Friday, September 13, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Amazing Inspiration!!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on???  I've had a busy week, but not much to show for it (other than a clean house!) so I've picked out some great eye candy from last week's links!

First off, this beautiful braid block by Janet at Simply Pieced...

And here's a great line of quilts on their way to Wrap-a-Smile to be given to children undergoing surgery for facial disfigurement, courtesy of Kate at The Quilting Professor!

Next up is a great quilt by Kelli at Seriously...I Think It Needs Stitches (and she has a pattern for it too!)

Here's some beautiful quilting by Mary at Addicted-to-Fabric...

...and my absolute favorite, this beautiful double wedding ring made by Denice at Pieced Brain!  I love the print fabric background - so different from the traditional muslin!!

So many beautiful things linked up last week - so sorry I haven't had time to see them all!!  Keep up the good work!!


And now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week?

What has made you do a little whoop whoop?

Share - we want to whoop right along with you - 

And it's always more fun to whoop in a crowd!!

The party will remain open until Sunday midnight - 

Be there or be square!!




  1. oh my goodness, imagine my surprise to pull up your blog and see my fence !!!! Thanks for the shout out! Many were made in concert with others. Kate the Quilting Professor!

  2. What lovely quilts and block from last week.....just beautiful. As always, thank you for hosting the linky Sarah. Have a great weekend Marie (

  3. Such a wonderful display of finished quilts!

  4. Super beauty quilts. I remember when Kelli had her first day of blogging. Her pattern is so amazing.

  5. sorry! I didn't mean to link up the apple cupcakes... got a little link happy... you can delete :o)

  6. The only thing I really accomplished this week was cleaning my machine, so I shared that! LOL

  7. Lovely quilts today! And I want to build a fence so I can have a picture all in a row like that.

  8. Thanks for featuring my MSBHQAL block and thanks for hosting!

  9. Love these gorgeous quilts - especially the bike!

  10. Lots of fun and beautiful quilts in the Linky this week. I always enjoy yours.

  11. I like seeing the eye candy you've picked out, as we can't always make all the rounds and might miss a gorgeous quilt. These are beauties, for sure!

  12. Whoop whoop for a clean house! You go girl :D I LOVE the bike quilt!!!!

  13. I'm not sure WHERE this last week went??? I got a bit of sewing done...but, I will wait until the quilt is done to get my "whoop" on!

    Great quilts and quilting that you shared with us.

    love and hugZ,


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