Friday, May 4, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Heartstrings....

Hi, all!

Have you had a wonderful week?  Are you ready to get your whoop whoop on? I am!!  Today I'll be driving to Knoxville to pick up my new long arm quilting machine - road trip!!!  That's definitely worth a whoop whoop!!

But I'm also going to share a quilt that I posted quickly about earlier this week, because I got a lot of comments and requests for a tutorial.

The center of this quilt, made up of heart string blocks, was sent to us by Kate of Kate's Arty Bits to use for the quilt ministry.  I blogged about the finished quilt on Wednesday and it was a big hit!  

Look how pretty these are!  And guess what - Kate had already written a tutorial on these that you can see here!  Hop over there and show her some love.....

And here's something else I'm whooping about this week...

Look at those two sweeties!  Emma is now one month old - bright eyed and curious when she's awake - and she loves her big sister!  Lilli loves her right back - she's quite the little mother, always making sure that Emma is covered up when she's sleeping.  And the other day when I was talking to Lilli on the phone, she held the phone up to Emma so she could talk to me too!


And now it's your turn! 

What have you been working on this week?

It doesn't have to be a finish - 
Just something you're proud of!

Link up and share - 
We want to cheer you on!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday night!
Be there or be square!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Those are two beautiful little granddaughters you have there Sarah!

  2. Oh my Sarah, I love the photo of the 2 girls. So precious.

  3. I love that heart quilt! I thought all the quilts you showed this week were beautiful. Adorable pic of your girls.

  4. Just melts my heart seeing those two cuties :) Congrats on the new long arm, how exciting. Can't wait to hear more.

  5. Those two girls are so precious:)

    Thanks for the link to the tutorial..what a cute way to use up some scraps!

    Have safe travels today:)

  6. What kind of long arm quilting machine are you getting? And what did you have before. I have a gammill and I have been quilting on it for 9 years plus! and I still love it!
    Beautiful babies too! Cool photo!
    And beautiful quilts too!
    I'll give you a whoop whoop on all of it!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Your granddaughters are so beautiful! I have 2 girls and it's so much fun to watch them love on each other.

    Thanks for posting the link to the heart block. I'm putting that one on my project wish list.

  8. What an enjoyable post. Loved the heart quilt and the adorable picture!

  9. Jealous of your new long arm...enjoy! And what sweet girls you've got there.

  10. Love those hearts : ) Thanks for the link to the tutorial.

  11. Beautiful little girls and I can't wait to hear more about your new long arm! Thanks for the linky party!

  12. Lilli and Emma are both beautiful. They take after you?

  13. What beauties! And the quilt is pretty too. :)

  14. Thanks for linking to that tutorial - I hope people have fun with it. I've had lots of nice comments about the quilt from posting your photo on my blog - great for me to have someone to finish off my bits and pieces and make something useful out of them!!

  15. Just sold a heart quilt from my shop to a lady in New Zealand. I was happy to make the sale,but the shipping not so much!!

    That pic of your grand-babies is extra,extra sweet!!!

  16. Seriously... too cute. I am loving the strings. I have been thinking a traditional sampler quilt with strings would make a great quilt along. So many possibilities.

  17. Photos of "living DOLLS"! I'd be stealing hugz from them...and you'd be fighting me off =P

    Are you getting a Long Arm machine?
    I LUV my Innova. =) Not as cute as those "dolls" of yourse. But, I do hug "her" when I can. =)


  18. Your heartstrings quilt is fab!

  19. Hi Sarah,

    Cleaning up my sewing room this weekend. What will you accept as donation? Would love to help out.


  20. Oh my - a new longarm!!! Congrats! And those are two very lovely little girls you have there :*)

  21. Really great picture of your two girls. You should enter it in a photo contest. Or at least frame it and set it out in your home.


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