Friday, December 30, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? One Final Quilt For The Year...

Hi, all!

Welcome to the final Whoop Whoop Friday of 2016!  It's been a great year, with loads of inspiration linked up each week - and I hope you're planning to help it go out with a bang!!  Link up those secret projects you had to keep hidden during December and inspire us all to greater accomplishments next year!  I'm ready to get my whoop whoop on, and I'm sure you are too - so let's get started!


A few months ago, my daughter started selling LuLaRoe clothing.  She loves it, and it's been a great experience.  

Last month, she sent me a picture of the LuLaRoe logo painted on wood, and said, "Wouldn't this make a great quilt?"  (Hint, hint!)  Well, she was absolutely right - and so I ordered the fabric to make one!  It didn't arrive in time to make it for Christmas, but I finished it this week, and I just love it...

Beautiful, bright Kona cotton colors against Kona white...

...with lots and lots of straight line quilting!

Just look at all that beautiful texture!

If I only had time to make one more quilt in 2016, I'm glad this was it!  It's bright and cheerful and represents a lot of good that happened this year.  And it represents hope for a great 2017!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

Happy Dance courtesy of my granddaughter Emmy this week!

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Love the quilt! She looks so fresh and bright. Have a fun week-end!

  2. what a sweetheart that granddaughter is! have a great week, love the quilt such nice bright colors

  3. The quilt is so bright and cheery! And you granddaughter's moves make me want to get up and dance 😀

  4. Sarah there is no link button on my screen...

  5. What a fun quilt! It would make a great baby quilt. Happy New Year, Sarah! Thank you for all you do. :)

  6. Sarah I love that quilt and the quilting. It is perfect for a 2016 final. Wishing you the best for 2017.

  7. What a great quilt! Thank you for all the link-ups and inspiration this year! I hope the coming year brings you and yours much joy!

  8. What a stunning quilt! Great finish for a year full of quilting.

  9. This is a beautiful quilt! I love the colours and the quilting! Congrats on a wonderful finish!

  10. A very fun and happy quilt. Sometimes simplicity is the best.

  11. What a beautiful quilt - an inspiration for the start of 2017!
    Lovely close-up photos, thanks so much for sharing.

  12. Wonderful quilt! The straight line quilting is perfect! Your granddaughter dancing makes me smile.

  13. Emmy might just be the best whooper all year! So cute! Love the quilt!

  14. Another gorgeous, bright quilt. 'Love it. Who doesn't love Kona solids, lol. Happy New Year to you.

  15. It's a great quilt! Do you get to keep it?

  16. Your granddaughter doing the happy dance is too cute!!!! Love the logo quilt. Perfect ending to 2016.

  17. What a great quilt. Love the colors!

  18. I love that quilt, it's so bright and happy!

  19. Love this new quilt! And Emmy's dance is so cute :)

    I hope you'll continue the Whoop Whoop link ups in 2107. I found so many great blogs this way!

  20. There's nothing quite like a dancing princess to put a smile on my face. I love the quilt. The straight line quilting really makes it fabulous.

  21. I love the pretty bright colors too. It was a great end to your year.

  22. What a happy quilt you've made! Fantastic way to glide into the new year - may it be the best year ever!


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