Friday, September 1, 2017

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Life's A Beach....

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - and September!  Can you believe it?  Where did August go?   But you know what Friday means.... it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  


As you may already know, I'm at the beach until the middle of next week.  We LOVE the beach - it's our happy place!  But this morning, when I woke up, this is what greeted me...

A yucky, rainy day, courtesy of the remnants of Tropical Storm Harvey.  (Believe me, I know it could be much worse, and my prayers and thoughts are with the people affected in Texas. More about that below.)

So I went to my other happy place... or at least, my traveling happy place!

This is my traveling sewing area, complete with everything I need to while away a rainy day!

So this morning, I completed this pretty little table runner (top)!  I have the colorful center for another one, but didn't have enough border fabric to finish it.  Looks like I'll need to stop by a fabric store on this trip!

I also finished some more of these components for my Free Spirit Fabric project.  Aren't those colors awesome?

We went to see a movie, and by the time we got back, the weather had cleared some (although it was still REALLY windy!) so we enjoyed some time looking out over the ocean from our balcony.  There's nothing like a good book and an ocean breeze!

The weather promises to be better tomorrow, so I should have my toes in the sand soon.  But I'm never sorry to have time to sew!


And speaking of Hurricane Harvey victims, our church is planning to send some quilts, but we're also working on a much quicker project that we hope to send off in the next week or two - pillowcases!  One of the women in our group was affected by the Nashville flood a few years ago, and she said that her kids were given pillowcases in the shelter, which they use still to this day.  She said it made a huge difference in how they felt, having something that was uniquely theirs and made for them.  So we're dipping into our stash of juvenile and novelty fabrics to make a whole mess of pillowcases.  Our church will be sending teams to Texas as soon as it won't be disruptive to do so, and I'm sure they can take quilts with them, but we also have contacts in TX so that we can send the pillowcases sooner.


And FYI, Craftsy is having a super event on Monday, September 4th - on Labor Day, you can enjoy 1200+ Craftsy classes for free - for ONE. DAY. ONLY!  

9/4/17, 12:01 AM MST to 11:59 PM MST

What a deal!  This offer is good for members, so if you're not already a member, all you have to do is sign up using your email address to access this excellent event.  It's totally free to be a member, and as a member, you have access not only to their classes but to great supplies, kits, and patterns.  Many patterns are free, too - it's definitely worth checking out!  

I plan to use this opportunity to check out classes on fun non-quilty things, like calligraphy, or "mobile" photography (using your mobile phone), or crocheting amigurumi animals - the possibilities are endless!  And it's a great way to test-drive a new skill you've been thinking might be fun.  

So click << here >> and sign up if you haven't already, then binge stream on Labor Day!!

FYI I am a Craftsy affiliate, and clicking on one of the links in this post might earn me a little money to help support this blog.  It doesn't cost you a penny extra, though, and your support is greatly appreciated!


So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up?

What's making you dance a little happy dance today?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. have a lovely holiday. What a nice gesture pillow cases sound a very good for those poor people who lost so much and those who have lost their lives so tragic such a disaster the hurricane Harvey was I feel so for everyone it has effected

  2. That runner is so gorgeous - I just gasped.

  3. Hello Sarah, Pillow cases are a brilliant idea. Children can get very attached to a bright cheerful pillow case, and it's one thing less for parents to sort out when they have to replace household items they have lost.

  4. Pillowcases are a wonderful idea - something personal. Oh, all the needs out there right now. My heart goes out to all who are affected in this awful situation. Love how you were ready to sew at a moments notice :)! I have a few seasonal mini's that I finished - now on to some more little quilt finishes for charity.

  5. The animal rescues have asked for small crate quilts so I'm putting these together today, I had a stack almost ready to go. Sorry about the weather but sometimes watching those dramatic waves is worth it.

  6. I love sewing at the beach! My favorite! Thanks for the Craftsy link, I'm all signed up. Free classes is great PR, I just hope they have good web-designers that understand scalability otherwise their website is going to come to a crashing halt with all the streaming customers! Will be fun to participate!

  7. I like the idea of pillowcases for those affected by Harvey. It's a way of reaching more people in need sooner. When will you be sending them? Can I make some and send them to you for you to pass along?

  8. Thanks for the heads up on free Craftsy classes on Monday. I signed up!

  9. Pillowcases is an awesome idea - I too am doing the petfinder plea for kennel quilts for all the overloaded shelters.

  10. Enjoy your time at the beach. What fabric did you use for the border on your runner? I think I need some.

  11. Love your table runner. Looks like you're having a blast at the beach. Have fun!

  12. Enjoy your vacation. Pillowcases are a great idea. And something quick and easy that can be made...and shipped.

  13. I grew up watching Singing in the Rain... now we sew during the rain, right? Vacation at the beach is fun, rain or not!

  14. I'm all over the pillowcase idea. I'll post the info you sent me tonight. Now, it's time to find pillowcase makings.

  15. Any chance we can join in on the pillowcase drive?

    My big joy this week is that while my brother's house was flooded, no one was hurt! He's the pastor of a small church and they were able to open the church up to help feed and shelter people until something better came along. Someone gave my brother and SIL an RV to live in and their spirits are pretty high.

    Now let's hope Irma just spins out to sea and doesn't bother anyone...

  16. We are headed to Florida in 2 weeks, I wish I could take my machine, but we are flying this time. Hmm, maybe next year I should take my extra machine when we drive and leave it there? Thanks for the pillow case info, I need to try that one.

  17. oh my gosh...I think I watched 10 hours of classes today!!! So hard to choose between everything ;-)


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