Monday, July 28, 2014

Make-A-List Monday - Yipee!! Two More Quilts To Make!!!

Hi, all!

Well, it's Monday again - and I'm still alive!  Last week was amazing - two adoption fundraisers completed and a huge success!  The bunco party (more about bunco below!) raised $745 and the quilt giveaway/raffle ended up raising $2625!!!  So a grand total of $3390 for the week - not bad at all!

But - we received almost $1000 in donations on the final day of the quilt giveaway/raffle, which means I will need to make two more quilts!

First, though, let's see how I did on last week's list….

1.  Finish the fourth giveaway quilt. (More below!)
Done!  It turned out really nice, too!  My husband named it "Connected" because if you invert the design, it looks like the wireless connected icon on your computer.

2.  Draw winners for the quilt giveaway!
Done!  We had six winners, and if you missed it, you can read about it here.

3.  Gather up prizes and supplies for the bunco party.
Done!  It was a wild ride, but we ended up with everything we needed, including over fifty prizes!

4.  Make or bake lots of good food for the bunco party.
Mmmmm…..  I tried out some great new recipes!  Bunco Buns, Pineapple Upside Down Cake, and an amazing Whipped Pineapple Angel Food Fluff Trifle.  Lots of other folks brought some wonderful food, too - we ate, talked, played bunco and had a ball!

5.  Spend some quality time with my grand girls!
Done!  They are both growing up so fast - it's hard to believe Lilli will be in first grade this year, and Emmy got to do the potty dance several times last week!  Plus she's really getting the hang of sign language - even teaching me some new words!  We learned horse and cow last week, and today we learned tiger and lion!

6.  Blog about the quilts that went to NY last week for Hurricane Sandy survivors.
Still haven't done this….  bad blogger…..

7.  Keep up with any ministry needs that arise.
Done!  We gave away this quilt, designed, pieced and quilted by Tommy, to a gentleman awaiting a double lung transplant….

and this quilt went to a woman with colon cancer.

So, while I didn't get everything done, it was a good and very busy week.  But this week - - - oh, this week will be busy too!  Here's what's on tap…

1.  Make a fifth giveaway quilt.

2.  Make a sixth giveaway quilt!

3.  Start working on a quilt for Nancy to raffle off at an upcoming craft show.

4.  Work on final details for upcoming women's event at church.

5.  Keep up with all quilt ministry needs that arise.

I'm on the committee for the women's event at church in less than two weeks, and there's so much to do between now and then - I don't think I'll have time for much more than that and making the two giveaway quilts!  I've started working on quilt #5 - hopefully will have that top pieced by tomorrow afternoon.  I know what I'm going to do for quilt #6, too, so at least I won't be wandering through my pattern books trying to figure out what to make!  And I know what I'm going to do for the quilt for Nancy, too.  

I hear sleep is highly overrated……

Oh, and so many of you asked about bunco - apparently it's not a well known game in other parts of the country!  Here's a quick run down. You have three dice and four players at each table.  You are partners with the person across the table from you.  There are six "rounds" in each "set" of bunco.  In each round, you are rolling for a different number - in round one, you are rolling for ones, round two for twos, etc.  For every one you roll in round one, you receive one point.  As long as you roll a one, you get to keep rolling.  If you don't roll a one, the dice pass to the next player. You and your partner are trying to reach a total of twenty-one points to end the game.  While all this is going on, there are multiple tables playing the same game.  

Now, a bunco is when you roll three of a kind of the number you are shooting for that round.  (In round one, that would be three ones.)  Rolling bunco involves lots of yelling, dancing, wearing of the bunco boa (a fluffy scarf that goes from hand to hand as different people roll bunco!)

The round ends for everyone when someone rolls bunco, or a team reach 21 points.  Then you move on to the next number, and so on until a whole set is finished.  Then you swap tables and sometimes partners, get more food, talk some more, you get the drill.  There's lots of variations in scoring, and every group seems to play a little differently.  But it's lots of fun and a great way to spend an evening with friends!

So that's pretty much what I'm working on this week, plus taking care of my sweet little grand girls!  Should keep me out of trouble, at least.

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on the week?



Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fabric Addict Alert!!!!

Hi, all!

You know all you fabric addicts are out there - I'm NOT the only one!  Well, it's time to stock up for all the cold winter months of sewing ahead, because it's time for..

Craftsy's Summer Supplies Clearance!
(sponsored post)

Did you know the Craftsy's Summer Supplies Clearance is happening NOW? Shop and enjoy up to 75% off fabric, yarn and project kits before they sell out. Take advantage of some of the biggest savings of the year! Hurry, offer expires Monday, July 28 at Midnight (Mountain Time). Shop the Craftsy's Summer Supplies Clearance now to save! 

See you there!



*This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated
if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Thank you for helping to support this blog!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Quilt Giveaway Winners!!!!!

Hi, all!

Hooray, it's finally Friday!!!!  Time to do some whooping!!!  I am completely exhausted - it's been a very long two weeks - but all of the fundraising events are over now, so things will slow down a little bit (ha!).  I know you are all anxious to know how the bunco party went last night.  (ha! but you are a captive audience!)  We raised $625 and had a whole lot of fun, and of course, I forgot to take any pictures!  But that's a great big whoop for my daughter and I, and I think we'll be doing it again sometime.

So now, let's get on to the important stuff!  The Christmas in Juy quilt giveaway/raffle was a complete and total success - by 5 pm last night, we had raised a total of….


Isn't that amazing???  When we started this, we couldn't imagine raising that much money.  As the donations rose, we added another quilt at every $500 mark.  Around 9 am Thursday, we were at $1500.  By 3 pm we were at $2000…. and by 5 pm we had passed $2500!  And you know what that means - it's no longer just four winners, it's six!!!  Two of those quilts still need to be made, but I promise to have them done in the next week or so.  

Before we announce the winners, though, I want to tell you how very much I appreciate each and every one of you! You have all supported this effort tirelessly in so many ways, and I wish I had a quilt to give every one of you, or could at least see you in person and give you a huge hug!!  Thank you so very much!!

And now, without further ado, here are the winners!!

Kim Taylor is the winner of Nathanael's Ladder!

Selina Kidney is the winner of A Quick Trick Block Stack!!

Robin Landes is the winner of Criss Cross Applesauce!!!

Sharon Arredondo is the winner of Connected!!

Donna Getner is the winner of the fifth (TBA) quilt!!!


Chiska Williams is the winner of the sixth and final (TBA) quilt!!

Congratulations to all the winners!!!!

I'll be emailing each of you soon - I think I have email addresses for everyone - but you can always email me first if your excitement just boils over and you can't wait!!!

And that's what I'M whooping about today!!!

Now it's your turn!

What's got you dancing the happy dance this week?

Share with us - we want to dance along with you!

This party will stay open until Sunday at midnight -
plenty of time to join in!

And remember, it doesn't have to be a finish -
just whatever's making you happy!

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Giveaway Is Drawing to a Close - Now There's Four Quilts, Four Winners!!

Hi, all!

There's less than twenty-four hours left until the end of the Christmas in July quilt giveaway/fundraiser - entries will be closed at 5 pm CST on Thursday, July 24th.  Entries and donations have been rolling in since July 4th.  We've gone from giving away one quilt…

"Nathanael's Ladder"

…to adding a second quilt and a second winner when donations reached $500…

"A Quick Trick Block Stack"

…to adding a third quilt and a third winner when donations reached $1000!

"Criss-Cross Applesauce"
And now….

….Donations have topped $1500!! In fact, at the time I am writing this, the total is $1725!!  You all are so amazing!  I really can't wait to show you pictures of this sweet little boy - but every dollar donated gets him that much closer to home.  Thank you so much for your support!!

And since we've passed the $1500 mark, it's time to add another quilt, and another winner! So I introduce to you…..  Connected!

I should probably explain the name  I just asked my husband if he had any suggestions for a name for this quilt, and he said that to him, it looked like the "connected" icon on a computer…

….and I could totally see it!  If you look at an inverted shot I think you'll see it too…

And since this whole adoption journey is about connection, I think it's a great name!!

Hee's a close-up shot of the quilting - straight lines in a boxed spiral in each block, and straight line triangles in the border.

The fabrics are Kaffe Fassett shot cottons with a background of Kona white.  Binding is all shot cottons.

The back is a large panel of a beautiful blue/brown shot cotton bordered by more of the colors from the front, and finished off with a pretty IKEA print.  If you enlarge the picture of the back, you can see the quilting really well!

Aren't those colors gorgeous?  I love the depth of shot cottons - and they are so soft, almost like lawn.  


Vital Statistics for "Connected"

54" x 68"

Pattern is a variation of Mod Cabin by Corey Yoder,
from the Summer 2014 Easy Quilts magazine

Kaffe Fassett shot cottons, Kona white, and an IKEA print

100% cotton batting

Quilted with white Glide thread

Washed, dried, and ready for its new home!!


Giveaway is now closed - thanks to all who participated!!

Now, you know you want a chance at winning 
one of these four gorgeous quilts!

 So here's a recap of the ways to enter...


Primarily, this is a fundraising event.  But that's where you can get multiple entries!  For every $5 you donate, you will get one entry in the drawing.  $5, one entry; $25, five entries!  You can make your tax-deductible donation by clicking here, or by clicking on the "#bringNathanaelhome" button at the top right of this blog.  After you make your donation, come back and leave a comment letting me know that you did!

If you would prefer not to use the website to make a donation, tell me so in your comment and I will contact you with mailing information.  Be sure to give me your email address just in case you are a no-reply blogger!


But you don't have to make a donation to enter in the drawing!  (Although we would really appreciate it if you would - 
because every little bit helps!)  
For one entry in the drawing, leave a comment on this blog post  telling your favorite way to stay connected!


And for a final entry in the drawing, share about the giveaway on your own blog!  Be sure to put a link back to this blogpost in your post, and come back here and leave a comment with a link to your blogpost.

This event will stay open until 5:00 pm CST on July 24th, 2014.  Less than 24 hours left to enter!
A winner will be drawn and announced on July 25th - 
Christmas in July!!

There!  Easy-peasy!!
But act quickly!!  Time is running out!
And I can't believe I'm saying this, 
but here's a challenge for you - 
make me add yet another quilt to the giveaway 
(although it will have to be made and revealed 
after the giveaway ends - no time to make one  before tomorrow!)  Donations currently stand at $1870, as of 10:00 am…..



PS - because of the bunco party fundraiser I'm hosting this Thursday night, Friday's Whoop Whoop post will probably be up a bit later on Friday morning.  No worries - I'll get it posted as fast as possible, because I know everyone will want to know who won!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Make-A-List Monday - Fundraiser Week!!

Hi, all!

Well, last week all my plans went out the window!  Monday evening I went to our local community center's board meeting to see if I could get a date to host a bunco party fundraiser for Nancy - and the best date we could get was this coming Thursday, July 24th!  So I've spent the last week working frantically on getting ready for that event.  I did get a few things done though, so let's see how last week's list went….

1.  Finish up the third giveaway quilt.
Done!  Here's the picture…

2.  Make a fourth giveaway quilt.
Partially done.  The top, back and binding have been made, I just need to get it on the frame and quilt it!  Here's a progress shot.

3.  Blog about the 30 quilts that went to Hurricane Sandy survivors this week.

4.  Quilt three quilts for Hurricane Sandy survivors.

5.  Keep up with ministry needs as they arise.
Fortunately, it was a very quiet week last week!  We sent this quilt to a woman with breast and liver cancer…

…this one to a homebound lady who is 91…

…and this quilt, which was originally made for a woman who died
before her quilt could be delivered, will be donated to the small medical center where she spent her last days, which has been named in her honor.

So I've got a good bit to carry over from last week, it seems!  Here's this week's list

1.  Finish the fourth giveaway quilt. (More below!)

2.  Draw winners for the quilt giveaway!

3.  Gather up prizes and supplies for the bunco party.

4.  Make or bake lots of good food for the bunco party.

5.  Spend some quality time with my grand girls!

6.  Blog about the quilts that went to NY last week for Hurricane Sandy survivors.

7.  Keep up with any ministry needs that arise.

OK, that's more than enough to keep me busy this week!  And on the topic of the quilt giveaway, we are within $70 of needing that fourth quilt!!  Woohoo!!  So finishing that quilt is one of my most important things to do this week.  Hopefully time will slow down so I can get lots done before Thursday night….

If you've missed all that I've post about the quilt giveaway/raffle, you can check out the posts here, here, and here.  We'll be giving away at least three quilts…

…and maybe a fourth one, too, if we pass the $1500 dollar mark!  You can enter the giveaway until Thursday, 7/24 at 6 pm CST. I'll draw the winners after that and announce them the next day on Whoop Whoop Friday, also known as Christmas in July!  So check out the posts if you want to know how to enter!

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Saturday, July 19, 2014

Craftsy's Creative Escape Flash Sale!

Hi, all!

It's time for another great sale at Craftsy!

(Sponsored post)

Save up to 50% for a limited time only.  
You won't see this many classes with prices 
this low again anytime soon!  
Hurry - offer expires July 20th at 11:59 pm MT!

Don't miss out on these great deals - two days only!!



PS - Don't miss out on the last few days of the Christmas in July giveaway/fundraiser on this blog, either!  Read more about it here...

*This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated
if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Thank you for helping to support this blog!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Christmas in July Giveaway Continues - with Criss Cross Applesauce!

Hi, all!

It's Friday, and time to get our whoop whoop on!!  I hope your summer is going swimmingly - I'm so busy I can't see straight but we're having a ball!  And here are some new pics of the girls from this week - set at that best of all summer traditions, a lemonade stand!

I am absolutely in love with the color palette in that last picture - lemon yellow, teal, salmon, white, pale sage green, blush pink, and that pop of hot pink!  I see a quilt in that palette in my future.


If you saw the Whoop Whoop posts for the last two weeks, you know that I'm hosting a giveaway/fundraiser… help my daughter raise the necessary money to pay for the cost of adopting of our Chinese grandson, Nathanael.  (You can read more about their adoption story here.)  We started out with one quilt in the giveaway...

…and then when donations exceeded $500, we added this one (yes, that's right, there will be two winners)...

And now, I'm ready to do some whooping!!!!  Because donations in the Christmas in July giveaway/fundraiser have topped.

Whoop whoop whoop!!!  And you know what that means - now we'll be giving away not just these two quilts….

...but now we'll be adding a third quilt to the giveaway!  That's right, three people will each win a quilt next Friday, July 25th - Christmas in July!!  And here is the third quilt - Criss Cross Applesauce!

This quilt pattern is called Cosmic Delight, and was designed by KarrieLyne of Freckled Whimsy!  Isn't it just fabulous!  You can see this pattern and more by Karrie on Craftsy...

I used wonderfully cheerful Pam Kitty prints, Kona white and Kona punch on this quilt top...

…and more of those pretty prints and Kona white on the back!

This quilt was custom quilted on Jolene, with stitching in the ditch around the stars and lattice lines, and small random meander in the white spaces.  Squares on point in the center squares and radiating lines in the star points complete the quilting.  Look at that gorgeous texture!!

White binding (once again my favorite Kona white) finishes off this pretty quilt!

And here's one last shot, just because it's pretty!!

Now, you know you want a chance at winning 
one of these three gorgeous quilts!

 So here's a recap of the ways to enter...


Primarily, this is a fundraising event.  But that's where you can get multiple entries!  For every $5 you donate, you will get one entry in the drawing.  $5, one entry; $25, five entries!  You can make your tax-deductible donation by clicking here, or by clicking on the "#bringNathanaelhome" button at the top right of this blog.  After you make your donation, come back and leave a comment letting me know that you did!

If you would prefer not to use the website to make a donation, tell me so in your comment and I will contact you with mailing information.  Be sure to give me your email address just in case you are a no-reply blogger!


But you don't have to make a donation to enter in the drawing!  (Although we would really appreciate it if you would - 
because every little bit helps!)  
For one entry in the drawing, leave a comment on this blog post  telling your favorite thing about summer!


And for a final entry in the drawing, share about the giveaway on your own blog!  Be sure to put a link back to this blogpost in your post, and come back here and leave a comment with a link to your blogpost.

This event will stay open until 5:00 pm CST on July 24th, 2014.  Less than one week left to enter!
A winner will be drawn and announced on July 25th - 
Christmas in July!!

There!  Easy-peasy!!

And here's a little challenge - I have another quilt waiting in the wings just in case donations exceed $1500!  
I'd be over the moon if we had to throw that one in too!!


Vital statistics on "Criss Cross Applesauce":

60" x 76"

Top pieced using Kona white, Pam Kitty prints and KarrieLyne's delightful new pattern, Cosmic Delight (available on Craftsy)

Back pieced using Kona white and Pam Kitty prints

100% cotton batting and custom quilting
using Glide thread in White

Washed, dried, and ready to cuddle up in!


And those are my whoop whoops for the week!!!

Now it's your turn!  

What's made you dance the happy dance this week?

Share - we want to dance right along with you!!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish,
just something that's made you happy!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -

Hope to see you there!!



This linky list is now closed.