Friday, December 20, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Drama Llamas!!

Hi, all!

Can you believe it - it's not only Friday, but it's the last Friday before Christmas!  How time flies when you are having fun!!  And since it's Friday, that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on, so let's get started...


Today it's time to reveal the last of my grandkids' annual quilts - this one is for Emmalyn, and I call it "Drama Llamas"!

Emmalyn has been very much a Drama Llama this year, so much so that we have a saying "No Drama Llamas at Nana's"!  So it only seemed appropriate that she should have some drama llamas on her annual quilt!  Want to meet the crew?

This is Aquabella!  She may look blue, but she loves purple because only truly bold llamas wear purple - and she is definitely bold!

Next up is Princess Buttercup.  She's a huge fan of romantic comedies, farm boys, and pirates!

Pinkie Tuscadero is next in line.  She comes across as hard-boiled, but she has a soft and generous heart.  She's fond of '57 Chevys and Buddy Holly!

Meet Bonnie Blue!  She has a kind and child-like heart, loves horses and ice cream.

And last but not least, here is Lady Greensleeves!  Spring is her favorite season, of course, as the leaves come out and the flowers start to bloom.  

The background fabric is full of drama too - a rainbow of tiny triangles for Emmy, whose favorite color is "rainbow"!!  

And how about a bright, bold backing for my bright, bold granddaughter!

The pattern for this quilt is by Sew Fresh Quilts, who carries a lot of pieced animal designs.  Check her out!

So now all the annual quilts are finished and documents, just in time for Christmas.  

Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right beside you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Oh I love the llamas quilt! So colorful and tailor-made.

  2. Wow! I just love the Drama Llamas and their names and descriptions are awesome!! Great finish!

  3. Drama Llamas is beautiful...and they all sound so fun! I have a feeling you may even hear a squeal or two when she opens this one <3

  4. What precious Llamas they are!! She will love them and their stories.

  5. Why is it I'm never ready for the holidays! LOL! I'm loving the Llamas and the captions you wrote for each one! Thanks for making me smile this morning!

  6. What a delightful whimsical quilt! Just perfect for your granddaughter!

  7. Your quilts for your grands are so personalized they are are a treasure! This one is adorable. She's going to love it forever!

  8. I have seen these llamas all over the blogland but none were as handsomely dressed as these ones. Mommy has got style!!!

  9. Another wonderful pattern by Sew Fresh Quilts come to life. Great job. It will be loved.

  10. I love the pattern (those eyelashes) and the character sketches. This is sure to be a hit with a drama llama who loves rainbows. It must have been so much fun dressing those llamas.

  11. This is just so gorgeous. I love your description of each character and the personalisation of this whole quilt. This is a truly blessed child.

  12. Where can I buy the pattern??? I love it. I am a llama fanatic

  13. Lov llamas can u send me things u make

  14. Congrats on getting Emmy's quilt done, Sarah. It is SEW cute!!

  15. Those llamas are adorable. Lorna has great animal patterns.

  16. Your Llamas are so adorable. The Alpaca Llama of the Sew Fresh Quilt's patterns. On my list to make.
    I love seeing other people's versions. Your wee Drama Queen will love it.

  17. Those Drama Llamas are hysterical and their names - well all just too much fun. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Sarah!

  18. Will the llama names be part of your label? They are delightful and should be recorded. Emmy will love it.

  19. LOVE you LLamas!!
    I've got a Llama project in mind, so will have to check out the pattern from Sew Fresh Quilts.. Thank you for the inspiration.

  20. Too funny that you named them all!! You cracked me up with this post :)

  21. Love this quilt!!! Your granddaughter will totally love it!! How fun to come up with such cute names! As another post said it would be awesome to include them on your label! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  22. The llama names and backstories are as wonderful as the quilt!

  23. Lovely llamas! And Happy Holidays everyone!

  24. Hi Sarah, your llamas are gorgeous and spunky. Have a great Christmas!


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