Friday, May 28, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? In My Non-Quilting Hours...


Hi, all!

It's been a busy week, and a beautiful one here, too!  But now it's Friday, and not only Friday, but the beginning of a holiday weekend in the States - and that's a big whoop whoop all on its own!  So now it's time for us all to get our whoop whoop on. I hope you're ready - let's get started!


As I said, it's been busy around here!  The temperature skyrocketed this week, and as usually happens, that's when I found out that the AC upstairs in my studio was NOT working.  That made me change my sewing plans for gardening (early in the morning, obviously!) so I headed to the plant nursery in search of a big, bad, thorny rose bush that the bunnies wouldn't find tasty.  And boy did I find one!

Look at that beautiful bush!  So many buds on it, too - it should really explode with color very soon.  Here's a close-up picture of the roses...

The rose is called Lady in Red and the roses really look like a flamenco dancer's skirt - gorgeous ruffly deep red petals.  I'm so happy I found this one!  

I also found a couple of gorgeous lilies to add to the front planter for a pop of color!

And then in the backyard, under the bird/squirrel feeders, I added a couple of butterfly bushes that I picked up at the farmer's market on the square in Murfreesboro.  They seemed like well-established bushes and cost about half of what they were priced everywhere else!  Keep your fingers crossed that I can't kill them off....

I also planted the hydrangea that my daughter and her family gave me for Mother's Day in that planter.  I love sitting out on the back porch and watching the birds and seeing all the beautiful plants growing!

I got a new weed puller, too - this handy dandy gadget pops dandelions right out of the ground, root and all, and doesn't require me to bend over or get down on hands and knees to get them out!  I'm going to have so much fun pulling all those boogers out!

I'm also whooping about this - Lilli and I worked really hard early one morning in the studio (yes, in the heat!) to organize the giveaway goodies for Hands2Help.  She is excellent help (especially when she's getting paid) and a great organizer!  So we worked very fast to get done before it got unbearable upstairs, and now we are ready for the end of this year's Hands2Help Challenge.  Hooray!

And I did get one quilt on (and off) the frame this week - a very large "family" quilt that will go to a couple whose son was killed in a motorcycle crash last weekend.

Oh, and here's one more thing we can all whoop about - if you need to ship quilts or other donations to Little Lambs Foundation of Utah, you can go to (there's a link in last Sunday's post) and use the promotional code MAY to get a second label for 50% off!   The offer is good until 5/31, so get your labels quick!

A very busy week, and one I feel really good about....

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I love the new rose bush. I used to have a whole rose garden in our last house but one year the weather and Japanese beetles just decimated them so they were toast. One day I might plant new ones.

  2. Looks like you had some great help this week. Lovely quilt, but so sad for the family that lost a son.

  3. Lady in red is gorgeous. The quilt is beautiful but really sad for the family. Have a great holiday weekend.

  4. Beautiful new flowers! And why does the air conditioning always break at the most inconvenient times?

  5. Your landscaping looks wonderful. The new rose bush is a beauty! The new dandelion puller looks interesting, where might I find info on it?

  6. That's a very productive week, Sarah! Congratulations on getting it all done :)

  7. Oh, how beautiful your flowers look now!!! The work is done so now you can enjoy it!

  8. The Lady in red roses really looks like a dancers swirling skirt! Beautiful! Interesting tool for pulling dandelions. Is there a link or info on it? We tend to loose some of the taproot when weeding. The quilt is a beautiful way to recognize the loss this family suffered.

  9. Hooray for helpers, Sarah!! (Paid or not.)

  10. Whoop, whoop to you! I am hoping our weather changes soon. It's been a bit chilly this past week here in the Pacific NW! How nice it is to have such a fun helper! So glad to see this linky party still going! -Andrea

  11. Hum, not too many bunnies here so I have no experience with bunnies plundering the gardens. But we once had deer that ate our tea roses down to 6" off the ground. Good grief. Butterfly bushes will do great. They are considered an invasive species in our area. We ruthlessly chop ours back late fall or they would totally take over the area it is in. Glad you have such an excellent helper for the H2H work. I know it is a big project.

  12. I too am wondering where I can get a handy dandy dandelion gadget like yours! Do tell!

    1. Here's a link for the weed puller:

      I'm very pleased with it!

  13. I second wanting the info on your new dandelion gadget. More ng, please?

  14. Dang auto-correct. More INFO, please. Ugh.

  15. I am also interested in the weed puller. Thanks for the gardening inspirations!

    1. Here's a link for the weed puller:

      I'm very pleased with it!

  16. No need for AC here this weekend.
    We had to turn the heat back on yesterday as it rained all day and never got above 45. We needed the rain, but not the cold. Seems like everyone is interested in that dandelion puller. Enjoy the holiday weekend.

  17. Oh no -- air conditioning in the studio is a must for me as well when the temperatures climb in the Carolinas! Especially if I'm piecing and need my iron plugged in beside me to press seams. Hope yours gets fixed quickly for you!

  18. Two Little Lambs labels bought and downloaded! Thanks so much :)

  19. You have had a very busy week. Your garden looks fabulous and I like your weed puller. I need to invest in one like that. So happy you had a sweet helper in getting some organizing and tasks completed. Thank you for hosting the link party.

  20. Love that red rose! We planted three of the antique variety recently. So far, so good!


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