Friday, September 8, 2017

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Quilters Are Generous People...

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again - - - can you believe it?  It's been such a tumultuous week that it seems like a long time since last Friday, but we're here again, and I hope you've got a little time to do some whooping with me!  Let's get started!


Last Friday, I mentioned that our church quilt ministry would be making pillowcases to send to Texas for Hurricane Harvey victims. Well, the idea took wing and people started asking if they could also send pillowcases to us to help - and so A Heart For Texas was born!

For details on the pillowcase drive and how to participate, please check out this post.  We'll be taking pillowcases at least through the end of September (maybe longer depending on Hurricane Irma!) and may have a quilt drive in October.

So today I spent some time making pillowcase kits for our monthly sewing day this Saturday (I've got plenty more to make tomorrow!) We'll be using this tutorial to make ours, although there are a lot of great tutorials out there.  And we'll be hosting a hands-on activity at our local fall festival next week, getting the community involved in making pillowcases for Texas!

 And today, the pillowcases started rolling in!  These came from Jan of The Colorful Fabriholic - aren't they beautiful!  And there are two more packages already at church that I haven't opened yet.  I'll add pictures from those two packages later on Friday after I've checked them out!

Today I made labels to be pinned on the pillowcases, which will be filled in with the maker's first name and location.  My hope is that this will remind the recipient that people all over the country are thinking about them and praying for them!

So - - - can we all get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!  

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you -

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. so good to see pillowcases are allready arriving I am sure you will receive hundreds as they are so much easier and quicker to make than a quilt

  2. This is the 2nd time I've clicked for your pillowcase tutorial and it hasn't worked (1st time was on your original posting for pillowcases) I use the burrito method and all of the inside seams are "enclosed"--French seam style. My weekend is planned for pillowcases for you :-)

  3. When a family has lost so much, there is nothing more comforting than putting their head down on a pillow of their own. These pillowcases are so important for both the recipients and yes, those who make them (representing a small part of a long recovery).

  4. Sarah, when I saw and read about your label for the pillowcases, it brought tears to my eyes. I like the personal touch to connect to the recipient. You're truly going above and beyond, and I suspect you'll be making hundreds of labels. Thanks for organizing this pillowcase drive.

  5. the labels are fabulous ! well done.

  6. I'm so glad the pillowcases have already started coming in. Love the label.

  7. You do so much good! What a blessing to those in need.

  8. So cute.congratultions to all the ladies!


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