Friday, July 11, 2014

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Anticipating…No, Celebrating!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - time to get your whoop whoop on!!  Summer is in full swing

…as you can see by Lilli's smile as she plays on the swing set my hubby built for her over the 4th of July!  That was definitely my hubby's whoop whoop for that week - and the girls been having a wonderful time playing on it all week.  They had a great time watching fireworks, too - look at all these happy faces!

Lilli's been at preschool camp at my church this week, too and having a great time. I've been playing chauffeur for Lilli and baby sitter for Emmy and trying to fit some sewing in between it all - with some success!  But today I'm going to share a quilt I finished about a week ago…

Here's a full-on shot of a new quilt, 
"A Quick Trick Block Stack"!
(Thank you, Dr. Seuss!)

And on the other side - scraps from the front, along with my favorite IKEA fabric - the perfect back!!

Beautiful organic straight line quilting gives it 
some fabulous texture!

And it is so nice and soft - warm and cuddly!

Can't you just imagine how it would feel 
wrapped around you?

If you saw last week's Whoop Whoop post, you know that I'm hosting a giveaway/fundraiser… help my daughter raise the necessary money to pay for the cost of adopting of our Chinese grandson, Nathanael.  (You can read more about their adoption story here.)  There are several ways to enter to have a chance at winning this quilt..

This quilt is named "Nathanael's Ladder"

…and I promised that if donations exceed $500, I would add another quilt, so there will be two winners. We're getting close to that amount - so I figured I would show you "The Quick Trick Block Stack" to whet your appetites!  UPDATE:  As of 1:00 pm on Friday, July 11th, we've passed $500 in donations, so there is now a second quilt in the giveaway -
 two people will be very happy for Christmas in July!  
One person will win "Nathanael's Ladder"
one person will win "A Quick Trick Block Stack"!
Your chances to win have just doubled!!!

 Here's a recap of the ways to enter...


Primarily, this is a fundraising event.  But that's where you can get multiple entries!  For every $5 you donate, you will get one entry in the drawing.  $5, one entry; $25, five entries!  You can make your tax-deductible donation by clicking here, or by clicking on the "#bringNathanaelhome" button at the top right of this blog.  After you make your donation, come back and leave a comment letting me know that you did!

If you would prefer not to use the website to make a donation, tell me so in your comment and I will contact you with mailing information.  Be sure to give me your email address just in case you are a no-reply blogger!


But you don't have to make a donation to enter in the drawing!  (Although we would really appreciate it if you would - 
because every little bit helps!)  
For one entry in the drawing, leave a comment on this blog post  telling your favorite thing about summer!


And for a final entry in the drawing, share about the giveaway on your own blog!  Be sure to put a link back to this blogpost in your post, and come back here and leave a comment with a link to your blogpost.

This event will stay open until 5:00 pm CST on July 24th, 2014.  A winner will be drawn and announced on July 25th - 
Christmas in July!!

There!  Easy-peasy!!


Vital statistics on "A Quick Trick Block Stack":

55" x 72"

Top pieced using Kona cottons and Julie Herman's pattern, Rows of Bricks, from her book, Skip The Borders

Back pieced using Kona cottons and a fabulous IKEA print

100% cotton batting and straight line quilting
using Glide thread in Warm Gray

Washed, dried, and ready to cuddle up in!

So that's my whoop whoop for the week!  And just FYI, I've got a third quilt on the frame just in case donations exceed $1000!!  


And now it's your turn!  

What's making you smile today?

What made you dance the happy dance this week?

Share - we want to dance right along with you!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



PS I'm linking up with Eva's Show and Tell Monday - hop over there and join in the fun of this new linky party!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I don't need to be entered (though it's such a great quilt!) but just wanted to say your dr suess named quilt and the swing set look incredible!

  2. Oh Sarah...I LOVE that happy dance and the smile brought throughout your post!!

  3. Love your fave backing and see why it is your fave! Very nice :) Congrats on having to make a second raffle quilt.. I love that quilt anyway.. someone will be lucky to win that all for sweet baby Nathaneal :) Kathi

  4. I've made a donation & looking forward to seeing that chair filled with Nathaneal's cute little self!

  5. Beautiful quilt. Love the backing material.

  6. The Quick Trick Block Stack Quilt is Beautiful!!!! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful finish!

  7. Oh how I love that Ikea backing fabric. I wish it was still available!
    Best of luck with the adoption of your new grandbaby.

  8. Quick Trick Block Stack...say that three times fast! a beautiful quilt. You don't have to count this as an entry, but I will tell you that my favorite thing about summer is the warm, sunny weather and all that open, lighter clothing, flowers and foliage, fireflies, no worries about winter driving conditions. I could go on and on.

  9. I love that quilt! Quick Trick...gorgeous! I may have to try this one and soon!

  10. Somehow I lost you in my bloglovin' feed. But I've got you back now! Going to look back and catch up on what I missed!!

  11. Looks like the swing set is a big hit.
    Love the bold solids in your beautiful quilt.

  12. I made a donation early on when the web site was first set up. I know your whole family is excited about Nathaniel joining your family.

  13. I made a donation. Praying that the whole family is together soon!

  14. I made a donation! Hope the process is as speedy as can be!

  15. I have nothing to dance about myself this week but I will dance right along with you for the raffle earnings so far. I'm still going to donate myself plus I'll post about this in a few days.

  16. Love Love Love every quilt in this post!!!

  17. I made a donation!!! I LOVE both of the quilts! Praying Nathanael is able to come home quickly!


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