastic - and he will LOVE it!!

  6. What a wonderful gift you are giving to your grandchildren. Their quilts are just beautiful.

  7. I can't think of a little boy who wouldn't love that quilt. All three turned out just lovely.

  8. Love all your quilts and especially love the labels!!

  9. I love that you make the annual quilts - special reminders of the year and growth.

  10. I teared up too reading the labels...they are going to cherish those quilts (and all of the annual quilts) all their lives!

  11. It's just so awesome how quilters come together to help out - you ended up with a great selection of Batman fabric!

  12. So glad quilters came through for you with the Batman fabric. The quilt turned out great! Love the labels. What a wonderful idea!

  13. I love your labels! I'm sure your grandkids will treasure these quilts. Congrats on the timely finishes.

  14. The labels are marvelous! My son lately has been 'claiming' many of the quilts I've made because in some way they are special to him. I love the idea of making a special label that would capture his special feelings at the time! How do you print the labels?? Do you have a tutorial? Or a reference site??? THANKS! (Going to try to get the linky to work this time!!)

    1. Ah...bummer. I have the link now from Instagram, but it can't find a picture. Then when I try (upload from file), it uploads the file, but then doesn't give me a button or something to click on that says 'finish'. It finishes the upload and then just sits there... ??

  15. Well I just realized it's been a few weeks since I had a cry; your labels ended that dry spell. What a FANTASTIC idea to include those memories for the grandkids. Also, I had no idea there were so many Batman fabrics. Tooooo cool. I can only imagine how excited you are to give that to Nathanael. Happy holidays!

  16. Wonderful quilts Sarah and done with more than 2 weeks to spare! You rock. I didn't get one done for Brady this year...yet...

  17. those labels are just beautiful! what a wonderful gift of memories you are creating for them.

  18. What a great finish! More special with all the help from quilty friends!

  19. The quilts are fabulous, but the labels are precious. I had tears in my eyes as I read them. They made me think of my own grandchildren and their special talents (and quirks). What a wonderful gift you are giving them!

  20. Such beautiful quilts for your grandkids. They look amazing!

  21. Sarah, those quilt labels are so sweet! It made me a little teary to read them. I know what they will remember forever is that you are the very best grandmother ever :)

  22. Oh my goodness, what special quilt labels. If the quilts outlast these children's childhoods, they will hold them very dear. This is what quilting is all about!

  23. Every year I'm awed all over again by the fact that each grandchild gets a quilt every year! So does this mean Liliana will have nine quilts by the end of December? Where do they keep all of their quilts? It'll start adding up after a while, and I imagine they will have favorites - probably the more recent ones. Do they sleep under their quilts? I'm just curious to hear more about what happens to all the quilts after you make them as it's hard for me to imagine how a child can use more than a couple of quilts!

  24. Your labels on the quilts are just the best idea ever. I'm so impressed with how you include what they're interests are in the current year they receive their quilts. That is such a thoughtful and smart idea for their future years.

  25. This is a good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere.

  26. Many thanks for sharing this one. A must read post!

  27. Way cool! Some very valid points!

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  29. Very nice post. I definitely appreciate this website. Stick with it!

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Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!