Sunday, March 9, 2014

Just One More Week Until…..

Hi, all!

That's right - next Sunday, March 16th, signups will begin for the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge 2014!  You'll have the choice of three great charities to sew for, lots of great giveaways thanks to our wonderful sponsors, and the chance to know that you're doing good for someone else while doing something you love!  That's a win-win all around.

So I hope you'll join us - get your friends involved, too!  There will be a giveaway for those who sign up the first week, with opportunities for extra entries.  If you post the H2H button on your blog or blog about the Challenge and one of your readers tells me they came from your blog, that's an extra entry for you!  Followers, new and old, will get an extra entry too.

So get a jump start and put the button on your blog or post about the Challenge early - and be sure to check back in here next Sunday through Saturday 3/22 to sign up!  One of our sponsors is offering free shipping to all this year's H2H participants during the challenge, and details will be emailed to each one after you sign up.

I can't wait to get started - - - can you?




  1. I ready too. Button is on my blog. Here is to another great H2H challenge.

  2. So exciting. I can't wait to see which charities you have this year.

  3. I have the button up and blog post is done - will be adding this to a link up with 'design wall' with Patchwork Times, too (showing one of my quilts for H2H).

  4. I have tears in my eyes after reading: Happy Chemo. As a cancer survivor myself, I can not think of anything more comforting than receiving a hand made quilt while I was so very sick. Signing up and creating a post are at the top of my list this week!! THANK YOU for all your work in putting this event together!!! :)I will be so very honored to be participating!! Val:)

  5. PS I just noticed you posted my Tuesday Archive button...thanks for your awesome support!! Everyone feel welcome to stop by and link up your archived posts at:

  6. The button is up and a blog post to spread the word is finished. Thank you, Sarah, for your giving spirit.

  7. I'm already sewing, and have the button installed for weeks now. I've been chomping at the bit since Jan. 1...
    Love the quilts you showed today...I've always been interested in the dark/brights against the paler values. Never made one cause I don't have much in the paler values in my stash. I should fix that, don't you think so?

  8. Can't wait! I have been through my stash several times and I am looking for just the right patterns. Blog post will go up later this week.

  9. I saw this on Vrooman's blog, and I know I'll forget by the time registration comes, so I'm telling you now!

  10. Oh, goodie! I've got the quilts from last year that just didn't get finished and I know I'll get them done this year for sure!

  11. I'll be joining in again this year.

  12. I would like some more information. Not sure if you could e-mail me so I can e-mail you back with some questions. Thanks

  13. Button shared...let the quilt planning begin!

  14. I'm very excited to do this this year. I put your button on and will write my post soon.


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