Monday, February 8, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Happy Chinese New Year!!

Hi, all!

Happy Chinese New Year, and welcome to the Year of the Monkey - or as Emmy would say, welcome to the year of the "silly monkey" (one of her favorite phrases!)  It's always fun to have an excuse to eat Chinese food, and that's just how we celebrated yesterday - but I miss the dumplings we got in China!  

OK, enough of that - let's see how last week's list went!

1.  Keep working on the secret gift quilt.
Done!  After making final fabric choices...

...and refining my block and making a working sample... I managed to make some of the blocks for this quilt!  As this is a commission quilt that will be a gift, I'm covering over the images - but wanted you to see how cool it's looking!  There are photographs underneath those flowers...

2.  Bind six quilts for the quilt ministry.
Done!  I didn't get a pic of the six finished quilts, but I did take a picture of all of the quilts (including those six) waiting to be gifted that are on our shelves right now!

3.  Finish the fourth Nifty Nines quilt top.
Done!  I not only finished it, I liked it so much I used it for this past Sunday's tutorial!  

4.  Write up an estimate for a t-shirt quilt for a friend.
Done!  Now it's just a waiting game to see what she wants to do.

5.  Start working on the fifth Nifty Nines quilt top.
Started!  The pieces are all cut, and I've actually started assembling the blocks.  I think this one is going to be a favorite of mine!

6.  Keep working on the My Small World Kits.
This one fell by the wayside this week, and I'm afraid is going to stay there until I get a few other things done!  

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Only one quilt this week...

This quilt went to a woman with multiple health issues who is going into rehab this week.

So last week's list went pretty well, with the exception of the Small World quilts.  Fortunately I have a lot of time to work on those!  This week looks like it will be pretty busy - here's what I've got planned...

1.  Work on a new commission job - two weighted blankets.

2.  Keep working on the secret gift quilt.

3.  Keep working on the fifth Nifty Nines quilt top.

4.  Contact more potential sponsors for Hands2Help.

5.  Write the tutorial for the third Nifty Nines quilt.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

So that's the plan!  Certainly more than enough to keep me out of trouble - especially if I can keep on track.  Tomorrow should be easy - we're supposed to get snow off and on all day, and bitter cold temps.  Fortunately, I don't have anywhere I have to go, so I'm going to put a pot of beans on the stove, bundle up in yoga pants and a nice warm sweater, and sew sew sew!  


I also want to update you on Savannah's Sweet 16 Sock Drive, which I posted about here.  As of Super Bowl Sunday, 6274 pairs of socks had been donated, and they're still rolling in every day!  Today Robin even posted a picture of a package that came today from Spain, and I know of at least one that will be coming from Australia!  If you've been thinking about sending some socks, I hope you will - I'd love to see that number top 10,000 pair of socks!  Wouldn't that be amazing?  All the info about the Sock Drive and where to send socks can be found here, or you can look for the Facebook page, Savannah's Sweet 16 Sock Drive.  It's fun to follow along on the page and see each day's package pile and new socks!


So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. I decided to join the OMG (one month goal) but have to wait until March 1 to link in. I have been looking at my 2016 goals to see what I should be working on. Also, I started prepping a dozen blocks for the new 1857 QAL. I actually did house work this week and Wed I start the 40-bags-in-40-days challenge to declutter and decrapify my house. So, lots of plans and dreaming. And since another goal is to lose some weight, I plan to do the whole30 clean eating challenge again starting Wed after Tues night pancakes, maple syrup and sausage. That's probably enough for one week.

  2. You do amazing well on your lists. We are getting dusting tonight were as the more coastal parts of NY are getting buried again. I have a test quilt under the needle that I hope to finish up tomorrow and then I need to quilt one of my quilts.

  3. I am working on too many things at once again and this week I need to organize a few things as it is getting close to the point of not knowing what I am doing!

  4. I know she got my socks last week. I'm starting a quilt for our nieces graduation. Lots of HST's and bright colors.

  5. so excited to have the time to start following you again ... here's to 2016!!

  6. You did great! on your list. I'm so impressed. I need some of your industriousness to rub off on me! Love the beginning of your "daisy" quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing what's underneath the flowers!

  7. Tis a fine line (for me) between making a list that will help me be productive and making a list that's so overwhelming I never even start! I do love lists, though. And your productivity, too.


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