Monday, August 13, 2018

Make-A-List Monday - Plugging Away!

Hi, all!

Monday has rolled around once again, after a busy week and a restful weekend.  And that means it's time to review last week's list and decide what to work on this week!

First of all, last week's list...

1.  Keep working on the Kitchen Sink quilt.
2.  Keep working on Lilli's annual quilt.
I'll confess these two together - I didn't work on either one of these this week.  The commission job took up most of my available time.

3.  Cut the blocks and put together a golf shirt memory quilt.
Done!  I'm really pleased with how this one looks.  I'll wait to quilt it now (so I can get any additional supplies I need all at one time - come on big sale!) but I'm glad to have it to this point.

4.  Make two memory pillow covers.
I didn't get to this one - I'm hoping to do it Tuesday morning - but I did utilize one of my evenings well and deconstructed t-shirts for the t-shirt memory quilt instead.

5.  Deconstruct a bunch of denim shirts for another two memory quilts.
Done!  These are ready to be cut up into squares.

6.  Try to quilt two tops for the quilt ministry.
Well, I didn't quilt two (I had to yield the machine to another ministry member on Saturday) but I did quilt and bind this beauty!

7.  Start painting the kitchen/dining room.
Started and finished!  It was a lot of work, but I love the way it looks!  

8.  Keep up with any ministry needs that come up.
Done!  We gave away two quilts the week...

This quilt went to a woman undergoing a major cancer surgery...

...and this one went to a gentleman going through rehab after a fractured hip.

So I didn't get everything done, but I'm pleased with the progress I made.  Both the painting and the memory quilt took longer than I expected, which cut into my available time.  But the results are good, so I'll take it!  Here's what I'm hoping to achieve this week...

1.  Paint two pieces of furniture in the kitchen.

2.  Make the two memory pillow covers from denim shirts.

3.  Cut out the denim squares for the memory quilts and start assembling.

4.  Make the blocks for the t-shirt quilt.

5.  Deconstruct the dress shirts for the final memory quilt.

6.  Work on Lilli's annual quilt.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I think that's everything for this week.  It's certainly enough!  I may not get to everything, but it's all progress, right?  

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. The ministry quilts are so beautiful, and what gifts for those in a difficult part of their life.They come with love and care.

  2. Any progress is progress. Sometimes everything doesn't get marked off the list. Happy stitching!

  3. I have binding to put on three ministry quilts and we have one ready to give away to a lady that has some serious health problems and is facing surgery. I also have to get started cutting the pieces for a log cabin for a Women's Conference. It has to be finished by October 1st. I better get busy. Happy Stitching!

  4. The golf shirt quilt is really cool! Are those fabric cotton pique, like a polo shirt? Or one of the fancy new synthetics?

    I'm tacking the new Christmas quilt for our bed, which is backed in VERY stretchy fleece. So of course I decided to quilt feathers on it...feathers are stretchy, right?

  5. That's a lot of stuff to try to accomplish!
    I really like the black/white binding print!


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