Friday, April 12, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? HSTs Conquered!!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and time to get your whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?

I've been kind of scattered this week, starting things only to have to put them aside to work on ministry stuff - but I do have a pretty top to show you!

This top is the result of using two new gadgets (you can read about them here) and worked up really quickly, considering all the HSTs in it!  I got material today to add some borders to bring it up to lap size, but didn't get them put on in time to put on this post.  So you'll get to see it again when it's finished - but I'm whooping about it now!!

And my friend Netra had a big whoop this week, too...

...her first ministry quilt top!  She was so excited and asked for a picture, then danced around the room with it!  Next she's determined to quilt and bind it herself - so we'll have another whoop for this one, too!

And on a different front, here's news of my little girlies...

First, the oldest...

...decided she was tired of her beautiful long hair!  I love the cut - it looks wonderful on her - but it makes her look so much older!!  She hardly looks like a little girl any more....

And the youngest wants to share...

...the proper way to eat a biscuit!!!  Now, this may not look funny to you - but I have a picture of her mom sitting just like that at about the same age - she couldn't sit in a swing or high chair without propping her foot up on the tray just like that!  Apparently it runs in the family...


And now it's your turn!

What's got you dancing the happy dance today?

Inquiring minds want to know!!

Share and let us dance right along with you!

The linky party will remain open
until Sunday night - - -

Be there or be square!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. My youngest son is the same, he can't sit on a chair like anyone else, he's always sideways or with a foot up on the one next door. If he's on the floor he's lying on it, not sitting!

  2. Let Netra know I love her quilt and the color combo is so so cheerful.

  3. For both you and Netra - WHOOP WHOOP! :)

  4. Oh, I love that HST layout! Whoop whoop! And to Netra too!

  5. Yay Netra!! and how does the linky party work?

  6. Always so fun to read about the grands! We got a picture of our youngest with his feet on a piano just like yours with his feet on the high chair. Too funny!

  7. I really like that HST layout! And your grands are too cute... I remember my DD getting a bob in 5th grade and how she grew up in minutes!

  8. I love your quilt design and love Nedra's quilt too! Whoop whoop! Looking forward to having a quilt top to share next week! Kathi

  9. I really like the HST quilt! The colors are great. Nicely done.

  10. Your new quilt top is very pretty. I love Blok-loc rulers.

    I am linking up today ... thanks for hosting ... : Pat

  11. Oh your lovely little granddaughters! My son always loved to put his bare feet on the table :o) I guess that's international. LOL
    Whoop whoop for your finishes!

  12. That *is* a pretty top, Sarah. :) And what little cuties!

  13. Pretty quilt tops for you both, and the girls are so pretty. It IS funny to see another generation with the same little quirks, isn't it?

  14. The quilt tops are both wonderful! Great colors!

  15. That is so funny that the baby does the same thing her momma did. Beautiful quilt tops. It's fun to hear about Nedra so excited about her first quilt top she danced around the room with it.


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