Friday, March 1, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Feeling A Little Peaked...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - and time to do a little whooping!!  I hope you're staying warm and busy these days - so many places are receiving oodles of snow (not Tennessee, despite the fact that they bandy the S-word around to increase the milk and bread sales at Kroger!)  They're saying we might get up to an inch over Friday night into Saturday - I'll believe it when I see it (but I'll be sure that I have bread and milk just in case....)

Unfortunately, I don't have great pictures (yet) of my whoop whoop for the week - with the little girls all day and kind of a gray day, I wasn't able to get outside to take pictures.  So these are just in my (messy) studio taken with my iPhone.  But you can kind of get the idea...

This little baby quilt is made using the scraps from Lilli's Christmas quilt - the fabric is Out To Sea by Sarah Jane for Michael Miller Fabrics, paired with Kona white.

I love the back, too - Kona white and Kona coal, paired with more scraps including a little fussy cutting...

(Sorry, I can't get the color right on this one for love nor money - but you can see the cute fussy cutting!)

And some of the wave fabric for binding.

And one last shot, just because it's pretty!!

This quilt will be making its debut in my Etsy shop, someday soon I hope!!

And that's what I'm whooping about this week!


Now it's your turn!

What are you whooping about this week?

What has made you dance the happy dance?

Remember, it doesn't have to be a finish - 

It can just be something you're glad to have accomplished!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday night -

Be there or be square!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. The binding is perfect! :)

  2. I would be whooping it up too with your lovely finish on your baby quilt! Love how you added the fussy cut on the backside. I just checked to see if we were destined to get any of that snow in Charlotte today and it appears we will be missing it. If it comes your way have fun sewing and quilting. Those snow days are great for hibernating in our quilting studios!

  3. Your triangles are always so "pointy" --- I love it! I think the fussy cutting on the back adds a sweet touch. Whoop, whoop!

  4. That's an adorable baby quilt, Sarah! I love the back too. Whoop-whoop, for sure!

  5. Love your quilt! It's perfect.

  6. That is such a pretty quilt. Great job. Congrats!

  7. Sweet baby quilt, Sarah.

  8. Cute quilt. I've seen a lot of triangles in blog land lately.

  9. Oh my goodness! Out to sea is my favorite line and I absolutely love what you have done with it! The triangles, the binding and the back - oh my! LOVE IT!

  10. What a fun little Quilt, great job!!!

  11. Hey, I really love that fussy cut in the strip on the back. How fun is that? :)

  12. Sarah, that Baby Quilt looks great! A triangle quilt is still on my to sew list... one day... ;o)))

  13. Your baby quilt is just soooo lovely! I love the colors and simplicity of it... letting them speak.


  14. I've already shoveled 4 inches of snow today, and I'm afraid to look outside to see how much more has come down since I shoveled. Oh well, we need the moisture.


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