Friday, May 6, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? I hear the beach calling.....

Hi, all!

Do you hear the waves crashing on the shore?  The wind blowing through the palm fronds?  The kids running down the beach?  Do you smell the salt water and the suntan lotion?

Me either....  at least, not yet.  But tomorrow I will be sitting on a beach soaking up some sun! Woohoo!!!

All that is to explain why I didn't quite get a finish this week, because I've been so busy getting everything ready for our trip.  But I did manage to do the piecing for the front of my Hands2Help challenge quilt (the first one)....

I still need to applique the flowers to the front of the flimsy, but at least it's a start!

And now, to make up for my lack of finish this week, I've got pictures of some beautiful finishes by other people - some of the quilts we saw at the quilt show in Paducah last weekend!  Enjoy.....

Great use of color and modern design!

The whole quilt on the left - detail of that pink square on the left
side of the quilt in the next frame.  Check out those
teeny-tiny log cabin blocks!

Aren't these gorgeous?

The quilting on both of these was amazing
and added so much to the finished quilt!

I love the use of brights in these three quilts...

Pictures do not do these three justice....

And last but not least, my two favorite Christmas quilts.
The one on the left was amazingly detailed but monochromatic.
The one on the right had so many things to look at it was hard to see it all!

There were so many beautiful quilts in Paducah - a good reminder of what wonderful things you can do if you love to cut fabric up and sew it back together again!  I hope you gained some inspiration from these pictures - I know I did!  


And now it's your turn - what have you been working on this week?  I hope you'll share so we can all be inspired by what you've done!  Remember, you've got until Saturday at midnight - if the linky doesn't say that it's closed, you can still link up!  And be sure to share the bloggy love - the best part of a linky party is reading the comments!!

I don't know if I'll have a finish next week, but I'll definitely be able to show something I've been working on - the sewing machine is going with me!  



  1. Have a wonderful vacation. My H2H quilt should be finished when you get home.

  2. No finishes this week - lots of new starts. My second H2H quilt is scheduled for finishing this weekend and then I can post them off. Enjoy your vacation - stick your toes in the warm sand for me.

  3. Wow, the quilt at the top of your foto's is beautiful!! Have a lovely vacation!!

    Greetings, Debbie

  4. Have a great time, you deserve it! No pictures from me this week, just finished up some binding, cleaned up this and that, those things you've just got to do, but don't have anything to show for it, y'know?

  5. Have a good time! Love the blue and green in your flimsy:)

  6. Oh, I am Loving all those quilts you showed - such detail and TIME!! Its amazing what a little patience, skill, time and effort can create!

  7. Thanks for sharing - the quilts all look amazing.

  8. This is my first time to participate -- and I am so excited to do so!

    Those quilts are so gorgeous. It's neat to see all the new trends in quilting.

  9. I love the finished top. Go enjoy yourself!

  10. You deserve that vacation Sarah! Have a great time.

    And thanks for the pics from the quilt show. :-)

  11. thanks for the pics--they were great! I love when I can click on a pic and get the mambo size!!

  12. LOVE your quilt. It's absolutely GORGEOUS just as it is.

    Seeing those pictures of the quilt show is making me want to visit. =) I wonder if I could talk my mom into a day trip when I'm up there later this month.

    Have a great time on vacation. Travel safely!

  13. Those are amazing!!! I wish I could have seen the texture of the quilting up close! Enjoy the beach for me!

  14. You crazy'll get sand in your machine!

  15. I thought when I read the 1st sentence or two of this you said that you will be stitching on the beach instead of sitting---lol!

    Then you say you are BRINGING ur machine! Funny girl (if I could pull it I probably would too)!

    Blues and greens...hmm were u thinking of that vacation already??

    Happy Mother's Day to U!

  16. Love you H2H quilt so far! Will look wonderful with the applique. Enjoy the beach!!

  17. Okay so I added my finish, but after seeing those beautiful quilts/quilting I was a wee bit reluctant.

  18. Sarah, I just thought I would drop by and tell you how much I love you and am constantly amazed by all you do, including this amazing blog and the wonderful quilt ministry at The Glade. Thank you for being my wife, the mother of my beautiful, talented daughter, and the best Nana ever to the marvelous Lilli. Happy Mother's Day!

    p.s. Thanks for coming to the beach with me for vacation!


I love comments, but unfortunately spammers love my blog, so I have turned them off for anonymous commenters. Feel free to email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com if you have a question though!

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