Friday, September 29, 2017

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's Fall, Y'All!

Hi, all!

It's finally Friday!!  And not just Friday, but the first full Friday of fall!  

Have you done anything you're whooping about this week?  Think hard - there's always something!  Remember, it doesn't have to be a finish - just something you're happy about.  Let's get whooping!!


First, let's start with an inconsequential but still happy-making thing....

This showed up in my driveway this morning, and when it left, I had a whole new view...

It seems like a silly thing, but living out in the country, that driveway gets muddy after a while, and a new layer of gravel is SO nice!!

And then I got  busy today and set up my photo shoot for the Free Spirit Fabric project!  

It's always fun to find props for a photo shoot.  In this case, I was aiming for a vintage/antique look, so I pulled out the small sofa my great-grandfather used in his law office, and the small boot chair that we think dates from revolutionary times.  Lots of old metal hanging on the smokehouse and sitting on the ground, too!  I'll have to do some careful editing of pictures to take out some "non-vintage" things, but I think it's do-able!  

The post will go up this coming Tuesday, introducing Free Spirit Fabric's new line, Boston Commons.  I hope you'll stop by!


And before I show you my final whoop for this week, I want to share something I saw on Instagram this week...

This week I am just bowled over by how much good you all have done!  Wednesday night we packed up all the pillowcases and quilts we have received for A Heart For Texas so that the mission team can take them when they head out on Sunday.

Those are two enormous tubs (I think you could put a person in each one!) and they are jammed absolutely to the brim with pillowcases.  I lost count, but I'm pretty sure there are more than 600 pillowcases in those two tubs.  (Thankfully they are on wheels or they'd be too heavy to move!)  And the two spacesaver bags on the shelf contain 23 quilts!  You are all so awesome!!  Keep up the good work - let's change the world one quilt at a time!

So I'm going to give you all a great big 


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. When everyone helps in their own way, the end result is wonderful. These will be so appreciated and treasured.

  2. How awesome with all the pillowcases and quilts. Love the John Wesley quote - thank you for sharing. Love the fresh gravel on your driveway. We also lived in the country for many years, and still miss it a lot, but also remember those muddy roads and our own long winding driveway :)!

  3. I love that quote too. The response to your pillowcase drive was so amazing! What a blessing that will be to so many people.

  4. I like that quote...thanks! Also, am jealous of your driveway could surely use it.

  5. I love how your photo shoot looks! Beautifully Autumnal. How wonderful to get so many pillowcases, that small make will mean a lot to so many.

  6. Wow!!!That is an incredible amount of pillowcases and quilts!!! Just amazing ;)

  7. Wonderful! By small and simple means are great things brought to pass. Keep up your great work.

  8. What an awesome contribution by so many!!

  9. So much generosity among so many people, especially quilters. Wish government peeps could be half as generous...

  10. Sarah, how wonderful about the pillowcases. I love that quote, too. Now, your dancing people - where do you get such fun GIFs??? :-)

  11. New gravel makes all the difference! Those pillowcases and quilts will make a difference too. :)

  12. If I lived in the country again, I, too, would be thrilled over new gravel!

  13. Great quote. Sarah, you do good work. And you inspire good works in others. The pillowcases will bring a smile to many faces and will be easy enough to travel with the recpients as they make new homes.

  14. Ditto on quote and the pillow cases for Texas.
    We live in the country and it is so nice to have a good drive to the house! Costly, but so worth it!

  15. I'm so thrilled that you received so many pillowcases! I wanted to contribute, but my attention was needed elsewhere this month. That's OK, I'll do all the good I can in another direction in October. It helps to know that others are doing their good around me!

  16. Love that quote.
    Your driveway brought back a memory. When I was growing up, we had a stone driveway. Larger stone than your gravel one. I used to love the crunching/popping sound of my dad's car pulling in on that stone.


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