Monday, December 16, 2019

Make-A-List Monday - My How Time Flies!

Hi, all!

Monday is here again and the last month of the year seems to be just flying by!  So many things to do and it doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day, but it's still "the most wonderful time of the year"!  Let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Return borrowed chairs to church.
Done - and after returning them to church, we did the next item on the list...

2.  Transport and deliver quilts to our local elementary school that will be given to the support staff and a few teachers that were hired  since we gave them to the teachers last year.
With a lot of help from my friends Deb, Piper (pictured here), and Rita, we delivered 41 quilts to the school as Christmas gifts for the support staff and the teachers hired since last year.  We just love doing this!  Our teachers work so hard and it is just wonderful to be able to express our appreciation to them in a tangible way.

3.  Quilt Emmy's annual quilt.
Done!  I'm happy to say that all three quilts are finished, except for the labels (must get those done this week!)

4.  Take pictures of Lilli's annual quilt for Friday's blogpost.
Done!  You can see more pictures by clicking here.

5.  Get those packages in the mail!
Forgot to snag a pic before they went away, but both boxes are winging their way (probably slowly!) to Canada!

6.  Review the Christmas gifts I have and make a final shopping list.
Done, and not only is the list done, I think I've finished all my shopping except for helping my husband with the stocking stuffers!  Hooray!!

7.  Gather and send financial documents to the lender.
Done, at least so far.  I've just received a new list of things they need from me this afternoon, so I'll be working on this again this week.

8.  Work on the plans for this year's pre-H2H quilt-along (and maybe ask for a little help from my friends!)
Things are starting to come together a bit - at least, the ideas are congealing in my brain.  With a little luck, I may have the first top finished before Christmas!  I did also get a chance to play with an idea I had...

9.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
It was a quiet week, although we did give away a quilt to a teenager who had brain surgery this week.  Unfortunately, no picture!

Apparently picture-taking is one of the things that falls by the wayside when I have way too many things to do, but I'll try to do better this week!  Oh, I did one more thing last week that I did get a picture of...

I taught my last class at Joann's, and it was a blast!  Only one student, but she was a friend, and so excited about the new sewing machine she got for Christmas!  She learned how to make pillowcases burrito-style, and now says she'll never buy ready-made ones again.  I love teaching someone who is so excited about learning.  Unfortunately, with our move, it just won't be cost effective to drive back to Mt. Juliet to teach, and in all honesty, I think I was making about $2 an hour after all the prep time and the cost of materials for making my own samples.  It's a great concept but Joann's needs to work on taking care of their teachers better!

So with all that in the books, let's take a look at what's on tap for this week....

1.  Wrap the Christmas presents.

2.  Keep working on packing up the non-essentials. (That means everything but quilting stuff!)

3.  Make and attach labels to all the grandkids' quilts.

4.  Gather and send more documents to the lender.

5.  Purge purge purge!  Goodwill is becoming a daily stop!

6.  Work on the H2H quilt ideas.

7.  Attend our house inspection and take measurements of the house, then draw up a scale floor plan.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

So much to do!  And I'm sure I've forgotten something, but it will all come out in the wash.

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Happy packing, keep those essentials handy and well labelled.

  2. JoAnn's not only need to take better care of their teachers, they also need to take better care of their shoppers

  3. Looking forward to H2H. Just got a lovely thank you from Jack's Basket. I have a friend who teaches for Joann's. She is in total agreement with you about the teacher situation!

  4. Fabric must be the very last thing packed and the very first thing unpacked! Emmy's Drama Llama quilt looks so fun :)

  5. I admire you for keeping up with all your regular activities while getting ready for Christmas AND packing up to move. But then you are an organizational wizard and I think you secretly thrive on being super busy. The llama quilt is adorable.

  6. What a busy time of year for you with all of the extras but still you manage to produce beautiful works!

  7. Yes, it is so busy this time of year! You are definitely right about JoAnn's, and I might add Michael's as well. My daughter and I used to teach there (painting, Wilton, quilting, etc.) and you wonder some days if it is worth it!

    This week I am working on Thing #1's Tiger quilt. I have most of the rows done and will finish that today. Then just need to add borders and get it quilted for next week! Oh, and labels for both Thing #1's Tiger and Thing #2's Panda!! The girl will not be getting hers until her birthday - but she's older and we got her other stuff as well as the boys!!

  8. The girl will not be getting hers
    until her birthday - but she's older and we got her other stuff as well as the boys


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