Friday, March 14, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Whole Lot of Stuff...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I am - but lots of different things this week, nothing quilty.  So let's see what we're all whooping about this week!


First up is this…

Labels printed by the yard from Spoonflower!!  We have a new graphic designer at church who fixed up the file we needed to upload to Spoonflower.  A few minutes, a credit card, two weeks to process the order, and we have 180 labels!  Woohoo!

Next up….

I did my taxes - and it's not even March 15th!  That's probably a record for me - I usually wait until the last minute to do my taxes. But we're getting a new roof next week, so it's nice to know where that tax refund will be going….

And saving the best for last…

what do this…

and this…

and this…

and this…

have in common? 

They're all Chinese.  

And so is the child my daughter and son-in-law are trying to adopt!  It's not definite yet, but if they get approved, they hope to adopt a beautiful little boy who is also profoundly deaf.  
He'll be a little brother to Lilli and a big brother to Emmy, 
and everyone is very excited!

So can I get a whoop whoop?!?!?


And now it's your turn!

What's made you dance the happy dance this week?

Share with us - we want to dance along with you!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



PS Remember that signups for this year's Hands2Help Challenge start this Sunday!  I hope you'll be joining this year!!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Hi Sarah. I was so taken with the photo at the top of your blog, that I copied your idea and photographed my quilt outside on a chair - see number 3 above - Wendy from New Zealand. Thanks for the inspiration and running the linkup.

  2. Love the Chinese version of the happy dance there! Fingers crossed the adoption goes well for your daughter and family!

  3. Love the spoolflower fabric you ordered for labels! Very nice idea :) I bet it won't take long to label 180 quilts as many as ya'll give out... congrats on a new roof and taxes DONE! Yippee :) But most excited about a new grand possibly for you! That is a happy dance moment ... will pray all goes as God plans :) Kathi

  4. That's wonderful news! I hope everything works and you have a new grandchild.

  5. My husband's cousin adopted 4 children from Korea many years ago. The first 2 were girls. The only way Korea let boy children out of the country was if they had a disability. Their 3rd child was a boy, supposedly with a hearing loss, but he must have been misdiagnosed (on purpose, maybe?) because he actually had no hearing issues.

  6. What an exciting time for your family! I'll keep you all in my prayers and hope for the best. I haven't done my taxes yet, but it's on the agenda for this weekend. Wish me luck!

  7. So, how do you do the labels to Spoonflower? Can you just type up one and they gang them up? About how much was the cost for the yard? I hate to print them on my inkjet as the fabric is expensive and the prints don't seem to last long through washing. Yours are one color, I add a red heart to mine, so I don't know if that adds a lot of extra cost. Love your labels.

  8. I need to do labels that way, thank you for posting that. And happy dancing and keeping fingers and toes crossed.

  9. Congratulations for your new grandbaby!

  10. I feel your 'tax' pain! I wish your daughter and son-in-law much luck! That is so fantastic!

  11. Fingers crossed for the adoption. How exciting. Taxes done makes for a great Whoop, Whoop Friday!

  12. You're going to be a grammy again! How wonderful.
    Lots of pretty quilts on the linky today... kind of amazing how many of them I follow. Guess I have a weakness. (or 6)

  13. Good luck to your daughter and son-in-law with the adoption. I can only imagine how excited you must be!

  14. I hope things will turn out for your daughter and son-in-law. Congratulations on getting your taxes done!

  15. All good news and great things to whoop whoop about! The spoonflower labels are great.

  16. Cool labels! Wishing your daughter's family all the best in the adoption process. My friend has adopted two girls from China. They are adorable.

  17. I hope your daughter and son-in-law get approved. How wonderful that they are trying to adopt someone in need.

  18. That sounds like wonderful news. I will keep your daughter and son-in-law in my prayers. I'm sure the princesses will be happy to "train" him to be a perfect brother.

  19. Exciting news. Wishing your daughter and sil all the best with the adoption!
    Love the Spoonflower labels.
    Wish my taxes were done :(

  20. I hope everything goes well with the adoption. I have a cute little niece from Mongolia, and she sure is a joy to have in our family.

  21. Praying that things go well with the (hopefully) new brother for the girls.

  22. Oh, oh, oh you KNOW I was going to be all excited about this fabulous news. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and holding my breath until they receive their TA (travel approval) and are on their way to bringing him home. If they want any advice for the trip or have any other questions, please tell them to ask away. I'm always willing to help other adoptive parent navigate the experience. And are you going to be making him a 100 Good Wishes Quilt? if so I'd be very happy to contribute a square of fabric and a wish, or even two. Just let me know and I'll get working on it. Big hugs!


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