Monday, February 1, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Where Did January Go??

Hi, all!

It's Monday again - and the first day of February!  Can you believe it?  January flew by in a flurry of strange weather, housekeeping and lots of quilting projects, at least for me.  I hope yours went well too!  

Last week was a busy one, too - so let's see how the list went!

1.  Continue working on the special secret gift quilt.
This is an ongoing project, and unfortunately one I can't show off, but I can say that I have done a whole lot of preliminary work, including making a sample block so I know how it will go together.  I should be able to start sewing on this one in the next week!

2.  Continue working on the My Small World quilts.
Done!  I've completed all the hourglass blocks and pinwheel blocks for all three quilts, and I'm ready to move on to the next step.

3.  Start working on another quilt top for the Nifty Nines quilt along.
Done!  I finished this top...

...and started this one!

4.  Contact possible sponsors for Hands2Help, and finalize the charities.
Done!  The email has gone out to the first batch of potential sponsors, and you can read about this year's charities by clicking on  the Hands2Help tab under my blog header.  The schedule's there, too!

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

This quilt went to a little boy with pancreatitis...

This one went to a young mom who suffered a stroke and then was diagnosed with ovarian cancer...

And this quilt is now comforting a woman whose father died very suddenly from prostate cancer.

Also, eight baby quilts and four adult quilts were donated to a local hospital's NICU and cancer wards (but unfortunately no pictures...)

I also quilted and bound this pretty little quilt, which will go into the stash of quilts ready to be gifted at church.

OK, so last week's list is finished, and I think finished well!  Here's what's on the horizon for this week...

1.  Keep working on the secret gift quilt.

2.  Bind these six quilts for the quilt ministry...

3.  Finish the fourth Nifty Nines quilt top.

4.  Write up an estimate for a t-shirt quilt for a friend.

5.  Start working on the fifth Nifty Nines quilt top.

6.  Keep working on the My Small World quilts.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I feel like it's just a repetition of the previous week, but at least for this month, that's probably what it's going to be like.  At least I don't have to think hard about what I've got to do!  

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



PS  Just a reminder - there's still time to send socks for Savannah's Sweet 16 Sock Drive - they've already received over 3,000 socks, they're getting some national attention as part of the 29 Days of Giving Challenge, and I know there are collection boxes up in lots of places!  It is amazing to see how many lives this little girl touched during her time here on this earth, and how many more will be touched as a result of others giving in her memory.  You can read more about the Sock Drive by clicking here.


  1. I'm working on NOT being a no-reply blogger. Sigh. Not nearly as fun as quilting! Yours are beautiful, and you certainly got a lot done. Please reply just as a test. Thank you.

  2. Last test, sorry to clutter your comments.

  3. Really the last test. READERS- Sarah has been more than kind helping me with this. Show her some love. Thank you.

  4. Love the quilts. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful ideas.

  5. Remnant Quilter Kimberly...I am working on that too!! I've read the "how not to be a no reply blogger post" but still don't get it and can't make it work! Any tips???

  6. They are so lovely! :)
    Hugs, Ulla from Finland


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