Friday, September 23, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Seriously Crushing....

Hi, all!

I hope you've had a good week - I have, because my quilting frame is back up and running like a top!!  Woohoo!!!!  But it's time to line up to give and get whoop whoops - I hope you're ready!!

I finished off several ministry quilts this week, but because I'll be showing them on my ministry update post next week, I'm only going to show off my favorite this week......

I'm seriously crushing over this quilt, and would love to keep it, but it already has a home.  Isn't it gorgeous?

I certainly can't take all the credit - the long coin strips were donated by our friend Sharon.  Saturday when I was showing all my sewing sisters the beautiful blocks she had sent, those just spoke to me - they said, "Isn't there some linen upstairs we could play with?"  So I went up stairs and checked, and yes, there was some beautiful Irish linen in a dusty blue left over from my grandmother's fabrics (really from Ireland, she ordered it direct!) that matched perfectly!! 

It went together really quickly - all it needed was sashing and bordering - so the top was finished in less than an hour.  This quilt will go to a gentleman who is battling cancer again and needs a pick-me-up and a hug!  I'm glad we were able to get it ready so quickly - - - thanks again, Sharon!!

And speaking of charity sewing and quilt needs, here are some sites you could check out if you are interested in helping - 

For our friend Sharon in the Schoharie Valley of New York State, which suffered devastating flooding due to Hurricane Irene -

Snoodles over at Lily Pad Quilting is hosting a De-Stash for Malawi challenge, looking for donations of yardage of fabric and thread to be used to make clothes for orphans in Malawi.  You ought to check out her blogpost and find out more.  The fabric and thread is to be mailed to a US address, and will be forwarded on from there to Malawi, so postage shouldn't be too bad.  This sounds like a great challenge to participate in, and there are prizes!!  

And there's still time to join in the 100 Quilts For Kids Charity Challenge this year - hosted by Kate over at Swim, Bike, Quilt.  If you haven't heard about this challenge, be sure to check it out - the quilts are donated locally to you, so there's no postage unless you choose to mail, and you have a connection to where they go.  Win Win!!

So now it's your turn!!

What have you been working on this week?

What made you smile while you worked on it?


And don't forget to check out everyone else's 
links and give them a little 

Whoop Whoop!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Ah a huge WHOOP WHOOP - just love how you finished off those strips! How sweet of you to use something treasured from your own stash with this quilt. And thank you for posting our area donation quilts for flood victims.

  2. I didn't work on much...but your quilt is beautiful! I love that you're doing so much for charity. I am inspired. Thanks for sharing the links and for directing people to Jacque's blog too!

    God bless!

  3. Here's a very loud Whoop Whoop to you! It's very nice of you to share that special fabric. The quilt looks perfect to cheer that gentleman up. Look forward to checking out the rest next week.

  4. that is amazing quilt, I've never seen a design quite like that and I love it! Nice job! Whoop, Whoop!

  5. LOVE that pattern! So glad all is now right again in your sewing worlk!

  6. The man whom receives that blue number is going to be happy for sure! The blue is wonderful:)

    I need to get my donation quilt off to my bible study at Ft Bragg here. It is going to a pregnancy center. I also bought 4 laundry basket for this organization. They do not use them for laundry. These become makeshift beds for their babies. Very heartbreaking. That is why I am feeling the need to help though.

    Have a wonderful Saturday Sarah:):)

  7. Love the quilt pattern download -- thanks !! Thanks for sharing all the PRETTY projects ; Thanks for all your inspiration you all share !!
    Thanks Sarah !!! I must be having a THANKFUL Saturday morning ; I forgot to post again yesterday and I'm THANKFUL the link is still open !!

  8. That is such a pretty quilt! And the blue Irish linen is absolutely perfect for it. Whoop-whoop to both you and Sharon!

  9. That quilt would be tough to part with! Nice finish for your week!


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