Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I May Have A Scrap Problem... New Year, New Goals!

Hi, all!

2019 has arrived in all its glory, and with it a clean slate and a million opportunities!  I love the feel of new beginnings, don't you?  But before I jump into the new, I want to look back at the year gone by...

With the exception of the bottom left picture (and of course our little scrap monster in the center), these are just a few of the scrappy projects I finished this year, using scraps I gleaned out of the Tubs of Shame under my long arm machine.  And you know what?  I discovered that I like quilting with scraps!  And that bottom left picture shows the fifty-one quilts we made using scraps at church for the teachers at our local elementary school - a project that was much-participated in by our members and well received by the teachers!

I also learned that keeping up with your scraps is much preferable to just stuffing them into tubs unattended (although that still happens with some of mine when I get too busy!)  I learned that from June to December, it's usually too busy to keep up with a monthly goal, BUT that didn't mean that I wasn't motivated to sew with scraps - so I count that a win!

And now for this year.  As I mentioned, July through December were pretty much busts as far as drawing out a goal from my Scrap Attack box, so I have six goals from 2018 that will carry over into 2019.  They are:

Sort through scrap tub "A"and make a project using those scraps.

Sort through scrap tub "D" and make a project using those scraps.

Sort through the solids scrap tubs and make a project using them.

Use the green "bricks and blocks" to make another quilt.

Scrappy double wedding ring quilt, using my new templates.

Mail someone a large flat rate box full of scraps.

All of those are still worthy goals, so I'll keep them in the box, and add the following:

Finish my scrappy Gypsy Wife quilt.

Sort through, press, fold, and store my strings outside of the String Hamper of Shame.

Make a string quilt.

Using thrifted men's shirts, make a quilt.

Dig into the bonus HST's tub and make one or more projects.

That gives me eleven for the year, and since I didn't make it through all twelve last year, I should be good to go!  

And speaking of the String Hamper of Shame, here it is - 3-5 years of strings stuffed into a hamper, and gleefully ignored for all that time.  Oh the shame!

But I guess I've already started on one of my Scrap Attack 2019 goals, since I've been pressing, folding, and tubbing up some of these strings already since I got back from Hawaii.  See how much I've accomplished already?

But I'm ashamed to show you just how full the hamper still is, even after several hours of work on it.  I've gotten down at least as far as December 2017, as I recognize some of the scraps from Christmas projects that year.  But it's still pretty solidly packed under that.  It's rather like taking a core sample - you never know what you're going to find in there!

I'm also planning to dig through my solids tubs this month and next, since I need 7.5" solids squares for one of my QuiltCon classes and that's a good place to start.  So I'll be working on two projects simultaneously (maybe even three if I start a string quilt with the fruits of my labors!)

So - - - are you going to set some scrappy goals for 2019?  As you can see from my own performance, the idea is to motivate, not legislate - it's no big whoop if you don't make it through your goals.  But I've found that the goals give me a place to start when I find myself at the end of a project with that empty feeling of "what will I work on next???" or if I have a small period of time to fill with no specific "have to's" on the books.  Feel free to link up your list below if you are joining in - and I'll try to be better about putting a link up each month so we can show off our progress!

Hello there, little friend!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Organization and utilization are high on my list this year. Working on taming my scraps one drawer at a time.

  2. String Hamper of Shame - NEVER! That is better known as your String Resource Bin! Don't you feel better about it already?!

  3. I love the 'tubs of shame' phrase! I will be working on a few more Summer Blooms blocks.

  4. LOL, I totally know what you mean about archaeology going down through the scrap bins. I used to stuff cut off thread tails into a glass jar and by looking through the side I could see the different color layers and go "oh, there's that project, and that one."

  5. You have done some amazing quilts with your scraps. I love seeing them :-) I have been thinking about listing my projects but haven't gotten there. They are all pretty much right there in my mind's eye :-) I tend to like to finish one project at a time and then just pick another one... except for the leader/ender pieces I have going. It might be time to get focused with a list so I can see what I've accomplished. Just thinking out loud here. HA!

  6. It's apparently the year of the string quilt out here in quiltland, so you'll be in good company! If you're overwhelmed by them, you could always just stuff a few handfuls in envelopes and give them away. It's very freeing! Good luck on your goals for this year.

  7. Last year I started Scrap Attack like a lion and then ... it left my sewing room and never came back. :^(
    I will give it another try this year and like you said, it's no biggie if I don't make through my goal. At least, some of the goals were accomplished and some projects got some attention. So, in itself, it is an accomplishment, right? :^)

  8. I've finished 22 string blocks so far this year and my main goal is to get the rest of my strings sewn up into blocks for a quilt for ME :-) I made two quilts for family members for the Holidays and they inspired me to get back to my Stash. I have fabric for 5 other quilts (all planned - I usually just buy the fabric I love with no plan at all, so this is progress) and a large stack of blocks cut for a scrappy project, so those will be first. After that, I really need to get to the Bins of Shame that have been languishing for far too long. You are an inspiration!

  9. I knew when I stacked the clear plastic bins in a corner of the spare bedroom, that I had TOO MUCH fabric.However once we are sorted out with a new bathroom and the garden is planted, some serious attacking can start there. Love your title to the scrap bin!!!

  10. My goal for my scraps is just not to let them take over my sewing room. I have a few quilts in mind to keep them at bay, but have not made a list.

  11. I only did one scrap project in 2018. Hoping 2019 gives me more opportunities to get a handle on those scraps. Good luck on your 2019 goals. My goal for 2019 is to get as many quilts done as possible. LOL --Andrea

  12. Core sample...LOL! Like you, I discovered this year that I love making scrap quilts. The colors are just so much richer with all the fabric variation! Thank you for all the inspiration you provide :)

  13. I'm already well on my way to having two quilts ready for Hands to Help! Whoo-Hoo! and I do work on scraps when I have extra time and no big project in the works. I am very grateful for your help with knowing how to handle the scraps. I always had "Shame drawers" that I wanted to hide from my husband and others ;-) but now I am slowly making these behave! Also, your featured scrap quilts have been the inspiration for at least two charity quilts this fall. All in all, it's gonna be a scrappy good year!

  14. Maybe I can work on scraps later in the year! Not the first six months!! LOL

  15. wow do not know you.. but know you. scrap sisters for sure. I have one of those plastic bureaus on wheels where I store my scraps.. at least have them in crayon box colours. so sort of separated. you are so funny and truthful LOVE that.. enjoy. I still have a full time job so my scrappy day time is limited.. but I also sew Doll clothes.. so bigger scraps get used up and then I can add more little scraps to my quilt scraps bins.. and round and round it goes. haha.... hugs. xo from cold , icy canada.


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