Friday, May 26, 2017

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? You Won't Believe It...

Hi, all!

It's Friday!!  Are you as ready for Friday as I am?  Not only is it the end of the work-week, but it also means it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  Let's get started!


I've had one main focus this week...

Keeping track of, and visiting, all the folks who have linked up for the end of the Hands2Help Charity Challenge 2017!

Jennifer's quilt

I've seen lots of amazing quilts...

Maxine's quilt

Here's just a few of them...

P.'s quilt
And been totally blown away by this year's response!

Jamie's quilt
As of Thursday evening, there are more than 162 link-ups, and I have even more that need to be linked up in my mailbox!

So that's what I'm whooping about!!

PS - If you haven't linked up yet, there's still time - the linky closes at 6 pm CST today (Friday 5/26).  

Be sure to drop by and check out some (or all) of the links for some awesome inspiration!!!

Can all these great quilters get a WHOOP WHOOP??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?
(This week's happy dance is in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars!)

Share!  We want to dance right along with you -
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.



  1. What a wonderful tally, this is fantastic, and each one is made with great thought and super fabrics and designs.

  2. How wonderful so many quilts have been donated this year!

  3. Wow, that's quite a response! Definitely a reason to celebrate.

  4. The smile on your face must be so huge right now, so many beautiful quilts all going to people that really need to feel that love. Thanks for being you :)

  5. Whoop Whoop! Great success this year!

  6. Wow, that's incredible, 160-something and counting! Whoop Whoop! And I am chuckling about the dancing Storm Troopers and Vader, LOL.

  7. Whooping right along with you! So thankful to your generous readers. Four more boxes arrived today.

  8. Sarah, now that I've re-read your post, I'm wondering whether I should have posted my finish, which is a dress for myself. If it should be Hands2Help quilts only, please remove my link. I'm sorry for the mixup. But I am thrilled that H2H has received 160+ quilts! Congratulations to everyone who works so hard to help others.

  9. No doubt you will exceed prior years. It has been an honor to participate again this year!

  10. Bummer....I had one more to post. I thought it was Sunday to Saturday. So happy so many quilts were donated this year! Congrats Sarah!

  11. Lots of beautiful quilts - those triangle ones are so pretty! Your dancing videos make me smile every time! Thank you!


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