Friday, September 30, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? I hope this is manly...

Hi, all!

Friday again, and time to show off what we've been working on all week!!  Are you ready?

I've had a busy week, working on ministry quilts, and I've got several ready for the hand sewing part of binding.  But I'll save those for another time, so I can show you the flimsy I made today!

It's made with a layer cake of Deb Strain's Coming Home and some espresso Kona Cotton.  And the wonder of photography - I just noticed that I've got a block reversed on the lower right side!!  Thankfully, there's still time to fix it - I've got to piece a back tomorrow and then get it quilted.  We've got a need for a manly quilt for a 79-year old gentleman, and I hope this will fit the bill!  I love the colors - it reminds me of fall in all the best ways.......

So that's my whoop whoop for the week!  
What have you been working on?
Link up and share - - -
Then go and visit the other links!
Share the love!!

And one last reminder - please take time this weekend to go see the new movie, Courageous!  

You can find out more about the movie  here - but I guarantee you will enjoy it!!



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  1. Lovely Quilt - I am playing with some 'Coming Home' charms right now and even bought a panel - just love this line. Nothing finished yet, bindings here too.

  2. I think you can fix that block up real quick Sarah---you ROCK!!

    I was listening to some commentary with the directors and producers of Courageous on a local Christian radio station yesterday. Very inspiring to know that they let the Lord direct each of their movies and where it will take them. I like how they are cautious when picking the right actor/actresses for each part.
    They were joking saying that they really branched out with this one. This is the first one they have done that doesn't start with a "F", but a "C"!
    Have you seen Fly Wheel? That is the only one I haven't seen yet.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful and it has a nice warm feel to it.

  4. Enjoy the fall weather folks, as its coming my way this weekend. Richard from Amish Stories.

  5. Sarah! I think your quilt looks wonderful. Fall is my favorite season. Isn't it amazing how you can look at a quilt and not see an error until it's photographed. It has happened to me more than once.

  6. Love the colors, Sarah! I know he will like it a lot!

  7. It's very manly and cozy looking, too! He'll love it!

    I hope you don't mind my sharing our kitchen finish. It's all I've been working on for the last couple of weeks!

  8. I messed up my linky AGAIN !!! however I got 3 bindings done ; didn't get my 4th project done but there is always next week ....... I got the COURAGEOUS book but have not read it yet ; my husband is reading it . Nice work you all this week ! Love your quilt Sarah !!!


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