Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Be Careful What You Wish For....

Hi, all!

Isn't that a lovely studio?  Not mine, I'm afraid - but I'm always interested in seeing other folks' sewing spaces and how they organize them.

In the past, I've taken the week between Christmas and New Year's to deep clean and organize my own studio.  It was always a lot of work, but so worth it to start the new year off fresh, clean and organized.  But for the past three years, we have planned a vacation for immediately after Christmas, which means that my sewing studio is a non-deep-cleaned, messy place.  When we decided go on a cruise this year, I was secretly sad that I wouldn't be able to do that longed-for deep cleaning for another year.  

And hence, the title of this post - "Be Careful What You Wish For...".  Because after we signed up for the cruise, my husband got a promotion, we decided to move to a house closer to our daughter and her family, and that means everything needs to be packed up!

That means my sewing studio looks pretty sad these days - no pretty fabric on the worktable....

...all my inspiration pieces off the wall, and the pretty fat quarter bundles are packed away and no longer gracing the shelves...

Even my UFOs have been packed away, and the empty shelving unit holds packing supplies and a few things I haven't found the right box for yet.  I haven't yet tackled the fabric shelves - I can't imagine what that's going to be like!

But because I have to pack everything up, it means that I will definitely be getting a deep-cleaning this year, just not quite the way I wished for! It is exciting, though, to think of moving into a new space and setting it all up.  Here's what that space looks like right now...

This is the view into the room from the top of the stairs.....

And here is what you see once you step into the room.  Two levels!

There's a little kitchenette in the corner, which will be handy for drinks and snacks during the work-day!

And this is the view from down in the lower part of the room!  All in all, the space is about 21' x 34', 714 square feet all for me!  Although my youngest granddaughter has requested a tv and a place to sit and maybe a few toys in there too - I think I can handle that!  It will be so much fun to have the grandkids close, with time enough to do lots of fun things together!

So despite the need to be careful what you wish for, I think in this case, the end result will be pretty awesome - a nice new space in the new year, all clean and organized!



Friday, December 27, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? The 2019 Quilting Year Is In The Bag!

Hi, all!

Well, this is it - the final Whoop Whoop Friday for 2019!  I'm currently on a cruise, but I know that many of you have been working on projects you couldn't share before Christmas, so I wanted to be sure you had the opportunity to show them off now.  So this is your chance to share the wonderful things you made for others and do a little happy dancing!


I haven't had a chance to finish anything new this week, but I did look back through this year's blogposts and have a few things to whoop about...

Hands2Help 2019 was a huge success, with so many quilters lending their hands to bring comfort to people in need!

This was also my year to finish two of my favorite quilt projects ever - both Jen Kingwell designs.  First there was Gypsy Wife...

...and then I finished my Long Time Gone quilt!

I decided to do intricate custom quilting on both quilts and I learned so much as I went through that process.  

July saw another fun quilt-along on the blog and I love the quilt that came of it.  This one has gone on to a new home, so I only have pictures to remember it by, but it was a true learning experience and one of my favorites!

I also got to do some pattern testing, which is always fun!  This is a pattern recently released by Christina Cameli of A Few Scraps.

So remember me while I'm happy dancing on a beach 
somewhere in the Caribbean, 
and enjoy this last whoop whoop Friday of the year!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?
What's making you do a little happy dance? 

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

An Early Christmas For The Giveaway Winners!

Hi, all!

Happy Christmas Eve!  We've finally made it, and now it's time to relax and enjoy family and all the trappings that go with Christmas.  

Today I'll be celebrating the holiday as we start our day with family.  My daughter and her family will be coming over for a huge country breakfast, and then we'll open up our gifts.  It's always fun to see the kids enjoying their gifts, and it's much more relaxed to do it on Christmas Eve.  Christmas Day they will be opening gifts with her husband's much larger family.

In the afternoon, my husband has the wonderful joy of officiating at the service for some friends who are renewing their vows for their 25th wedding anniversary - what a wonderful way to celebrate!  And then we'll be going to Christmas Eve services at church.  A great way to end our day.

And of course there will be festivities on Christmas Day - a late breakfast at my son-in-law's mother's house, then dinner at his aunt's house.  We are Baptist - we eat!  

But before all that, I want to give a couple of gifts too!  I hope you were able to enter the giveaway last Wednesday...

...and now it's time to announce the two winners!  Little Miss Random Number Generator chose...

Thanks to both of you for leaving your email addresses - I'll be contacting you today to get your snail mail addresses!  

And thanks to everyone who participated - it was so much fun to read all of your questions and answers, and as many also said, it really put me in the holiday spirit!


And now, another thank you for making it so much fun to write this blog - I appreciate every comment!  You all helped keep me on track in 2019 and I can't wait to see what comes in 2020!

And be sure to keep in mind the real reason for the season...

For unto us a child is born,
Unto us a son is given,
And the government shall be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counsellor
Mighty God
Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace.

Merry Merry Christmas!



Monday, December 23, 2019

Make-A-List Monday - Not Much Going On This Week!

Hi, all!

Well, we've finally made it to the Monday before Christmas - are you ready yet, or are you still working on last minute projects?  It's been crazy around my place, but I think I've finally finished all the gifts and just have a little bit to do to get ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day cooking.  Hooray!

I've been so busy this week working on packing things up that I haven't even thought about my week from last week - but let's see how it went...

1.  Wrap the Christmas presents.
Done!  And all under the tree, too!

2.  Keep working on packing up the non-essentials. (That means everything but quilting stuff!)
I not only worked on packing up the non-essentials, I even packed up some of my quilt room stuff - and it looks very strange in their now!  There's still lots to go, though...

3.  Make and attach labels to all the grandkids' quilts.
Done - but of course, I forgot to take a picture before I wrapped them up!

4.  Gather and send more documents to the lender.
Done!  I think we're all good until closing...

5.  Purge purge purge!  Goodwill is becoming a daily stop!
Yes, I'm still dropping stuff off at Goodwill on a daily basis.  It's amazing how much you can accumulate in 13 years in one place!

6.  Work on the H2H quilt ideas.
I haven't spent much time on this lately - but it will give me something to do while sitting poolside next week!

7.  Attend our house inspection and take measurements of the house, then draw up a scale floor plan.
Went to the house inspection, took measurements, but haven't been able to stay awake long enough once I sit down to draw up the scale floor plan!  Another poolside project, I guess.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
We gave away three quilts this week, but for the life of me I can't remember the backstory.  Just know that they will be giving quilt-y hugs to two men and a woman in need of some comfort...

This one went to the woman...

...and these two went to the two men.

Apparently my brain got packed away somewhere this week, because if I don't write it down, it's gone!  Thank heaven for notebooks and lists!  

And if you noticed the "poolside" mentions above, here's the explanation - we are going on a cruise!  Bad timing with the move and packing and all, but it was planned before, so we're just going to enjoy it.  And since I have no idea if we'll have internet or not, I'm going to take a little hiatus from blogging, just until after the first of the year.  If I can get some posts written before I leave, I'll schedule them, so you may still see something from me.  And cruise pictures after I get back!

So my list for this week is short...

1.  Stuff the Christmas stockings!

2.  Cook lots of yummy food for Christmas Eve breakfast and Christmas Day meals.

3.  Enjoy Christmas with the family!

4.  Pack for the cruise!

5.  Get the house ready for our house/dog sitter.

6.  Pack up some more boxes, and take them to the storage unit if time allows.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

The next Make-A-List post will be in 2020 - isn't that amazing?  When I was a kid, I was fairly sure I would never be so old that I saw the turn of the century, and here we are at 2020.  Will wonders never cease?

Oh, and be sure to check in tomorrow, as I will be posting the winners of last Wednesday's giveaways!

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, December 20, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Drama Llamas!!

Hi, all!

Can you believe it - it's not only Friday, but it's the last Friday before Christmas!  How time flies when you are having fun!!  And since it's Friday, that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on, so let's get started...


Today it's time to reveal the last of my grandkids' annual quilts - this one is for Emmalyn, and I call it "Drama Llamas"!

Emmalyn has been very much a Drama Llama this year, so much so that we have a saying "No Drama Llamas at Nana's"!  So it only seemed appropriate that she should have some drama llamas on her annual quilt!  Want to meet the crew?

This is Aquabella!  She may look blue, but she loves purple because only truly bold llamas wear purple - and she is definitely bold!

Next up is Princess Buttercup.  She's a huge fan of romantic comedies, farm boys, and pirates!

Pinkie Tuscadero is next in line.  She comes across as hard-boiled, but she has a soft and generous heart.  She's fond of '57 Chevys and Buddy Holly!

Meet Bonnie Blue!  She has a kind and child-like heart, loves horses and ice cream.

And last but not least, here is Lady Greensleeves!  Spring is her favorite season, of course, as the leaves come out and the flowers start to bloom.  

The background fabric is full of drama too - a rainbow of tiny triangles for Emmy, whose favorite color is "rainbow"!!  

And how about a bright, bold backing for my bright, bold granddaughter!

The pattern for this quilt is by Sew Fresh Quilts, who carries a lot of pieced animal designs.  Check her out!

So now all the annual quilts are finished and documents, just in time for Christmas.  

Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right beside you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How About A Christmas Giveaway or Two?

Hi, all!

I know that it's Scrappy Wednesday, but what with everything normally involved with the Christmas holidays and then all the packing and purging I've been doing, who has time to sew?  

But as I was purging, I came across a couple of items that I had stashed away for a giveaway - and there really isn't a better time than Christmas for an unexpected gift, is there?

So let's have a Christmas giveaway!  I have two of these really nice sets - a large roomy tote bag, a medium sized zipper pouch, and three hand creams.  Just the thing to pamper yourself with!  

Just leave a comment below containing the following:

1)  Your email address so I can contact you if you win (the most important thing!)  If you don't leave your email, you won't win.  It's that easy!

2)  Answer the question left by the commenter above you.  I'll start it off by asking:  "Peppermint Mocha, or Cinnamon Dolce Latte?"

3)  Leave a question for the next commenter!

I'll choose two winners on Monday, 12/23/19 and announce them in a post sometime on Christmas Eve!  So good luck, and Merry Early Christmas!!!



Monday, December 16, 2019

Make-A-List Monday - My How Time Flies!

Hi, all!

Monday is here again and the last month of the year seems to be just flying by!  So many things to do and it doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day, but it's still "the most wonderful time of the year"!  Let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Return borrowed chairs to church.
Done - and after returning them to church, we did the next item on the list...

2.  Transport and deliver quilts to our local elementary school that will be given to the support staff and a few teachers that were hired  since we gave them to the teachers last year.
With a lot of help from my friends Deb, Piper (pictured here), and Rita, we delivered 41 quilts to the school as Christmas gifts for the support staff and the teachers hired since last year.  We just love doing this!  Our teachers work so hard and it is just wonderful to be able to express our appreciation to them in a tangible way.

3.  Quilt Emmy's annual quilt.
Done!  I'm happy to say that all three quilts are finished, except for the labels (must get those done this week!)

4.  Take pictures of Lilli's annual quilt for Friday's blogpost.
Done!  You can see more pictures by clicking here.

5.  Get those packages in the mail!
Forgot to snag a pic before they went away, but both boxes are winging their way (probably slowly!) to Canada!

6.  Review the Christmas gifts I have and make a final shopping list.
Done, and not only is the list done, I think I've finished all my shopping except for helping my husband with the stocking stuffers!  Hooray!!

7.  Gather and send financial documents to the lender.
Done, at least so far.  I've just received a new list of things they need from me this afternoon, so I'll be working on this again this week.

8.  Work on the plans for this year's pre-H2H quilt-along (and maybe ask for a little help from my friends!)
Things are starting to come together a bit - at least, the ideas are congealing in my brain.  With a little luck, I may have the first top finished before Christmas!  I did also get a chance to play with an idea I had...

9.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
It was a quiet week, although we did give away a quilt to a teenager who had brain surgery this week.  Unfortunately, no picture!

Apparently picture-taking is one of the things that falls by the wayside when I have way too many things to do, but I'll try to do better this week!  Oh, I did one more thing last week that I did get a picture of...

I taught my last class at Joann's, and it was a blast!  Only one student, but she was a friend, and so excited about the new sewing machine she got for Christmas!  She learned how to make pillowcases burrito-style, and now says she'll never buy ready-made ones again.  I love teaching someone who is so excited about learning.  Unfortunately, with our move, it just won't be cost effective to drive back to Mt. Juliet to teach, and in all honesty, I think I was making about $2 an hour after all the prep time and the cost of materials for making my own samples.  It's a great concept but Joann's needs to work on taking care of their teachers better!

So with all that in the books, let's take a look at what's on tap for this week....

1.  Wrap the Christmas presents.

2.  Keep working on packing up the non-essentials. (That means everything but quilting stuff!)

3.  Make and attach labels to all the grandkids' quilts.

4.  Gather and send more documents to the lender.

5.  Purge purge purge!  Goodwill is becoming a daily stop!

6.  Work on the H2H quilt ideas.

7.  Attend our house inspection and take measurements of the house, then draw up a scale floor plan.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

So much to do!  And I'm sure I've forgotten something, but it will all come out in the wash.

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, December 13, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? The Moody Blues....

Hi, all!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, how about where you are?  I am loving all the sweet Christmas commercials (Publix made me cry AGAIN this year!) and the excitement on the faces of all the kids in the stores!  And to add to the excitement, here it is, Friday again, and time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Let's get started...


Today I'm ready to unveil the second of my grandkids' annual quilts!  This one is for Lilliana, who will be turning twelve on Monday (HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???)  Here's a picture of my beautiful girl...

...who, because she is eleven and a "tween", tends to look like the next picture more often than the one above!

Moody seems to be the watchword with tween girls, and that inspired the name of her annual quilt this year - meet The Moody Blues!

Lilli's favorite color is blue, and when I saw Christina Cameli's pattern "Sea of Serenity" from her book Wedge Quilt Workshop, I knew it would be perfect for a quilt for Lilli.

I added in the pop of yellow because, after all, she does smile occasionally!!  And that smile is like a ray of sunshine (and keeps coming more and more frequently as she gets closer to twelve...)

I had a beautiful linen duvet cover that I cannibalized to make the back for this quilt, so it's lovely and soft and promises to get softer over time.  The giant acanthus pattern also feels very modern in the dark gray and white!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.