Sunday, June 4, 2023

Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge Week 12 - But Wait - It's Not Over Yet!

Hi, all!

Well, I know today is supposed to be the end of the Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge for 2023, but I just don't feel like letting a good thing come to an end!  (Actually, my week last week got very busy and I am behind, but I'm going to try to correct that this week...) So I'm going to give you another week to share your posts and pictures, since several of you inadvertently missed the deadline - see how nicely that works out?  And I'll be sharing the myriad of pictures that I've received in my email inbox too, over several posts this week.  It's way too many for just one post!!!

Before we go any further, I'm going to ask you to do one little thing for me - a very quick survey to let me know your name and how many quilts you finished for H2H this year.  Yes, donations to your local charities count too!  So please fill out this 3 question form...


I'm always so afraid I'll miss counting someone's quilt(s) across the various social media platforms, and this should help!

And now, here are some of the wonderful pictures that have been sent to me this week...

This cute little quilt was made by Jeanine C. and donated to Project Linus!

Melissa B. made this cutie, and set it to Little Lambs of Utah!

Rebecca B. made these two for Quilty Hugs!

Suzanne C. donated these three beauties locally.

And last but not least, Linda M. made these five and sent them off to Little Lambs and Quilty Hugs!

If you have a blogpost or pictures to share, feel free to link up below and share them with us all!!!

I'll be back tomorrow with more fabulous quilt pictures!  Remember to fill in that form for me (thanks in advance!!) and keep on quilting!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I donate all quilts to my local chapter of Quilts for Kids Salt Lake City

  2. Thanks for the extension--I am writing the post now!

  3. My six quilts have been donated locally to Love Basket and City of Refuge. It was nice to get more involved with local charities this year.


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